Ever had some one try to kill you? ever been raped? How did you deal with it. Did you report it...

Ever had some one try to kill you? ever been raped? How did you deal with it. Did you report it? I am pretty sure I know a Psychopath and I do not know how to deal with it, they raped and tried to kill me .Help r9k . . . I am trans and I did not think any one would care when it happened because I am trans and drunk. This person now is pretending to be LGBT and a communist feminist and using people in the community " I am sure" near me to gain their trust and use them . .it is 6 years after it happened.I have seen them at parties randomly strangle girls " they got beat for it" and I know this person is evil . . . . . How do you deal with true evil. yeah yeah call the cops . . . ha . . . .I was drunk at the time . . . will any one care :/ this person has changed their name 9 times to camouflage them self's to gain new friends. I am in therapy for ptsd because of this ass hole :( I do not want this person to hurt more people.

Attached: hello-psychopath.jpg (1600x1367, 125K)

I'm sorry that happened to you user, rape by someone you trust can be horribly traumatic and I've spent the past few years trying to get over it mysel-
>I am trans
nevermind, you deserved it

>disgusting tranny
Kill yourself for the good of humanity.

Bad things happen when good people stay idle. Either do something or bring it to the attention of someone who will.

this kinda sound like bait but if its not...
as this guy said you got to do something about it
if you don't go to the police or do anything about it someone else might now be at risk of being raped and killed. Its like knowing a terrorist and not outing him before he commits an act of terror

kys normalfags

If you're not memeing do you have a contact you can drop? I know a lot about this stuff.

yeah. I need to, I really do. A Lot of people are involved and his person is very manipulative. as you can see from the comments above why stuff like this does not come forward . . . this person works as a music teacher last I heard"teaching people of all ages". I respect any one that hates me for being trans, I would fight for you to hate me in the country I live in, it is what makes my country great being able to speak your mind just put up a a good fight if you are going to. . . . not just spout stuff like gay people should die . . . HAHAHHA . . . fuck . . . what is wrong with this place.

Imagine white knighting a used goods tranny attention whore and asking for its contact, while calling other people normalfags.

Fucking pathetic dude, off yourself

How do you know they're a psychopath and not your average tranny chaser?

Calling others normal fags then turning into a fucking militia for someone who is likely baiting. Good shit

just say it here, this is not fake, I seriously have no fucking clue what to do. if I bring it forward will I be turned on by the people I know . I am filled with so much rage seeing this ass holes face on Facebook with lip stick wearing a dress knowing they are a rapist trying to take advantage of people who are already in a bad place.

actually I'm a raped "used goods" tranny too and I wanted to offer support.

find and keep all the receipts you can. this happened to me with a popular """trans""" artist and eventually they got exposed and exiled.

They seriously have every trait of a psychopath. this is the kind of person who gets off to watching people at their lowest points. who the fuck need to change their name 9 times? who the fuck strangles their friends of 4 year to death when their screaming for help after trying to rape them.

Thank you . . . I feel this person will get exposed . . . you can not just keep changing your name and identity and expect no one to care . . . but like Jesus WTF!!!!! I think they became trans just to get a free pass from their past crimes "ooo a girl would never do this" . . . Christ. . . . its sooo messed up. they are like befriending people I care about just to hurt me. Me and 3 other room mates kicked them out of the house when it happened . . . . This person also infected a girl I know with stds . . . I have never hated some one so much . . . . . .

I like how you put trans in quotes as if to imply that no true tranny would rape a woman. Here's the reality, men are rapists, men are violent, and trannies are men. Transwomen commit violent/sexual crime at the same rates as cismen and even the nonviolent ones have no sympathy for women who want a space where they won't have to feel threatened by the presence of men. So I have no sympathy for you and no sympathy for op.

no this person was "nonbinary", that's why I put trans in quotes.

>upset trans
So uhh, where will you stream the an hero?

Nonbinary is just as valid as a man saying he's a woman, if anything I'd say it's more valid.

nothing to do with men. people of every group can be complete evil. I hate that people who are lgbt or non white are only seen as victims . . . Did no one think manipulative people would take advantage of this situation? pretend to be a part of the group and abuse this power?

it was just a fetish for them, along with pissy diapeys.

>Transwomen commit violent/sexual crime at the same rates as cismen
prove it, dumbass.

post feminine benis or fuck off

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HAHAHA people killing them self's is funny. I hope you live a rich and fulfilling life and you never have to see any one you love in pain.

Got bitten and threatened to be killed last night but I don't think I've ever had anyone seriously try

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You're right, senpai. It's kind of sad that you felt the need to come here to post about this though, since every "LGBT space" is a hugbox where you can't criticise any of their members.

Unfortunately the only useful advice you'll get from here is that you need to tell somebody. Don't worry about whether or not everybody will believe you. You just need to identify this person and come forward. What else will you do? Sit here while everybody tells you to kys?

I told my parents and people around me . . . but like, it is expected of me . . being trans or something to be raped . . . it just got shrugged off like I was talking about a movie or some fictional world. people are so disconnected from this kind of thing.

if I had to guess most rapes probably happen in prison amongst homosexuals

If someone tried to kill me I'd be dead cause I'd stand still and make it real easy

I had 2 attempted kidnappings when I was 4. Been getting stalked by gay men since middle school.Got assaulted by a homeless guy when I was in highschool.

So I sorta understand you. You need to fight the ptsd you can't let this event ruin your whole life. Also gtfo tranny faggot.