Hikikomori General Thread

This thread is for people who are completely withdrawn from society and don't leave their bedrooms or single room apartments for long periods at a time.


>The term hikikomori is a medical term that comes from Japan when translated in English it means pulling inward, being confined acute social withdrawal ) Hikikomori is a distinct psychological condition that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescence or adults who withdraw from society and seek extreme degrees of isolation and confinement.

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, and isolate themselves away from society and in more extreme cases family in a single room for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by a physical condition or other psychological problem

>Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside and having very little or no social interaction you are still a hikikomori but not a neet

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal

>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

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I don't know that I could call myself hiki because I really don't want to be so isolated. Still a shut in who almost never leaves the house

This is a description of hikikomori by the cabinet office of Japan.

Mostly Male aged 15 to 39 years old 40 to 64 years old (Middle aged to Elderly)
The following situation of isolation occurs for more than half a year (6 Months)
I usually stay at home, but I go outside sometimes to a nearby convenience store or for groceries at night
I get out of my bedroom sometimes such as to eat and use the bathroom but not from home
I hardly get out of my bedroom in my parents house or single room apartment
Neet (Not In Education Employment Or Vocational Training)

Those who stay home but still go outside for work/school hobbies/interest and have a social life or are withdrawn as a result of a current condition" such as schizophrenia or a physical illness, or those who stay at home but still do household chores / childcare with "what they usually do when they are at home" and those who are retired or work from home and still leave the house for meetings and interviews are excluded and are not regarded as hikikomori.

So I'm borderline since I'm not confined to just my room and have to do chores and shit.
Leaving my room and chores are not necessarily by choice though

No they mean housewives introverts recluses and shut ins who like being isolated and people who just do their normal stuff and go about their day when they are at home and not outside normalfag stuff you know.

>I don't know that I could call myself hiki because I really don't want to be so isolated. Still a shut in who almost never leaves the house

Do you live with your parents user?

I have been a shut in for the past year & a half on NEET bux. How can I continue my lifestyle but work from home, I want money, is this possible?

i wish doctors in the west were familiar with this phenomenon or maybe I wouldn't still be a hikki in 2019.

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Hikikomori is not a lifestyle its a psychiatric disorder.

>i wish doctors in the west were familiar with this phenomenon or maybe I wouldn't still be a hikki in 2019.

I know right western hikikomori have no fucking support.

it's still my lifestyle faggot

i guess you could liken it to agoraphobia, but agoraphobes have no support either.

I never moved out, no.
Dad almost died last June end ended up with neurological damage like dementia. He's on borrowed time now.
Mom died quite suddenly of an aneurysm right after thanksgiving.
My brother had moved in at the end of 2017.
Dad was the last person I had who I could trust and who I had for company. What is left of dad isn't really dad. I can't really talk to him anymore because of the brain damage.
Brother spends all him time in his room watching politics. When he does come out we can't really talk either since he can only talk politics.

Shit situation living on dad's pension while caring for him. Once he passes I have. To job up quick since all the bills won't go with him.

>it's still my lifestyle faggot

lifestyle more implies that you choose to be that way hikikomori is not a choice hikis are victims of circumstance.

>i guess you could liken it to agoraphobia, but agoraphobes have no support either.

Agoraphobia is more extreme and just generalized fear hikikomori are basically people who have found it hard to adapt to society and have experienced mental and emotional trauma from the pressures of society thus they lock themselves in their bedrooms sometimes for months or years at a time Hikis are hikis because they snapped and had a mental breakdown while under high pressure.

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Sounds like a rough situation user.

I wouldn't say i've snapped, it was more of a gradual thing really.
I just lost contact with friends, didn't make new ones and went outside less and less. At some point actually going outside and interacting with people started making me anxious, no idea why.

I still go out for groceries but i usually put it off until i have no other choice and go early when it's empty and there's only old people there. Can't stand crowds, i literally start sweating when there's too many people around me.

