Please logically defend eating meat. animals such as pigs, chickens and cows are fully sentient and conscious...

please logically defend eating meat. animals such as pigs, chickens and cows are fully sentient and conscious, and suffer tremendously as a result of your taste-bud preferences. human dont need ANY animal products to have optimal health, and animal products consumption are commonly associated in the medical literature with things like obesity and heart disease

and its extremely unethical. enslaving, torturing, castrating, raping, and murdering sentient animals for your amusement is not an ethical justification. dont you think its funny how so many depressed virgins on Jow Forums and complain about the abuse you've experienced in life by the hands of insensitive normies, but turn around and perpetuate much worse violence unto innocent animals?

like honestly, half of this board has people complaining of depression, being abused by normies/their parents, stress, being in pain, wanting to kill themselves, etc. do you think theres any irony in by eating meat you are contributing to suffering that is FAR AND AWAY in excess of anything that you've suffered in life, yet you have the nerve to complain about your petty problems? dont you think eating meat is hypocritical of you, if you complain about your problems in life caused by other people more powerful than you?

these animals dont want to die, experience torture, live in a small cage their entire life, or be raped, but they do experience those things just for your simple tastebuds and food preferences. im sure "muh yummy in my tummy tum tum, its fun for me haha" is not an ethical justification you'd accept if someone was to mistreat you

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Other urls found in this thread:

meat is just very tasty

>human dont need ANY animal products to have optimal health

Recent research shows otherwise. Look it up.

>Fully sentient and conscious
Except no they're not.

we're omnivores and omnivores also need meat, HOWEVER nothing excuses factory farming. That shit is evil.

Because I like to know things suffer in order for me to sustain myself.

most animals actually are, so you can't refute that part, but you can still argue on behalf of people eating meat like I did here

We're animals. Animals eat each other all the time. It's nature. You're not a fallen angel, you're a slightly smarter ape. Get over yourself and your faggot ethics. All o those delicious-tasting animals would eat us to if they'd evolved such a capability, but they didn't, and I'm not sorry about it.

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i like eating meat, meat tastes good and frankly i dont give a rats ass where it comes from, plus the animals probably don't even realize what's going on anyway

animals are sentient, give me scientific evidence showing they aren't or shut the fuck you ignorant unscientific retard

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Damn I wish that were me.

if I go to the shops and there is a bunch of already dead animal meat laying around I will happily eat it, but I won't go out of my way to kill an animal to eat it unless it was life or death

the choice for the larger part of humanity to stop killing and eating animals is out of my hands and I won't pretend to have the answers to persuade them otherwise

Yeah, me fuckin too.

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we're the apex predators so we eat what and how we want, it's the way of nature

dude I said they are sentient, I was disagreeing with that guy

Humans are primarily carnivores. For the 350,000 years the human species has existed, 340,000 of those years humans have mostly subsisted on meat supplemented with small amounts of wild berries and fruits. We were not ment to live on agricultural diet. Even today, if you look at societies that mostly subsist on carbs and other plant foods vs societies that mostly subsist on meat, there is a huge noticable difference in health and fitness. Look at Mexicans for example when it comes to high carb diets. Most of their diet consists of beans, bread and vegetables and they all look like shit. They're fat and they generally look sick and unhealthy. Now look at Mongolians and other steppe peoples like Kazakhs. Their diet mostly consist of meat and dairy products, and despite the fact that that region is one of the least developed regions of the world with a low living standard, very little medical services etc they all look healthy, muscular and fit.

In the end its your choice wether you want to sacrifice your own health to not eat meat, but the fact is that meat is that meat based diets are what humans were ment to live and thus the healthiest.

>human dont need ANY animal products to have optimal health
we've always been omnivores
>obesity and heart disease
how do you explain that France, one of the countries with the highest consumption of butter and red meat has a lesser rate of heart disease than a vegetarian country like India?
>>unethical. enslaving, torturing, castrating, raping, murdering sentient animals
i've never read a paper support that animals are sentient, please link one
I don't support animal cruelty and never will. I am against factory farming, and for ethical farms.

Animal raising, shepherding, hunting and preparation is part of our cultural heritage and tradition and should not be forgotten.

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There isn't really any logical defense for killing animals for meat that doesn't extend to shit like eating the retarded. Plant based diets have negative health effects but not to such an extent that they justify killing animals to offset them.

That said, I'm not gonna stop eating meat and OP is a faggot.

This gif loops horribly. Ruined it for me.

