Is being a neet really worth it?

Is being a neet really worth it?

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My Papa is a NEET, but it wasn't by choice at first. It eventually takes you by force when all your friends move on and stop talking to you, or avoid you.
Or if you've been falsely accused of rape and such that would DOX you. Ruining your reputation and destroying your social life.
Then you become a NEET and accept the lemons you are given.

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real answer: OP's pic is a failed NEET just be responsible in taking care of yourself.

shut up whore

>real answer: OP's pic is a failed NEET just be responsible in taking care of yourself.
does not compute

nigga, that pic looks comfy af. wym?

The filth under the pillow is the leftovers from a decomposing body.

People would kill to get neet status

being neet is quite honestly the greatest form of living imaginable assuming you aren't a burden to anybody else and you keep yourself preoccupied so you don't go insane

doesnt matter if its worth it there is no better alternative.

Brooke!!!! I've missed your threads. you reminded me about how much I wanted a BJD or smart doll like two years ago. you need to make another thread

Only if you still manage to have a social life.
If you're the stereotypical shut in/hikki NEET then no, it's not.
You can distract yourself from the misery with escapism but that doesn't mean it goes away.

>Wasting the biggest percentage of your waking hours with following the herd or prepaing yourself for that torture. For no better reason than "We tell you to do so!"
I do not see how working could be worth it unless you are a sucker for approval, but ymmv

I'm a wageslave and I'll probably die that way.

Did someone shit himself to death there?

It's the side benefits, not the work itself.
Having an actual social life. Having people not look at you like you're scum/a parasite. Having something in common with people to talk about, experiences they can relate to (and you to them).

As a NEET that's really fucking difficult, speaking from experience.
I lost contact with my friends because they all moved on with their lives - work, families and so on. We had nothing to talk about anymore. That's really the worst part. I don't need work to be fulfilled, i can keep myself busy just fine with things i actually enjoy. It's just all the side effects of not working for a long time that are hard to deal with.

>>Having people not look at you like you're scum
why would you care, normalnigger.

>Having an actual social life. Having people not look at you like you're scum/a parasite

I've been working full time for 10 years, when does this start?

Being a NEET is almost never a choice. You can fool yourself into thinking it is, but it's not, unless you spend your time partying. Being a hikimori-type neet is just the result of horrible depression.

You can tell yourself you're above it all you want, humans are social animals. It still hurts and makes you reluctant to get close enough to people for them to find out you're a NEET.

You're really asking the wrong guy here. I haven't had a social life since 2009.

>As a NEET that's really fucking difficult
Not for me honestly.
Don't know if I just got lucky on having better friends, or my chameleon skills are to blame.

My bros are sometimes clamoring a bit to have me work at their places, but mostly they just sigh and complain how envious they feel when shit is going bonkers and they get a harsh women are just as shitty when you have money to spend on 'em.
And people will ALWAYS try to find something to look down at you for if they can help it, just why do you think celebs gets stalked and shitstorms do happen?

>and they get a harsh REMINDER THAT women are just as shitty..
Sorry, forgot that part of the sentence