Anyone else can't enjoy anything ?

Anyone else can't enjoy anything ?

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chronic emptiness

I don't even know if I feel enjoyment or not.

whoa you're so deep man you cant have fun only realy geniuses will know this feel. Cant forget the lain pic for extra deepness also
crawling in my skin

That's exactly how i feel. I'm always confused about my emotions. I never really know if i'm happy or sad. I'm just bored.

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masturbate less
spend less time on the computer and do other things instead
you can't enjoy anything because you've fried your dopamines

lainposting is cringe though

>masturbate less
I don't masturbate.
>spend less time on the computer and do other things instead
I have nothing else to do.

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post less lain

How about you don't come to this board ? I'm sure it broke you in many ways.

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i am not that poster, im just bored as you are, trying to break the ice. Do you want me to leave? I will leave if you want me to leave.

What would you like to talk about user ? I'm sure you have a subject in mind.

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You are giving me the option of being in control. Why?

I just thought you would like to be in control for once.

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You are a terrible guesser. Would you like to talk about something?

Not within the confines of my room.

How are you feeling today ? What are you doing at the moment ? What are you planning to do ?
If you stayed in your room long enough, probably not.

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>How are you feeling today ?
bad. empty. hopeless. anxious.
>What are you doing at the moment ?
trying to stay awake until night time. my sleep patterns are messed up.
but I know I am not going to make it. i am already feeling that kind of depression that evokes apathy. its going to get worse in the next two hours, when that happens i will "rage sleep' for probably 12 hours.

>What are you planning to do ?
brush my teeth.

yep iv lost all enjoyment from pretty much anything but thats because depression , same with you?

Why are you hopeless and anxious ?
I can't remember the last time i genuinely enjoyed something. Maybe, my memory is failing me. I wish that is just it.
How did that happen to you ?

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>hopeless and anxious
i cant handle it!

I enjoy masturbation and vidya. That's it.

sorry i had a long responce written but it all got eraced when i tried to post a picture. i do remember being happy at 1 point but then school stopped and all the people i thought were my friends left and i was never able to find a relationship or meaning. i played video games for a while and loved to read but i guess the isolation got to me and it all faded to grey and became meaningless. nothing really seems to hold value anymore and i think about suicide a lot.

serial experiments lain is 1 of my favorites

Yeah I don't enjoy much, wish I was never born

You can't handle what ?
What's so enjoyable about masturbating though ?
I kind of understand how you feel more or less. Do you think suicide will solve anything ?

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yea absolutely , its an end to the pain i never had anything to live for in the first place.

me user. I stopped enjoying things a while ago, have a general sense of apathy towards everything from social interaction to vidya. The only thing that makes me happy is drugs. Moralfags need not reply.

>What's so enjoyable about masturbating though ?
The whole process really. Orgasms are pretty great too.

ya the shot of dopamine into your brain helps to

Try drugs, but don't do it too often or get addicted

Whoa you're such a great mentally healthy individual, no one can spot attwhoring like you.
>Pretending that people cant genuinely not enjoy most things and dont want to find people that think like them

just bored always, no reprieve. pain is something and drugs are wacky but im not looking to destroy myself. im not sad or depressed im just immensely bored. theres no escape.

Drugs don't destroy yourself unless you are a fucking weak beta fag who loses controll

What makes you think that your pain will end when you die ?
I wish you the best, user..
I can understand that but don't you think that eventually drugs won't be enjoyable anymore ?
I really don't want to go that way. I feel it would be end game.
That's exactly how i feel. I really don't know what to tell you.

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I only enjoy playing videogames, and rarely, most of the time I can't even bring myself to boot them up, and even when I do I just get bored after 10 minutes and go back to doing nothing.

the pain will end because i will be a corpse a thing incapable of feeling pain.

drugs will still be more enjoyable than anything else in your life

I can enjoy food until I'm done tasting it.

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