I can force myself to go out if i have to (like for an appointment to keep getting neetbux) and put up a normie facade but it makes me uncomfortable to interact with people so if i have a choice i don't.

Yes, and it's draining me quickly.
I wish I had a friend.
I fucking wish I knew how...

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My landlord forced me to come to his office to talk with him - first time I've left my place for a month. How do hikkis make money? I'm only intermittently hikki since I have to get money for food and rent, around half of the time since I was kicked out four years ago I'm a total shut-in but the other half I'm looking for work/selling drugs until I have enough funds to dip for a while. I'm now risking eviction and losing weight quick, but failed my recent interviews... fuck lads I'm running out of hope, I don't want to be homeless again.

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>I wouldn't say i've snapped, it was more of a gradual thing really.

Exactly hikikomori are victims of circumstance they do not choose to the way that they are it just happens.

>How do hikkis make money?

Online jobs that do not require you to leave your room and not much social interaction.

>started making me anxious, no idea why
Same thing happened to me user, my first period of living shut-in for a year took me from a talkative debater to struggling to order fast food when going inside. Or talking/texting on the phone even, its become difficult.

I've never seen any job offerings for these before, do I need a degree for that kind of work? I need one that mails cash or checks since I don't have a bank account.

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>I've never seen any job offerings for these before, do I need a degree for that kind of work? I need one that mails cash or checks since I don't have a bank account.

Watch this video. youtube.com/watch?v=XusZpHEXmF4

i feel so mentally fucked. i can't feel enjoyment in anything. i wish i could at least ENJOY being alone, but for some reason, i can't feel enjoyment in the things i once loved (music, games, film). thinking of ending it

I should have realized before that online jobs all require some sort of intellectual skill or training - looks like I'll stick with dishwashing, I'm no good at any of that stuff. Thanks though, it was a helpful video.

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I know how you feel man i am almost 30 and i have lost my fate within society.


So you are gonna become a wageslave?


Shutin serb

30! Are you a wizard now? I'm putting off suicide until I can see what its like for myself. (I'm 23 rn)
in a way, I haven't been able to sustain hikki life for more than a year at a time without starving/homelessness. read for details.
Honestly I don't want it but I don't hate it either. I make my money, nobody bothers me, and I go home. The walking for hours to and from work is the hard part.

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i thought wizard was 40?

Looks like you have to quit being hiki otherwise you will die like Satou from NHK.

i want to feel better so bad. my mood is so out of my control, i have simmering moments of clarity then it's back to hell for hours. if we can't control how we feel, then do we really have free will? i think free will is a joke.

No it's definitely 30
Satou doesn't die though? But yeah I'm trying to find work so I can at least eat, I don't think I can save my lease at this point.

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>No it's definitely 30
I'm 35 and have yet to notice any wizard powers.

FUCK are you sure? were we all lied to?!

I was thinking when he mentioned unboxing and reviews. Think of some of the other youtubers who build and tinker. Most of those vids require little more than a few cameras and minimal video editing skill. Don't even have to show your face. Create a patreon. Sell whatever it is you create or change.
Bet plenty of those japanese craft and building channels are hiki-operated

>I'm 35 and have yet to notice any wizard powers.
I feel like the gods themselves have announced is no saving us. Fuck user, have you tried???

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>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal
This disqualifies 95% of the board.

I think i would've noticed mystical powers, yeah.

I actually have.

well have you tried to cast a spell recently?

It's always been 30, dude.
You're just confusing it for the movie

Say it isn't so, user. What will happen to all your noble underlings that find this news to be too much? Do you know how many suicides you may have inadvertently caused? Surely you must have SOME powers in some field. Ponder on it for a moment and get back to us when you are more level-headed.

Reviews is the dumbest one though, you need to have money to buy the cameras, and the editing software, and then buy the product to review. Besides, with most of these you aren't getting a guaranteed pay, you might get back less than you spent and then you are really fucked.

