
Overdose me on blackpills.

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Nothing matters. You don't matter. Nothing you do matters nor will it ever matter. Therefore go find some stupid shit you enjoy and go fucking enjoy the shit out of no what anyone says. Or be a fucking doomer piece of shit its up to you. Either way it doesn't matter.

Self bumperoli

I once hacked my ass. It felt dam good. The key is to tempt your asshole with the sharp tip then surprise yourself with a hard entry.

The thing that gets you is the erection. Its so hard it splits the skin and causes you to kys from the pain.

It's a black pill alright

*No matter what

I have tried having fun but the anhedonia doesnt let me.

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Le epic trollolololol. Fuck off

I also had something like this after high school. I lived for my sport and was an absolute monster in it. After I went to college and no longer played it nothing really felt good anymore. However recently I have started trying doing new things and found I love hiking/camping/dancing/going to parties. I never really did any of those before. You just need to try new things its gonna suck but once you find the thing that makes you happy go get it and live your life to it's best.

I asked for black pills but I got whitepills instead. Thanks user.

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I lived to long on black pills. Don't waste your life on them. It's just wasted years self pitying.

God speed to you and happiness user.

Sometimes you do need to wallow in self pity and sadness for a while just to allow yourself to get the bad feels out though

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You're next my friend

Just don't over indulge. Self pitying is a dangerous game. When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back.

The population of sub-saharan Africa is approximately one billion

The Average IQ is approximately 65

The medical definition of mentally retarded is anyone with a

You are worthless piece of sand in giant universe,your life is meaningless. Our world is meaningless because at the end everything comes to entropy.

Thank you for restating something that's already been stated very useful.

This is babby tier black pill. We all have to eat that one eventually. The really hard to swallow black pills relate to the shit we have to put up with during our time on this god forsaken planet.

>Give IQ test
>Make questions that are easy to answer if your from a country with a stable education system.
>Give to Africans who are more likely to have been a child solider then student.
>hurr hurr Africa dumb

Wrong board fag this isn't Jow Forums

Why are African children child soldiers, whereas European children have a stable education system?

things can still get better

Things can still get worse

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Things can still be, and maybe there's something good out of that

there are no blackpills
you've created artificial barriers to cope with your own incompetence

purely coincidence goy all humans are the same under the skin that's why your wife is cheating on you for tyrones massive cock you skinny dick white boi

But my cock is under my skin, shouldn't it be the same as Tyrone's?

Imagine being a Canadian and being able to recognize that the country is nothing more than a testing bed for UN globalist policy agendas while your countrymen gladly accept that we have no culture and unironically believe diversity is our strength and your government tells you a bunch of nigger border hoppers are more canadian than you

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lol enjoy the gipsies you sent back in 2009! I heard they are welcome there now.

dick pilI coming through

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But what if there's an abyssal QT waifu?

You missed out on teenage love. Even if you get your first relationship at the age you are now or later and try to experience what you should've a long time ago it will never ever work, it will not feel genuine. You missed an important step in your development as a human being, you are damaged forever.

>7 men prior to him

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>In 2007, Watson said he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says, not really."

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>7% committing most of the violent crime are victims
>sadbois being sad in private are wretched monsters

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pic should have been in post

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Do shrooms

>you live to die and lose it all
>you're only valued as you profit others
>freewill is not real, only an illusion from your perspective
>people will dehumanize you just to make them selves feel important
>love is doomed to end at the grave
>you're not even special anymore, just one in 7 billion
>your fantasies will always be more appealing than real life
>coke doesn't have cocaine in it anymore

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if girls didn't like you during high school then they most likely won't like you after high school. you aren't going to magically transform into a chad when/if you go to college, that's a movie meme. at best you'll just be beta bux.

It's not fair.

Some are favored by God.

Your suffering is an entertainment.

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its so sad how easy it is for pol to influence dumb people like you