What ever happened to Girls Gone Wild?

What ever happened to Girls Gone Wild?
That shit was all over the tv at night flashing titties n shit at 2am on comedy central and shit. Then fhe cellphone came out and POOF. Motherfuckers evaporated in thin air. Just gone. Cant even find the dvds at pawn shops. Nothing. Like, Thanos snaped his fingers and anything Girls Gone Wild related turned to dust. T-shirts, mugs, commemorative license plates, anything with their logo just fucking GONE.

Attached: download (22).jpg (227x222, 14K)

Why would you settle for the lowest-quality porn ever made?

Didn't they sell vhs/DVD ? I assume nobody buys porn in that form anymore

A good ol nostalgia fap.

Thats what I mean though. When was the last time you saw one of those DVDs? Was there a mass purge of them or some shit at one point? Like do those go for a lot of money on ebay now or something?

Fuck I miss watching ggw at 2am and masturbating to censored porn... Fuck I miss my high school days

I'm pretty sure the creator of it got hit with something because one of the girls in one of the videos was only 17.

I own one of those original girls gone wild tapes and shit is boring now that we can watch porn in 4k quality

>Sketchy ass porn video samples on trojin horse riddled websites on the family computer in the living room at 3am that played through the Windows XP video player.
>Newgrounds adult section.
>Shit quality porn pictures on your flip phone's web browser.

It was actually a lawsuit involving filming on private property.
Of all things.
But Im sure that has something to do with it. They didnt ask for IDs to get their Mardi Gras footage. Come on now.

I wanna watch it just for the entertainment. I only ever saw the ads. I wanna see what the real deal really fucking was all about. Lmao

Dedicated Video stores died out. No more adult section.

Got with a lawsuit.
Proliferation of Internet.
Closure of video rental stores.
Talent cutting out the middle man by going independent.

they don't even have softcore porn on cable channels, otherwise known as "skinemax".

So, I shouldent buy the Cinnemax streaming service? Okay. Thanks.

I want to go back to 1950s indecency laws. I feel deflated every time I see a smut shop on the side of the road in plain view in front of everyone.

Why on earth would you want to live in the 50s? It was the most strict era in american history. You couldent get away with shit all. Hence why the 60s exploded with degeneracy.

>It was the most strict era in american history. You couldent get away with shit all.

I just said I wanted indecency laws. Why would you think that would bother me?

Attached: 141028-1953-teens-01.jpg (2560x1849, 732K)

>no language police
>looser gun laws, building codes, etc
>cheaper everything
if you were white, the 50s were far less strict than today in most aspects

Well then invest in a Delorean and fuck your mother's younger self. Who am I to judge?

I agree, I feel a visceral disgust every time I see it, and I'm just as disgusted by how everybody walks past as if it's normal.

The founder was arrested twice and spent about a year in jail each time. He lost several lawsuits including one for $20 million. The company filed for bankruptcy, and he fled to Mexico after a warrant was issued for failure to follow the terms of his bankruptcy.

So the only place you'd find one is anywhere that sells used porn, and where the fuck is that? Besides ebay.

how would a robot possibly survive those times?

As someone who still frequents adult arcades and porn shops allow to me enlighten you. Adult films still sell like hot cakes on dvd and blu-ray but these days toys is the main business model.

Girls gone wild is low tier porn primarily just showing crap like flashing. Back in the day it would of been called Vanilla porn but by todays standards it barely even counts for that. These days for porn to sell it needs to be hardcore and ideally catering to some fetish. Seeing some college slut at a rave party show her tits is so fucking low tier it will not even get our dicks to budge a fucking centimeter unless we saw it in real life. But as for porn its extremely fucking boring. Even porn where people wear condoms is starting to be considered too tame to be marketable which is why there was such a big shift to ass play. It basically doesn't even count as entry level porn anymore. The internet has made it much easier to get things and also hide that you have them. Someone finding your girls gone wild VHS tapes is much better than someone finding your tranny scat fetish tapes after all.

too put it in video games terms Stuff like Girls Gone wild is like Pong. It was neat back in the day but totally lacking in enough sophistication for it to have much staying power for the modern audience. So because of this it really wasn't marketable anymore and that was the end of that. I am sure there are some die hard porn collectors who still have tapes rotting on a shelf somewhere but those men are few and far between. It is a bit sad to think most of that stuff may disappear from this world at some point.

In this thread
We relive 2006

Remember freeones

>Remember freeones
Dunno if the other user does but I do.
Still in my bookmarks, added in December of 2004 from what it says.

And now I feel old.