>Satou doesn't die though?

Misaki left him to starve to death after he rejected her new forced relationship contract and his parents stopped sending him money Satou didn't eat anything for 3 days and and his electricity was turned off after not sending the electric bill for months after 3 days satou crawled out of his room and got a job as a traffic cop and escaped hikikomori


Sato had the choice to move back in with his parents though, user doesn't.

Keep learning user, there must be something. where there is smoke there is fire.
Damn, the anime does things a bit different than the manga - I already knew it had good music at least.

>Satou still didn't die though user

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I've been a hiki since late 2014. My days consisted in 12-16 hours sleeping, 2-4 hours reading/making music and then religiously playing vidya. Now I'm 25 trying to break the cycle, started looking for a job last Monday and left the house that day and yesterday for like 4 hours. Social anxiety is killing me but I hope it geps better. I'm just trying one last time, if I do not get a job and a proper routine by my birthday (June 22th) I'm killing myself (already wrote my suicide letter).

why kill yourself and not just keep being neet and try looking for a job again sometime? are you in constant pain like me?

You can write it off though.
I do agree reviews aren't ideal really.
I was actually saying to basically get or film a hobby and profit it on that as much as you can

>This disqualifies 95% of the board.

hikikomori is a unique psychiatric disorder that is not caused by a physical condition or another disorder such as depression or schizophrenia the cause of hikikomori is only social pressure and stress and trauma from society as a whole. most hikikomori were not mentally ill prior to their isolation therefore mental illness is always never the direct cause of hikikomori thought it can be a contributing factor the direct cause always has to with some kind of stress of trauma connected to society in general or they are simply victims of circumstance like

>get or film a hobby
If I could do that maybe I wouldn't need to be hikki anymore. I have ADHD not autism, nothing holds my interest for more than a few minutes. Image boards are my only daily habit.

well, I do not enjoy anything anymore. I became a hiki when the love of my life left me and my best friend commited suicide, nowadays I do not have any friends, or anyone to talk to. Vidya sucks for me now, cant enjoy anime anymore and even if I made a buck from my music, I do not enjoy that anymore either.
So I'll give a last chance to get a job and become a normal person, I've 2 months.

ADHD is going to make any means on earning income problematic.

i am very similar to you. my best friend died of an overdose before my very eyes. i cant think about it too long or ill have another breakdown. anyway, we both made music together and my sole purpose in life is to make music, but i literally can't do anything but sit in bed lately. i too have no friends, and i feel i can't enjoy anything anymore, im 23.

the only difference between my situation and yours is, possibly, that im constantly battling drug addiction, which is contributing to my mess. right now im finally in a lucid state of about 1 month in abstinence, but i just pray that it's still drug related problems making me feel bad and life isn't actually this painful. i literally can't enjoy a single fucking second of my waking consciousness, it hurts. i know how you feel

i hope you can at least get back to enjoying anime and music, because music is truly the only reason i made it this far in the first place. whos your favorite artist/band?

yeah I keep myself away from drugs/alcohol just becasue I KNOW I'll be really addicted to them. You're one month in, see if you can make it 2 and so on.

I still love music, but I'm really burned out from playing/composing shit. I still made a few thousand bucks from my shit, but I dont have the fire to keep working on stuff. I want to go back to writing, polish my essays and maybe publish them but I suck at it.
I listen to a lot of genres of music, from all sorts of metal, to psytrance, to chamber/piano music, obscure shit like dark ambient, etc. I keep changing genres every week or so, I'm currently listening japanese/visual kei bands for example.

I'm really introverted and most of my interests do not go with normal people, so I fucking hate myself for being so lonely.
I only got two things worth fighting for in my life, my ex gf and music. I dont have any of those anymore, so I dont know what to do anymore. Since I wake up until I go to sleep, existence is unbearable.

Being short of money keeps the addiction away.

