
had a dream where Tim Byrne was chasing me edition

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Just went for a poo and my arsehole is like putty



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You don't have to disclose your medical info to an employer, right? They can't discriminate if you don't?

Who /earlybird/ here?
Woke up at 04:30 today, make sure you try your best today lads.

I think you do, health and safety

I am although I've been waking up all night

I'm going to try my best. Need sleep first but will be trying muh bestest after.

no you don't, unless you're going into specific professions i.e. military, government roles with high security clearance

doctor wants to take my blood today, probably going to feel sick all day after

Bit scared lads. I heard if you go into the bathroom around midnight, turn off all the lights, and say Timothy James Byrne three times in front of the mirror he will appear behind you demanding an American visa

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26 April 2019

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Dont know what either of those acronyms are Shiplad

Blimey O' Reilly

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Glasgow to Birmingham I think

Spot on, Mr shekelberg finally got around to booking my flight at 6:15am I'm getting the 8:35 now instead

>forget to pay council tax
>sent notice to pay in 7 days
>forget about notice and pay one week late
>notice that paying late means you have to pay full amount
Nice to know forgetting about a bill for two weeks means going into debt

*decides to try out*
Timothy James Byrne, Timothy James Byrne, Timothy James Byrne...yeah I think yer full of shi-

Council tax is an awful system, and should be abolished. I've had tons of trouble with it before and Ive never even missed a payment.

If you're this prone to forgetfulness why not make it a direct debit lad?

Staffordshire county council must spend upwards of 25,000 a month leasing mercs for their staff as they send out 4 figure demands to people who miss their bills by a few weeks

Not sound fedora or out, but watching some cult documentaries and just wondering. What's the difference between a cult and a religion? Why is Scientology considered a cult but shite like the Latter Day Saint movement is considered a religion when they have just as loony policies

Thought I'd try some posh sounding cider so got some westons oak aged vintage cider. It's drinkable but got nothing on their old rosie

Not sure if this server counts as brittish but its definitely
On a European time zone


Tell them to fook right off lad, bloodeh leeches

Why are so many normies triggered by speed cameras? If you arennt breaking the law it isnt an issue, thick cunts. Would suggest making an IQ test mandatory for learning to drive but I dont want to see Shippy out of work

Allow me to make a confession...
I just had a can of Coke. It's only 0741. A whopping 35g of sugar. Not much calories, though.

Not a massive fan of Coke tbqh lad, much prefer a bit of Dr Pepper

Probably because it's the most common law to break and get caught for, and without cruise control it's easy to do without realising.

Some roads also have inappropriately low speed limits (in contrast to dilapidated single track country lanes with a 60mph speed limit).

I don't get that triggered by them. I know where they all are on my most common routes and I never exceed the speed limit by more than 10% except on the M6 toll.

Also the punishments do seem disproportionately harsh

I do too, lad. I got a 6 pack of regular Coke the other day on a whim and I regret it. Have four cans left. Will just drink the rest on occasion probably. Will stick to my like cordial. How bad is that amount of sugar, really, anyway?

Forgot my work pass and have to be let in and out by security like a mong. Reeee.

I feel you, I've also had a lot of sugar this morning. I've been snacking on haribo and mini miky way eggs. It's a feeling of guilt

But then death by dangerous driving has a low penalty all things considered.

My BMI is 32. I really need to make some lifestyle changes. Very scared I'll get diabetes but no family history of it.

Isn't that 14 years?

Seems appropriate as its basically manslaughter by gross negligence

Maybe you could start by making small changes? For example, only drink zero sugar fizzy drinks. Diet coke doesn't taste nice but pepsi max does. I won't drink fizzy drinks with sugar in them because it makes me feel so guilty. I'm about to get started on a smarties easter egg I have. How many calories do you tend to take in a day?

I've actually went from 14 stone to 12 stone and eight pounds the past few months so that's good. My main issue is snacking and junk food. Chocolate and crisps. I actually rarely drink soda but just felt like buying some the other day. On good days I stick to 1200 a day but on binge days I eat between 2000 and 3000 which is terrible for my height (5 ft 2).

Max sentence i think is but irrc people often get like 4 years.

i wonder what knickers crona is wearing today

Are you a girl lad?

>he checks in luggage

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Just a weak gened man, lad. Short mum and short dad makes for an even shorter baby.

a-are you a fem boi cutey?/??

I lost mine on the first day back after christmas had to go in during the week to pick a new 1 up and have forced interaction with people and because the system had shat itself had to have a photo taken again. Then went into work the next weekend and a guy said oh i found your card last week, here. Then gave me my card. I hope he drops his as i know where there's some felt tip pens and a laminating machine

Where you going shippy? Glasgow to luton?

