Ecstacy thread?

Any of you robots ever try MDMA, what does it feel like?

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I got nearly addicted to it, its way tooooo good
dont touch it if you are depressed most of your life

>tfw no bf to do molly with

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Sounds like I need to try it with friends.

Only friends you really really really trust, E could cause you to tell your most private secrets

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>what does it feel like?
It's hard to describe, really. Kinda like describing color to a blind man.
But it feels good. Too good, really. You're full of energy, you lose your inhibitions and just get along with people.
The last part especially is what hooks you if you're a socially awkward guy normally.

Downside is what said and the morning after because you'll feel like shit for most of the day.
You'll also build up a resistance if you take it too often and not only will you need more it'll also blunt the high, so it's best to take a few weeks between.
You'll never experience the same rush as your first time, but plenty of people i've partied with were chasing after it anyway because it's just so good, myself included.
I only stopped because i moved away and lost both the suppliers and the friends to do it with.

Iv done it myself numerous times, alone in my room, listening to music, its pretty fun. Never found it addictive though, its an indescribable feeling of happiness, warmth, love, empathy, hope. It makes you feel like nothing can go wrong ever. But to be honest its only special the first few times, i mean its still fun to do but i have no desire to do it really which is strange considering it feels amazing you would think it would be addictive similar to heroin but its not at least its not for me anyway. I have a gram of pure mdma sitting right next to me in my stash box but again, no desire to take it.

Even if you read a description of MDMA in its most accurate, you still cannot imagine it until you experience it. The whole experience is beyond words. People on MDMA feel at peace with themselves and the world. They discover an enhanced sense of self-worth, self-forgiveness and complete self-acceptance. Cynical thoughts and negative feelings disappear. Aspects of life normally too sensitive to talk about can be explored freely. Heightened feeling allows long-forgotten and repressed emotional memories from childhood to be retrieved with unusual ease. In some settings, painful, highly-charged and even hitherto unmentionable problems may be discussed with (rose-tinted) candour. On MDMA, a lifetime of accumulated psychological barriers and defence-mechanisms go down, somehow magicked out of existence with a pill. Anger, irritability and ingrained fear dissolve; the hostile amygdala is subdued, if only for a few hours. Ecstasy users tell each other affectionately what beautiful people they are; and they do so from the depths of their hearts.

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warning to robots considering trying it: the comedown WILL make you 2x more depressed than you are now. wasnt prepared for the utter hopelessness that comes when sobering up

The comedown became less of a problem the more i did mdma and the quality of it. The first comedown i ever had was brutal. But every subsequent time after was less so, whether my body just built a tolerance to it i dont know, this wasn't after regular use either, months apart.

Its laced with meth

Probably if you are buying pills, pills are a great way to cut product and disguise it. Never take ecstasy pills you never know what the fuck is in it. Crystal mdma is pretty easily identified if you know what you're looking for, never buy mdma that has been crushed into a fine dust unless you know for a fact the dealer usually sells high quality product because then it might just be dust from the last of a good batch but otherwise its too easy to adulterate powder just like with ecstasy tabs. You want rocks not dust if possible.

Pills are just a psychotrumpid band-aid on a biochemical crutch. I took a pill once and i woke up with a booty hole the size of a wine bottle, fat end first. You can't swallow your way to happiness, you couldn't even swallow your way out of a bus station bathroom.

Dont listen to this retards. Don't fucking do E. Unless you know the dealer very well and he would consider you a good friend don't fucking buy it. Dudes like to lace it with all kinds of shit. If you want something like E just do LSD its much better and less likely to be something different. I'm not saying it cant be something different its just less likely to be something different or cut with some trash like coke/various powders/etc.

LSD is waaaay more likely to be something other than lsd due to how difficult it is to find someone who can synthesize it.

This, OD on it can be very dangerous and toxic. One pill per month if you absolutely must do it. But yes it's too good. After the 6 pill you will not feel good, but depressed as fuck.

True but a lot you get is either the real stuff from online which isn't that hard to buy and is crazy cheap like 300 or less a sheet. Or its stuff from lysergy or however you spell it which is about the safe and pretty safe.

Really just to find good and safe LSD all you need to do is be relatively social or know a relatively social person who knows the right kind of people. I'm friendly and open but don't go out of my way to meet people and I can find it pretty easy. The only time I would be worried is if i'm buying it in a town. I was trying to buy some with a friend and the guy was trying to sell us fucking meth. It worked on others apparently but that's because they didn't know what it is.

