What do fembots look like in real life?

What do fembots look like in real life?

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The girls you don't want to look at.

Pretty much like this all the time

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>not very good hygiene
>pancake tits

every fembot on this site is either a catfishing faggot or a larping normanette who's only come to laugh at us
they don't exist, user

probably less feminine then the men on here desu


I fucking hate messy people. My mom is messy and it pisses me off. Thank god I left to live alone

Being an ugly girl must be hell.

They still will find someone. Although I would imagine they face the same confidence issues an ugly guy would feel.

Ugly girls are a myth they dont exist you can't be an ugly female there will always be guys who would fuck and date you. Even if shes deformed and 400 lbs she will find orbiters and sugar daddies. An ugly guy gets nothing from no one


Only exception is age, old women lose attraction and become ugly. That's when they usually develop a personality and start acting nicer

Usually a 4-5 out of 10 in terms of conventional attraction. I have options, I just can't drag another person down with my shit for moral reasons.

I dunno man. I mean I've seen this female Quasimodo at uni and she's always by herself. Never looks to happy either. Ugly guys get bitter and angry because they can't get Stacy. Ugly girls are almost invisible. Visual background noise. An ugly girl will usually settle for any guy that will settle for her. Doesnt mean she won't still won't chad but they will take why they can get.

Very fat?
I had a classmate in high school, she was very skeletal, dressed in dark baggy clothes, her eyes popped out from her face and her teeth was like fangs but I found her really really attractive. She had a bf of course

>they face the same confidence issues an ugly guy would feel
Even more since women are only valued for their looks.

six feet tall skeleton always dressed in black with dark circles and unkempt hair

What a dumb question. What does user look like in real life? They can look like anything.

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Ugly guys are the same. I was already 6'3" in HS and completely invisible (except when someone sit behind me and couldn't see).

Have you never been outside? You see ugly guys with hot girls all the time. It's much harder for an ugly girl.

This is such a lie , all dating trends show the opposite. Men dating down, woman dating up.

>all dating trends
Where'd you get these trends from? Your ass?

>Be the top donator of that month for this particular streamer
>She's playing Red Dead 2 Online
>Occasionally ask her on Discord and donations during the lead up to the Online launch if I can join her posse
>Online finally rolls out
>She has no room in the posse, it is composed entirely of her mods
>Feel like I've just been punched in the balls with the power of 13 suns

Needless to say I dropped the bitch after she thought she could walk all over me like I'm some cashcow, I've not looked at her stream since, removed it from my bookmarks and I've moved on to another girl who is a smaller streamer and who I make feel cherished as I'm one of her only regular donators and we chat on Discord every other day. I think I've made it, boys.

Wow that's pretty fucking sad dude.

I really, really hope men like this don't actually exist. I feel genuinely bad thinking they might.

>she could walk all over me like I'm some cashcow
But that was what you were doing from the start, being her cashcow that is. Willingly even.
I share this worry.

She did walk all over you like you're some cashcow.

Can someone post that screencap of the autist who moderated for an e-girl and went buttmad when he found out she's married?

>be a cashcow
>why is she treating me like a cashcow

Just try being an average looking dude online and see what that gets you compared to being an ugly/fat women who can bag higher status men

Like this origamili

Attached: 7A6B2EA3-E954-445C-A772-44D3010900E2.jpg (3088x2320, 1.2M)

Average looking dudes do just fine online, what are you talking about?

i'm an above average looking guy and online dating was still hell for me. your income matters a lot more than your looks.

i'm white, skinny, average height, have medium length messy black hair, wear black rimmed glasses which sometimes i put on top of my head holding my hair. I have sharp brows and well developed jaws. Skin is mostly smooth with maybe one or two pimples. Australian

Like this. She loves being beaten up during sex. If insterested, Ketamine#6844 on discord

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I look like a 12 year old boy with a receded chin, lower hanging breasts due to my pectus excavatum, and uneven (though still short) labia minora. Also my face is extremely asymmetrical.

But do you want a bf to love you

like this

unironically and literally and originally

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true at a certain point
the threshold of absolutely-ugly-to-men will only envelop a number of women absolutely fractional to the number of men that are absolutely-ugly-to-women

4/10 men and below are 1/10 women
and most women that are ugly are just avalanche-fat which can be fixed at any time through the cessation of eating: not worthy of any sympathy

Also - the makeup game that has become "normal" is nothing short of stage-craft fraud. It'd be a whole different game if we expected women to dress modestly, without accessory, without contouring.
The unfortunate hand of unmitigated undesirableness applies to 50 fold more men than women.
Easy mode is easy mode. Fuckem.

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If that's actually, you look very very cute user!

This is why men can't complain about being lonely. They can just go gay.

Just filter out the ones that wear makeup or do other degenerate things from your possible mates

bf or gf really, I don't like loneliness.
Most people deserve better than me though. Personality wise I am awkward and always accidentally rude to people. I dont realize the way I say things comes across the wrong way.

What are some examples of that accidental rudeness, user? Why do you think people deserve better?

Apparently I look a bit like pic related in her early days.

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No way you do. That's actually beautiful, user. What the heck brings you to r9k?

Women will never know true loneliness though because no matter what they look like there will always be at least a few guys desperate enough to orbit. If you're a guy though, there's no reason for anyone to give a shit about you if you're boring with no personality.

