Jow Forums, we should be kind to fembots
Jow Forums, we should be kind to fembots
why should fembots get special privilages and treatment? maybe you ment all bots? or both bots but not just fembots.
sounds like something a roastie or white knight eternal virgin simp would say
We should be kind to everyone.
We all make teams out of things, us vs them mentality
We're all human. We're all suffering.
Why invoke more suffering?
Let's just hug it out anons.
no one will ever be kind to us we're fat and ugly and will never be loved
Fuck no you came here like you belong this place was made for people like me lonely
Not for some unfuckable cum sluts and that haven't have any dick in month
Wait your turn bitch
fuck no. respect isn't given, it's earned.
This is a copy pasta type thread. Some loser who has litterally nothing better to do posts the same message over and over. Yet, there are always anons who never seen it before.
Be kind to femanons or not.
You will be ghosted anyway.
You're significantly better looking than your male counterparts. You will be loved if you accept it.
Respect can be earned, but most people are willing to give some away for free.
ill accept it from literally anyone at this point if i cant be loved just choke me and make me die
Ill be nice to them if one of them will date me. None of em would though. So there
Not gonna lie that's pretty fuckin gay
>be nice to some 'fembot' i met online
>find out she's not a virgin
>stop being nice to her
Moral of the story, women are whores
Fembots deserve nice things, join our server and have a nice time
ok incel sweaty
Why do women need to be virgins?
Unless you were talking to a 15 year old, it's pretty normal for a girl to not be a virgin.
Why judge a lifestyle different from your own so harshly?
And that's assuming she was even promiscuous, and wasn't simply a female that had sex only with romantic partners.
are fembots cute: a detailed analysis
Personally i'd prefer a women who hasnt been fucked by some other, or multiple other dudes.
If you dont have issues with dating used girls go ahead, but dont try to make me go along with it.
>why judge a lifestyle different from your own so harshly
Because that kind of lifestyle doesnt foster healthy relationships nor does it create healthy people. One man, one women, children, repeat cycle in next generation. Nowadays its all about fun, everyone fucks what he can get his hands on just to feel better about himself. Girls kill their kids just to have fun a while longer. I hate this hook up culture lifestyle because its literally the beginning of the end of civilization.
Because they think a week without sex means they are depressed and lonely as someone who's never had a relationship
the newfag storm never ends and these zoomer are getin more retarded by time pass
fembots are nice grills for the most part I have no reason to be le angery
>we should be kind to fembots
For what purpose
Why should we? Apparently everybody is entitled to love except us
Sadly life isn't that easy and you can't be that naive with other people.
I agree we should strive towards that direction though. Eventually I think genetic engineering and designer babies will make this mentality a reality.
No, now stop shitting-up this board and go neck yourselves, whores.