Looks like everyone has already gave you a rundown on it but its really really fucking good. It's like the entire world is putting you up. Its like the way I felt in my happiest moments all hitting me at once.
Since the first time I tried it in december I've done E every 1-2 months. (recomended is more around 3 months but 1 month is not bad). I've done quite a few drugs but this tops them all by a while
As I am a robot I have only ever done E alone but its still really great. I'd imagine if you did it with a friend or better yet a girl you'd probably feel even better

Do 3 months. 1 month is too fiendish.

As great as acid is molly tops it. Idk how it is in other places or with other dealers but here my dealer has a good reputation so if he were to sell laced shit and people found out no one would buy from him.
They sell test kits pretty cheap for it too if you are that paranoid.

I did molly once and personally like LSD. My sex drive goes up like 1000% percent on LSD and social situations don't fuck with me cause i'm just enjoying my own little world. I just wouldn't fuck with molly if you've never dealt with drugs before. Its just not worth it.

Ecstasy is a very bad drug.
It makes you feel great for a few hours. But there's no reason to feel that good, so it's just an illusion. After that you come down and feel kind of empty. For a few days you'll feel pretty empty.
Meaningless feelsgoods
Honestly meth feels better
so why not just do meth if you're chasing a cheap thrill?
don't do either

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Is it okay to mix alcohol and ecstasy? I'm tempted to take some to a party I'm going to in a couple of days but I'm sure most people there are going to be slightly inebriated anyway and I'm probably going to have a few pre drinks to calm the nerves.

Robot ceo

if you live in coastal cities like LA or NY, its easier to find quality product as theres a huge demand for quality product with the community protecting eachother. especially in california where there are multiple press teams competing for market control regularly has people using test kits for certain presses (the brand of bill) as well as self reports

If you've never done E don't do it. If you've done it before do it if you want you know what E is like so only you can decide if its a good mix.

As long as you don't do it too often and don't take much when you do the comedowns aren't that bad.
Pretty much all recreational drugs are cheap thrills though aren't they?
you really shouldn't

I've never done ecstasy. Thanks for the heads up. How should I go about it?

>Pretty much all recreational drugs are cheap thrills though aren't they?
thats why i stay away
ill admit it was fun
but it was always just an illusion

Just do it by itself first. Just a rule of thumb for me when I first use anything the first time. Make sure you understand how it effects you. This will decrease your chance of a bad time hugely. What you mix and match with drugs always double check online like one bluelight or something. Always stay safe. I love drugs but always remember their fucking deadly if mixed or used wrong.

Had a bad experience trying mdma, was sent to a mental hospital and lasted for 2 weeks, the negative effects was mainly reliving trauma from my past but it was pretty surreal I was able to feel people's thoughts and emotions but had no control over my interactions with the staff or my family when they'd visit me. Would I take mdma again? likely not as it wasn't a good experience for me, but thats just me maybe others have a better experience with mdma

how much did you take? Were you sure it was mdma?

Think I took 2 pills not sure, the staff took blood tests and it came out positive with mdma

It was probably cut with other shit.

Imagine the happiest moment of your life you can remember and then stretch it to 2-4 hours of that feeling. Also, if you have friends to do try it with, then do that. If you have problems in your life then it's dangerous, because you can get addicted way too easily. And at last watch out for the time when it stops working because you might get depressed/down for a while.

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possible but wouldn't the staff at the place he went find whatever else was in him?
He probably just has a lot of trauma and it triggered him to freak out.
Also if he took 2 pills and if the dose was say 200mg (just a hypothetical) that means he took 400mg for his first time

>the morning after because you'll feel like shit for most of the day.
Is this something that happens with repeated usage? Only did it once and was fine day after

That's true psychoactives are just dangerous for certain people. Not everyone can handle them.

>tfw i can't take mdma because i'm on antidepressants

>warning to robots considering trying it: the comedown WILL make you 2x more depressed than you are now. wasnt prepared for the utter hopelessness that comes when sobering up
Yep, you'll feel sad for a bit, but the zen once that clears is quite good too

Some people get no comedown at all. Some people even get afterglows. It depends person to person but if you do it often or at higher doses you likely will have one.
For me it hits 2 days after but its never been too extreme.