Can Jow Forums swallow this redpill?

Can Jow Forums swallow this redpill?

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What do you expect? Most guys here are manlets and look invisible with a shirt on. They're naturally going to shit on big guys when given the chance

Bloatmax chads win again.

Jow Forums is full of bloat enthusiasts though. The nuance is you have to actually look strong. Aesthetically speaking, lean and built>builtfat>skinny dyel>fat dyel. Find anyone who will refute this.

>t. 6'2 235lbs with 4pl8 bench

I've already swallowed it. I'm 6'5 270lbs. I used to be 240lbs but I unironically got inspired by the Kyriakos Grizzly memes here and bulked up.

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im 5 11 245lb
and im a faggot

>bloat enthusiasts
you mean dick sucking faggots right ?

Sadly real life isn't Dragon Ball where power levels matter and not height. Just make the best of it with whatever you have now.

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Used to be skinny dyel at 5'10 180 lbs(I looked much skinnier than that though). Now I'm 230 and people tell me I look strong and notice my muscles more. Of course I'm builtfat so lean and built is better than me but fer sur getting more attention than the time I was a skinny dyel eating salads or a fat dyel who didn't train

cope twink manlet

Yeah, your point being...?

seems like swallowing too much is your problem you fat fucking retard

I'm 5'10" 150lbs, there's no way you looked skinny at that weight unless you were like sub 10% bodyfat

bloatfags will die at 40 from heart failure

take your real redpill and not your placebo shit : bearmode/bloatlord is a gay fetish, degenerate

I just came here for motivation to cut

> 5'7 145

Fuck you

I had 150 lbs of lean muscle mass and had roughly 30 lbs of fat. Was probably roughly 18% bf but I just couldn't drop any lower because. Went down to 167 at one point but it just felt shitty

post body, i'm curious

I need some appetite advice. I've been steady at 3k calories a day for 10 months, made a lot of progress but have plateaued and am pretty sure it's time to increase intake. But I already have a horrible time eating as much as I do now. I regularly almost puke, just thinking of food makes me cringe, etc. Teach me to bloat max I'll try anything.

Im 1.88m and 114kg and i can confirm also got an A70 cause ppl complained about my pic quality it still looks bad

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Post body?

Im 6'6 210, thinking of going up to 240/250 over the next 6 months.

One better quality

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Eat high glycemic index carbs.

Switch between different flavors to avoid palate fatigue.

Eat a variety of colors (this is why M&M's are different colors).

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so you mean people talk shit on the internet? wow never would have guessed

What are some common foods with a high glycemic index?

>common foods with a high glycemic index?
type those words again into google you fucking baby

Don't do it bro stay around 225-230 max. I went up to 250 and then got hurt and ballooned all the way to fucking 293. I'm back down to 270 and it unironically feels like i will never see 230 again. Not worth it at all do not risk being a fat fuck it kills the mog gains you get by being 6'6

>Big guy
>Are you an athlete

Is this an american thing?

thanks friend. I do eat the same thing over and over. Mostly I don't know how to cook good stuff so that definitely fucks me.

Yeah because we play contact sports here.

Just wanna be big tho bro...

Current plan is to get up to 225 before xmas so will probably decide to either minicut or keep bulking then. Will just have to see how much muscle/fat I gain I guess.

>do your party trick!
>left one removes shirt and does pullups
>waterfalls everywhere
Stop listening to bloatmaxxers and homos

Ok fuck it
I’m 6’3” and skinny as fuck
Going to bulk up to 220 from 150lbs in time for christmas

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Youre just gonna end up fat you cant gain 70lbs of muscles that fast

Yeah but I actually like being nearly completely solid muscle with veins constantly bulging everywhere and striated shoulders/pecs. Hoes like it when I take my shirt off too. Could really care less about squatting 3 plates or whatever. Have fun being fat and busting nuts on yourself at home while I get pussy, fat faggots.


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The one day of the year you take your shirt off and everyone laughs at you for being a try hard manlet.

Meanwhile every single day the big guy gets mires and stares.

Cope harder.