Are you going to downsize or get a taller gf?
>femfag memer
People like you ruined Crona

Might take a gap year after my a levels (and probably apply to cambridge if i get straight A*s since i regret not applying this year)
Any advice?

If they're not pink n frilly then xem's not a grill. FACT

Yeah, get straight A's

Still makes me laugh some lads are straight up memed into transitioning

Birmingham, was meant to fly at 7 but Mr shekelberg forgot to book my flight and had to do it this morning. Getting the 8:35 (BE783) but we haven't started boarding yet.

underwear is the #1 signifier of gender

I'm 5 ft 2 with a BMI of 32 I don't know why you'd think I'd make a cute degenerate or that I have any hopes of getting a GF.

Impressionable young lonely autists are and it's not really that funny lad.

Are people that go commando bi?

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Maybe in 20 years people will be memed into amputating their arms to reduce armpit odour

Fugg, meant to give you a you with that question i pondered.
Have a, my bad, (You) instead

>MFW you wake up feeling more painfully exhausted than the last day for nearly 3 days now.
Head hurts too, is it the end of me soon lads?

Keep having dreams where I'm brutally killing women and fucking their dead bodies and jizzing in my sleep. Very weird, that is, considering I don't think about this in real life.

they already do that for bennies on wizchan

Don't go to Cambridge

>mfw some Shaniqua is kicked off the bus for having an invalid ticket
Serves you right for delaying my journey you loudmouthed thot

Why arent our NEETs as dedicated as the lads over at wizchan?

Bet she didn't even have a wheelchair did she

Nah, she was one of those who speaks with an East London accent despite living in the West Midlands. Well, you arent in a Stormzy video now love, you are on the bus, and no amount of kissing your teeth will sway based bus driver from doing his job.

*glues self to the entrance to /britfeel/*


*opens the door to get in with you still attached to it*
If it makes you feel any better lad we will likely be fucked by overpopulation in the long run anyway.

>I've actually went from 14 stone to 12 stone and eight pounds the past few months so that's good.
Hey that's very good, you should be proud of yourself. You've already made some progress so you should be reassured that you are capable of it and that further progress is likely

>On good days I stick to 1200 a day but on binge days I eat between 2000 and 3000 which is terrible for my height (5 ft 2)
I wonder what it is that makes you put on a lot of weight since even 2000 a day isn't an absurd amount. In a week, how many are binge days and how many are good days? Anything that could be slowing down your metabolism?

How does being the weight you are make you feel? How do you feel about your body right now?

I wear boxers for ergonomics

ive been off britfeel for a month what have i missed

>I wear boxers for ergonomics
not a real girl

Fuck all

alright crona are you still at uni?
oh, thats disapointing

Hiya user, how are you? I am still at uni, yeah. I have been reattempting my first year and I have my end of year exams next month

Is the lad that recommended me a nice pub in Derry in? Cant remember what its called

It's called The Nice Pub In Derry.

im ok ive been moving house and its VERY stressfull. what are you studying in uni ?

Peadar O' Donnell's

If I went to Derry I'd go to this nice pub

>only falling asleep after 2am
>keep getting woken up at about 9 without fail by someone in the house
>have massive bags under my eyes now
I just want to sleep.

Maybe try going to bed earlier then you spanner

Looks quite comfy lads

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I said "falling asleep" for a reason
I can lay in bed for hours and nothing will happen.

Looks like the type of place you could get violently beaten in just for having the wrong accent

Decided to skip brushing today and eat a big EuroShopper bar of choccy for breakfast instead. NGMI.

Don't sound like yer a prod then, lad.


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Thanks lad will try and convince my parents to take me their and report back

anyone here pay council tax? how long did it take for them to send you the 1st bill

>Peadar O'Donnell's

Sounds like some sorta fucking nonce anagram

Already got the latter I think. I'll go brush within the hour. Ran out of mouthwash, though.

>when you post about how you wanna fix your life but the depression kicks back in and you let it all go to shit
Every time.

Wait I just opened the link. Never mind you cunts, I will find a spoons or just buy cans

>throughout my teenage years my mum regularly came into my room to open the window and say "needs some fresh air in here!"
>only now do I realise it was to get rid of the cum smell

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t.child killer and land stealing supporter

Nah I'm not jewish lol

or the room was just stuffy?

Just got out of breath firing out a combination of type 1s and 2s

Its over now lad, let your arsehole rest

Had to get a paki taxi driver from Birmingham airport, absolutely seething. He blatantly overcharged me and it felt insulting to be driven around by some primitive little creature

Put your trip on Poley

>Birmingham airport

I'm not poley