Asked insanely qt girl for her number and and asked if she wanted to see a movie, she said yes

Asked insanely qt girl for her number and and asked if she wanted to see a movie, she said yes.

Talked to her all semester and she was always friendly but instead of letting it pass like always I decided to just say fuck it. We found ourselves alone. For the first time in my life I stopped thinking about rejection and ignored all feelings of nervousness. It just came out naturally, I didn't even think about it. And it worked. Even if it goes nowhere, I just reached a major milestone in my life.

Brahs, unironically, just fucking do it

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Congrats OP but I don't talk to girls because I can see the fear in their eyes

We're all gonna die, what's the point you stupid bloomernigger...

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Good for you user, the same situation happened to me multiple times except they always reject me, but you obviously have more going on for you.


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Goddamnit I hate you so much. My family is not even speaking to me because my bitch of a sister ratted on me for binge drinking alone in my room. For fuck sakes fuck you OP you normie piece of shit get off my board I hope you die.

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so, what are you going to do when she inevitably says she just wants to be friends?

be prepared for her to call the date off. they always do that.

Congrats! Hove you have a great date.

I'm really happy for you user.

Sensible chuckle.

Can i just ask why all you fucking norman faggots come here? Why? Whats wrong with staying in leddit? Why do you bluepillee retards ruin everything with your cancer?

Please tell me how to get the nerve to open my mouth when I'm around her. Everytime I think of doing it I feel like I'll look like a goblin, like gollum or some other nasty creature begging to touch her.


I'm in the same predicament as OP recently and now I start seeing more women attracted toward me. I've been having thoughts of cheating on my current gf on this very thicc single mother just for the purpose of fucking her and nothing else.
I hope she'll give me her number and accept me inviting her to go to aquarium to hoping get in her puss.

tone down the edge there bud, being dead at some point is the "free space" of solaces. Everything else, including getting in a comfy relationship for any amount of time is a solace you have to procure for yourself.

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I haven't gone outside for more than 15 minutes in about 11 years

Who needs a gf when you got cigarettes?

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user, why not just get up and sit outside for an hour right now? Or take a walk? There's nothing stopping you and youd be better for it.

We all going to make it user.

I truly am in nureddit.
The absolute fucking state.

I've had so many girls give me stares and every time I've been to afraid to talk to them. What the fuck do I even say? How do I introduce myself?

What doo you want ?

For you to literally hang yourself from your ceiling fan this instant

I will insert my penis inside your dad and sister.

Good on you OP. Dont listen to the fags on this board. Im a 5/10 manlet myself and I still try. Even if you dont get it with this girl, keep your head up. There are plenty of qt 3.14s out there.

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ns msn, its a generation of incels who thought they were destined to become losers for the rest of their life on their way toward departing from this board.
We were once weak men living and breathing in our filth and depression, but eventually got tired from constantly living under the neet or "incel" lifestyle and finally did something about likely out of boredom of being such a loser.
We are the few who made it through such a dark tunnel with a torch on hand from our past ancestors as a beacon of hope to continue on forward in hope of coming out toward the light. '
To the rest of you in this dark tunnel, whose torch is burning out or has burned out, the constant passing a shimmer of light in the distance may give you anger in the form of envy. Use that anger and fire within you to relight that torch still in your hand passed down from your ancestors (who've gone though more shet that you imagine, and hed sacrificed a lot of blood sweat and tears to ensure that you'll be able to at least make it through to next tunnel, dimension, or more specifically the evolutionary epoch of transhumanism)

So the question is are you just going to sit there and slowly phase out into the ether and become one with the darkness that surrounds you, to be BOUND the vast emptiness and dark matter that surrounds us in this dimension, or the light for those whom will come after you toward the future, a vessel to carry yourself and those who extend from you into the next dimension?

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ns msn... mean to say no man*