>please logically defend eating meat
Why should I? Otherwise Ill be labelled a bad personal? Oh well.

Op is pic related

Let people eat what they like as long as it doesn't hurt other humans.

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>There isn't really any logical defense for killing animals for meat that doesn't extend to shit like eating the retarded
cannibalism causes diseases

>doesn't extend to shit like eating the retarded
You have a problem with that? If ours was a more enlightened world, that's exactly what we would do.

If I was against it I would have to be a completely off the chain ALF terrorist, busting into farms and blowing up slaughterhouses.
I'm not because farmers and butchers tend to be low-class people who have little opportunity to make a living and such actions would negatively impact their lives severely. I value human life slightly more than animal life because I am a speciest, if you will, and I'm not ashamed of it and never will be. Even a peaceful dismantling of the meat industry through boycotting would force many millions of people out of the job market and that's unacceptable to my philosophy.
I don't despise the people at the top either, because they're not malicious - they just want to make money and meat is the means to make that money.

I have full confidence that the problem will solve itself and I approve of calls for more transparency in the meat industry practices for purposes of reducing animal suffering.

Eating brain matter and neural tissue sometimes can causes diseases.

plants are living beings too and display their own form of sentience eating them is just as hypocritical since they are eaten alive and cut down in a similar fashion

Jaap Korteweg is the antichrist

And if it didn't you'd be cool with eating the retarded?

meat is necessary to live optimally, i don't need to defend wanting to live a good life.

>being a cannibal like primitive savage tribes in africa and other shitholes of the world is being enlightened

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lmao, sure buddy, give me the link, i'll be waiting haha xDDD

Rising levels of CO2 are decreasing the nutritional density of plants at an alarming speed. In the near future, a plant-based diet will be even less sustainable.

I want to eat meat and you can't deny me of my right of eating meat.
I don't owe you any explainations so go eat a flower.

> (OP)
>the choice for the larger part of humanity to stop killing and eating animals is out of my hands and I won't pretend to have the answers to persuade them otherwise
See, that's the thing. We've gone too far and there are too many of us so we're pretty much stuck in the dynamics we're engaged into. The Masses(tm) are too overwhelmingly large to stop whatever they're doing, and at the moment, eating meat is a thing they do.
The whole "it begins with yourself" argument doesn't work because there's always the doubt that someone somewhere is not gonna follow and as a result nobody actually tries. This shit's been around for decades.

retard alert! eating meat will actually decrease your life span and increase your risk of heart diseases and brain issues like dementia and Alzheimer, not to mention poor blood flow to your wee ding dong!

>animals kill each other to eat in nature
>human genes are primed to eat meat, we've been doing it since caveman times
>animals are going to die anyway, putting food to waste is bad for the environment
>the proteins in beans lack the nutrients required by the human body found in meat
>the companies that sell tortured meat and commit these despicable acts should be held accountable for their actions, not consumers who are simply purchasing a food item that is a necessity to maintaining a balanced diet
>going vegan without negatively impacting your health is expensive and provides almost no benefits to one's quality of life
you're free to go vegan if you want, its a free country. and you are free to voice your opinions, but when you try to force other people to do it, you're just an asshole.
>this thread is over

It's called the horseshoe effect. Primitive barbarian shithole cultures and advanced, enlightened, pragmatic societies have more in common with one another than either does with indecisive, lukewarm, schizophrenic zeitgeists like ours.

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oh wow i wont get to live to 90 so i can suffer from a organ failure and a bunch of other old people shit

You can't use the words "schizophrenia" and "zeitgeist" in the ways you used them.

>irrelevant point, completely irrelevant to reality in the now, because we're not animals
>again, entirely irrelevant point, because we are omnivores that can thrive being herbivores
>we can still humanely and ethically use the corpses of animals, but this doesn't justify mass farming in horrifying conditions, using mass amounts of antibiotics and causing 30% of global warming
>retard alert! eating brown rice and beans together contains all the amino acids a human being needs to live. complete proteins!
>entirely unnecessary for a balanced "healthy (retard)" diet. also, should we excuse the workers who shove their fists up cows, because they're just working to make an honest living?
>being vegan is entirely cheaper than eating meat
you're free to be retarded if you want, it's a free country. and you are free to voice your retarded opinion, but when you try to get other people to think like a retard as well, you're just a retard

What are you, the fucking word police? Eat my ass faggot.