>being short of money keeps the addiction away
so true, I'm even quitting cigs because I gotta eat something instead. Haven't tasted liquor or hit a crack bowl in months

Making music sounds dope, I wish I had been an artsy kid - creativity just sort of stopped being a thing somewhere down the line.

do not believe that, being creative fucking sucks most of the time: you are daydreaming 24/7 and focusing all your time/money/attention into something that nobody cares about (only you and your subjective and divergent thinking). Unless you're in the top 0.5% that "makes it" (can live off their art), creativity is a fucking curse.

I think you're bullshit user - I want to feel passionate, inspired, like I've got a soul and something to say, even if nobody else sees it or cares, I know it for myself. Instead I have boring daydreams 24/7 instead of whatever magnificent shit you think about and I feel constantly frustrated staring at a blank page because input (entertainment, video games, etc) isn't enjoyable anymore but I can't find a way to output anything. Fuck I'm rambling like a madman because I'm not good with words.

user, I'm not making any money being not creative and wasting all my time on bullshit anyways, if I could steal or kill you to obtain creativity I fucking would

mh let me see

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.
>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships
>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,
I have those, but I seldom clearly show them Unless you got me hooked up to diagnostics for heartrate, bloodpressure etc. Are panic attacks which only very close observation detects 'clear'?
>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more
6 months is nothing, especially after another vagina rejection, check.
>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal
At a loss there. I can function in society at knifepoint, but that is mask wearing. Not sure if check.

>The term hikikomori is a medical term that comes from Japan when translated in English it means pulling inward, being confined acute social withdrawal ) Hikikomori is a distinct psychological condition that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescence or adults who withdraw from society and seek extreme degrees of isolation and confinement.

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, and isolate themselves away from society and in more extreme cases family in a single room for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by a physical condition or other psychological problem

Also see here -

>english speaking japanese hiki starts making videos on youtube
>gets tons of female orbiters and other friends almost instantly

just goes to show this is only an issue if you're ugly, talk about the real issue

>just goes to show this is only an issue if you're ugly, talk about the real issue

I saw that too but i dont think hikikomori has any actual connection to inceldom.

Are you calling me ugly, faggot? There's more to reality than what people can see

it has to do with alienation and feeling like you don't belong in the world, it's not like we wake up one day and decide to shut ourselves off from everyone. of course there's also mental illness, but that doesn't stop a lot of people.

>At a loss there. I can function in society at knifepoint, but that is mask wearing

Everyone - every last person - currently functioning in society is mask wearing.

if you feel like you can't connect/relate with anyone and have no desire to why do you think that is? clearly it's not enjoyable for you, why? what led to that?
probably alienation due to the way you look

>Everyone - every last person - currently functioning in society is mask wearing.

Its called honne and tatemae

Hikikomori arent incels they dont withdraw because of sex and blame women for their problems.

>or are withdrawn as a result of a current condition" such as schizophrenia or a physical illness
That's pretty much impossible to satisfy in the west since if you have any contact with authorities at any point you'll get diagnosed with social phobia even if you're not shy

i never even mentioned anything to do with incels or sex dude (i thought incel just meant virgin but i can't keep up with all these new terms), the whole issue is feeling like you don't belong. despite that a hikki can withdraw for whatever reason including that.
i was just saying that most seem to withdraw due to not being able to fit in, and it was interesting that the moment one hikki decided to reveal himself online people were interested in him.

>That's pretty much impossible to satisfy in the west since if you have any contact with authorities at any point you'll get diagnosed with social phobia even if you're not shy

Like said doctors in the west are not familiar with hikikomori as a social disorder
which it actually is if you watch the documentaries on the subject.

>(i thought incel just meant virgin

Celibacy implies a lack of sex it does not necessarily mean you are a virgin you are an incel if you have not had sex or been in a relationship with someone for over 30 years and for whatever reason now feel like you cant do it anymore.