Someone greeted me and I said hi back, but it was too quiet and it looked like I was ignoring them.
I don't show a lot of emotion, so sometimes I try to show it, even for possible comedic effect (jokingly getting mad at something silly for example) but people tell me to calm down so I settle for being monotone, which people also take offense to.
I accidentally bring up sensitive subjects or breach social barriers I should not.
People deserve better because I personally cannot stand the way I look, and overall there's better company out there than me. I try to make up for it by being understanding. I'm weird myself, and consistently stupid, so I'm less judgemental than most. That's my only useful trait tho

Thanks, but I do think she looks pretty average in neutral pics like the one I posted. I'm here because I need image boards in order to interact with people, but I've also always liked how being a weird loser is the norm here.

>If you're a guy though, there's no reason for anyone to give a shit about you if you're boring with no personality.
You think orbiters actually care about the people they orbit and aren't just lonely guys wanting attention from a girl? allowing yourself to be used by random guys doesn't mean you're able to have genuine connections with people

What made you a weird loser though? I feel like being a good looking girl lends itself to being able to be normal. I'm a big weird loser myself, but then again I'm a guy and pretty average looking

Hey but at least it means you'll have people to talk to and have people that can at least pretend to care if you want to vent about your problems. I understand orbiters probably aren't ideal but at least it's talking to a real person, the only people I can talk to are anonymous posts on Jow Forums.

I think you underestimate that trait you say is your only one. That's actually a great trait to have, and it can lead you find people that enjoy your company. I know that's one of the things I've looked for in someone. Looks aren't all that important, and I actually have acted in the exact same manner as you. Someone even called me bipolar because I used try to over express myself, but then everyone told me to slow down. I ended up pretty monotone as well. Are you looking for people to chat with? Where are you from if you don't mind me asking

Hmm I'm not bad looking, I wonder how an ugly girl would feel if I state at her.
I think I'll try it and post results later.

Picture related is a cartoon depiction of myself.

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I don't know, I think it's some sort of inherent trait I just have. Other girls were calling me weird in 4th grade. But I think it has something to do with my slightly unusual family and how I was brought up.
I have no friends and stay inside most of my time, which hopefully counts. I don't consider myself particularly good-looking though.
Hope that satisfied your curiosity, user.

Hmm, how do women feel about this?

Being a fat girl*

Nevada. But I don't think I could keep up conversation well past Jow Forums posts. Sorry, man.

If you look like that and think you're average remember that most of the world is shitskin chinks. You're automatically more valuable as a person because of scarcity.
So an average looking white women is above average in attractive properties.

No worries user. Crazy we're actually near by though

Please dont add this account its not her posting

I definitely do think you're pretty attractive. Is there are a particular reasom you stay inside? I just always imagined good lookong people being able to make friends even they were weird. What makes your family unusual?

it is me, fuck off incel

can i wife you up and be your man slave?

I am literally that person and I didnt post that fuck off

The only "fembots" that aren't larpers are trannies

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I'm an ugly nigger with a monkey face. The only thing good about me is the fake hair I have on my head

I once saw a fat American girl and honestly with a decent diet she would have been a 8/10 had a cute face, but she was fat literraly ball size

can i smack my white dick on your orangutan lips

only if u marry me

That Ketamine chick has neanderthal feet. You incels disgust me.

Not really gorgeous.


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ill marry you for a week and then divorce you, good enough?

Not really, ugly people are shit and have to earn their right to reproduce

yeah? prove it with timestamp then bitch

Ah yes, the classic Nigga tactic.

Not really

You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.


imagine sophie turner, but with brown hair, cystic acne, and unfashionable clothes
people compare me to her a lot. I've been thinking of doing a sansa stark cosplay but I'd have to watch the TV show first.

can i fuck you bloody?

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It's way harder to get laid as a male than as a female, even if they're objectively the same attractiveness, and typically what constitutes a robot is someone so socially inept and/or physically inferior that they struggle to obtain sexual relationships. Therefore, a fembot would have to be someone who, despite having a natural advantage over ugly men, would still fail at attracting a partner. So basically a mentally retarded and morbidly disfigured half-evolved primate. To be clear, I have met 1/10 women who physically hurt to look at that still find fucked up old guys and foreigners to sleep with.

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dumb bastards...

Will you be my gf if we manage to mesh well together

basically what you would picture. Below average to ugly. The sort of girls who are bullied and shunned n school, but then become mostly invisible in adult life because they havent had the chance to develop a personality, or social skills to make up for being uggo. I mean without self esteem or self worth you don't really have anything. Thats the case for me anyway.

people always leave out the second part of that study, which was data on who people chose to message
the women were most likely to message men in the second to fifth groups of attractiveness, i.e. low to average men, whereas the vast majority of men only messaged the sixth and seventh groups, i.e. the most attractive women

Now leave me alone

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probably because those guys had decent jobs, women are obsessed with how much money we make. we generally dont care about how much money women make and just mostly care about looks

Hey now, it's not nice to destroy the narrative with facts.

Or someone who lacks the skills required to make a man actually want to do more and pump and dump her. its no secret many men will stick their dicks in literally anything. You need neither personality, looks nor even good social skills to get that, Getting and maintaining someone who loves you is something else entirely. Classic male opinion thinking sex is everything in life.

your cute can i pee on you plese?

no I'm afraid of sex desu

it's very unlikely that we would be compatible. have you heard of georgism?

you realize how counterproductive posting this is right

you have retty nails and a neat room user

actual niggers don't even get to that point

the level I relate to that manga is fucking hurtful. At least in the beginning anyway. I never did get a normie harem of cute girl friends babying me

>no I'm afraid of sex desu
i'll settle for daily cuddling

its worked in the past, generally people on r9k wont add if they know its someone larping as you. Everyone that did add me before I could say it isnt me apologised and left me alone, which I appreciate

She loves being peed on.

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I have, but what does that have to do with us not getting along?