Swallowed, digested, based and redpilled


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>tfw only 5'11
Could be worse but FUCK you cant ever really be yuge at 5'11 unless you roid

triggered bloatlord detected. i'll just keep getting replies in /cbt/'s

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I see the exact opposite just as often, almost as there is more than one person posting here.

How did he get height gains?

Right on, the day of the bloat is coming
t. 100kg at 5'8

He grew up

You have 4 months. With noob gains, good genetics, steroids, excellent nutrition and discipline, you might be able gain like 20-30lbs of muscle max. In other words, you will get fat if you gain 70lbs in 4 months no matter what.

not with that mindset. just strive to be your best every day and lose that defeatist attitude.

>t. 5’11 200lbs with plenty of mires often

As opposed to real life? Lmao look at this twink cope.

The only people who will ever see you shirtless are the gay men saving pics in cbt threads

So what? Guy on the left can clean bulk right up to 160 and look great with and without a shirt.
Guy on the right has to cut extensively to get to a low body fat and there's a good chance he'll have a ton of loose skin.
Still guy on the left is more healthy guaranteed.

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>fat faggots
Gays usually have ridiculous bodies because it’s a requirement in their community.
Straight men can go to the gym but women don’t care past 22-23 and they will take what they can get. That is why you see tons of numales and fat dudes and skinny thick rimmed glasses guys getting 10/10 women and /fit seethes at that

im fine being invisible with a shirt on and then unleashing my power level at the pool or beach. it's a great feel when you walk around and see how pathetic the average person is

>Incel virgin doesnt realize that people actually have sex which (for aesthetic ripped alphas like me) involves taking your shirt off
I take my shirt off at every opportunity I can. Keep fucking with your shirt on and the lights off tho, fatty. Im sure your bitch likes your tub of lard way more than my ripped physique anyways. Girls love dad bods :)

You sound very young, are you above 18?

>girls love my ripped bod
>girls love dad bods

You just came full circle and btfo yourself. Oof

Have sex

>Gays usually have ridiculous bodies because it’s a requirement in their community
Imagine believing this

Eh, he's half right. They know to a large degree exactly what the other gay dude is gonna want, and usually that involves big muscles. So, they hit the gym.
Exception, of course, being the degenerate pride community.

Tons of people believe it and tons of gays live it daily. Don’t be mad, just hit the gym. Careful of your blood sugar tho

>Exception, of course, being the degenerate pride community.

>I saw a picture of a fat gay guy so therefore they are all like that no arguments it’s 100% true

>what is sarcasm
Not him and you’re a retard

The exception being degeneracy.

I swallowed it long ago, I'm 145lbs 5'10 dyel in clothes but peak ottermode mirin in swimsuits

Yeah duh that’s why you got for the bulking bear mode dumbdumb. That and otterbody are the two body types that drive women insane.

What a FAT cope

I'm trying to get to this mode right now. Hardest fuckin part about being fat and lifting is despite my arms getting bigger they just won't get any definition

pic related it's goal body

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>Be 6'3'' cardiofag
>Over the course of several years, slowly reduce cardio and increase weightlifting
>Finally get to 100kg
>Realize that all of the new pants I bought a few months ago are now skin tight
>Slowly increase cardio

They never tell you how expensive bulking is.I still had visible abs at 220. To become a true bloatload at my height I'd have to do 240-250 lbs easily. I shudder to think how much money I'd waste on food and clothes just to larp as a mogger on a Tibetan throat singing forum.

This anime is shit though

The human skeletal structure isn't even designed to support that massive amount of weight over an extended period of time.

Enjoy the endless list of health conditions and constant pain you will acquire down the line for being such a massive fuck.

Must suck being a woman.

Is it really possible to weigh 230 healthily at 5’10? That’s my height and I’m slim but muscular at 175. I figured 210 was the absolute limit

>this is what obese people actually believe

Can confirm this. When I was at my leanest, in clothes I looked dyel unless I was wearing tight clothes. I gained some size but also some fat so I’m probably like low 20s body fat but when I go out I always have people telling me I’m huge even tho I look like shit with my shirt off currently

T. Retard

post body

Can u be a mix of both

yes,I've seen strongmen with abs but also thicc af they're on gear tho and work out insanely


6'2" 285 is extremely overweight, even for somebody who is on gear.