ITT fucked up shit you've done that you'll probably never get over

ITT fucked up shit you've done that you'll probably never get over

>hit a guy so hard in a football game his feet stopped working
>beat the hell out of a guy for talking to my sister to the point that he was just wheezing in a puddle of blood
>didn't help a guy who was getting mugged because he was an ass to me in the past

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How are you not in jail for the 2nd thing

Not sticking up for my college professor when the whole class demonized her for being a senior citizen

I stole a copy of pikmin 2 from a small family owned game store when I was 16.
I've regretted it every day since.

My mere existence is a disservice to mankind, and its fucked up that the universe allowed my birth.

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>Stole a fair amount of money from my own family as a small kid, enough to buy 5 or so skateboards from some random neighborhood teenager
>Ran outside naked with my clothes after getting out of the shower because I really wanted to play with the other kids as a 10 yr old
>Growling at people in school as a 1st grader
>Sucking my thumb all the way up to age 13, still sometimes wake up with my thumb in my mouth
>Pissing in my room all the way up to age 10
>Confessing my love in cringy embarrassing ways my entire school career
>Pretending to be an addict over weed and alcohol to fit in with my brother and his friends until I actually started to get addicted to alcohol
>Doing acid for some fucked up reason like "I just really don't enjoy being sober lmao" and unleashing schizophrenia
>Wasting my life away thinking I was transgender
>Continuing to waste my life away because I'm afraid of what everyone will think of me if I detransition

Had sex in the missionary position with the sole purpose of procreation

and this is why transgender bullshit should be heavily discouraged.
like, if you really have that problem and it isn't some kind of coping or escape mechanism, and your life would be better by pretending to be something you aren't, go ahead.
otherwise, holy fuck is it a bad idea. I feel for you user.
the rest is average kid shit and no one cares except you desu.

but if you're going to waste your life away might as well be what and who you want to be and fuck the haters. it's easy to do, but it's hard to get past your own emotions and guard. you won't amount to anything unless you face the things keeping you down. won't say I believe in you because I don't give one iota of a damn, but I will say it's readily possible if you stop giving a damn too.

>threw a puppy from the balcony when i was younger just to see what would happen
>once convinced my friend to destroy a sparrow's nest.Turns out it had baby birds in it.They died
>one time i tied a bug to a little chicks leg and threw it,dragging it along and probably braking its leg
>i used to torture my last puppy and then feel sad for it
I hate younger me

Meant mug*

>Doing acid for some fucked up reason like "I just really don't enjoy being sober lmao" and unleashing schizophrenia

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That's horrific ghjhvcc

one time when i was 3 i put a small kitten in a toy suitcase and then closed it before burying it.

i didn't even know who's kitten it was.

I was heavily bullied in middle school in a shitty part of philly but my dad took me to learn boxing and I got really good at it and afterwards my autistic brain associated everyone as a potential bully. Moved to florida and in a pretty chill place but I kept the mentality so I....

>knocked a guy out infront of his girlfriend, waited for him to come to and when he started getting up, woozy and sluggish, I knocked him out for a second time.

>a staterboy called me a faggot once and deliberately knocked out his front teeth.

> a guy in a band thought I was hitting on his girlfriend. He tried to fight me and I broke his fingers. I delinerately broke his fingers cause I knew he was in a band.

Still trying desperately to make amends for how I was but I can't find them and helping homeless people is nice and all, but its not helping those I hurt.

Most 15 year olds are
Being an edgy special Ed kid who wanted to fit in made it so much worse

Well I hope you kys real soon

>kinda molested my 5 years old brother when i was 8

i mean is it even pedophilia if you're both underage

it's no pedophilia i was a kid but it makes me feel real weird
and i'm prette sure he remembers that shit
i grabbed his hands so he couldn't escape and started kissing and moving my hips in THAT manner
that shit drives me crazy

>have lizards who give birth to living babies like mammals
>lizards gets first babies
>I am super excited
>one baby looks healthy
>a few days pass, see baby on a rock with shattered back
>ask dad what to do
>"throw it in the trash its dead anyways"
>pick up baby but its still alive
>put it in the trash
>check up an hour later its still alive and struggling
>decide to put it out of its misery
>grab a hammer and try to smash its head
>couldnt do it for like 10 minutes
>do it

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>Choked a kid in grade 6 for some reason
>Punched my friend in the stomach out of anger for something
Can't believe I was like this. I'm sorry Robert and Marcus.

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>trany is a fucking moron
Like clockwork.

He's probably a white.