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slick back peddling, retard. look up the oldest man to climb mt kilamanjaro, who happened to be vegan xDDDDD ; ^)

It's yummy and I love it

Okay then you go kill your family and eat them along with your enlightened friends in pic related lol

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It tastes nice and I don't care about animals.

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There are actually a bunch of vegan youtube channels out there that are coming out saying theyve quit being vegan. From the few ive seen the general synopsis of why they quit is because there body couldnt handle not having meat anymore. Listen,there are alot of nutrients in meat that the hulan body has to have. And no,we cant just eat pills and call it a day. It would take away millions of jobs and hurt the economy too much. It sucks that these animals are treated this way but thats a different issue entirely.

except, you only need to take 2500mg of b12 once a week, and nothing more! there are retarded vegans out htere as well unfortunately, who either are babies and waahhh i miss the yummy milkies and meatsies!! or they don't eat enough because they're trendy dumb females who eat blended up greens all the time and consume 700 calories in a day

>but guys, let's trust the anecdotal retard evidence and call it a day! it's too much of a drag otherwise to actually think about these animals i so dearly care about haha XD

Still,that doesnt change my second point. And whats you beef with milk it doesnt hurt the cow to take it i assure you it doesnt.

fully sentient? nope , but humans are and we kill baby humans all the time. fuck vegetarians we have more important stuff to think about

Thats an exception, not the rule. You dont see old faggot vegans climbing everyday

retard alert! most cows are literally milked to death, or until the point where their teets are rotting off and are sent to the slaughter immediately. yeah, the poor infastructure and economy. in a world where our media and rich people who own all the wealth make sure we are providing for their schemes and lifestyles, making a transition is too hard!!! changing from animals to plants is too difficult!!! it takes way too many resources!!! (except it doesn't because it takes significantly less!)

It tastes nice. I can't be fucked buying vitamin supplements and expensive vegan alternatives to meat that taste like shit and leave me just as hungry in an hour.

If anything, it isn't the lack of steak or bacon that puts me off veganism, it's the lack of eggs. Scrambled tofu is a blight on the human species.

sure bud, tell yourself what you want to believe, clog your bloody tubes with fats from animals, meanwhile a man 88 year old is creampieing your mom while daddy watches! lmao

that one time guys, i ate this tofu and like, i was hungry in an hour! just this one time though, but like, it's shitty!! a 2 dollar block of tofu with 40 grams of protein, fuck, that's too expensive for me boys!!! gotta load up on my mcdoubles xDDD

Hold up i am finishing my hamburger and milkshake ill respond to your innane womanly gay shit in a sec.

>everyone who eats meat eats it exclusively through fast food joints
Fake and gay. Also your gay b8 thread is fake and gay and so are you. Bye.

woahhh!! you sure got me bud, can't wait for your reply to never come, if it does, more dumb dissonant shit i bet!

lmao, not even op bud. oh, you're right, go to the super and spend 8.99 a pound of a slice of steak instead, is that cheaper than the mcdoubles? see ya later bud, don't forget to look away from the internet sooner if it gets you upset

Nah but i actually didnt know that. But still,they are bred to be eaten theres nothing wrong with the way we treat them. Theyvarent ad important as dogs or cats. They are a food. Really the only reason meat is bad is because of how the way things are processed in america,not that its i inherently bad. Just like with pills. Yeah pills are bad for you if you take too much but they can help if you use them right.

I don't need to defend myself for doing something as biologically natural as eating meat. Fuck off to pol with this god awful bait, you'll get more bites.

Why should i value something just because it's sentient and conscious? I don't really see why should i give a fuck about them.

>and its extremely unethical

depends on what kind of moral system do you have

Fuck animals honestly

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Was a vegetarian for a few years, but started eating salmon a while ago due to health issues and inability to heal tendon damage
Sorry fishbros

except, that's entirely wrong, sorry. regardless of sulfites and preservatives that are proven and shown to cause cancer, so does just eating plain meat increase your likelyhood of many other things that will lead to your early grave, including shitty the shitty effects you'll live with and see. so, let's value tradition blindly, because i was told or shown by society that people value cats and dogs more on average, so the rest of the animals can get fucked! even though pigs are more intelligent than dogs!

salmon is incredibly good for you , your body thanks you.

>animals eat animals, except not you, stop, don't, waaaaah

Even if that is true,why would i or anyone else care? Honestly i dont see why anyone would want to be part of this gay clown world where you are a number and number alone.

Me hungie

>please logically defend eating meat
tastes good and is nutritious and healthy

it tastes good sorry

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Eating raw meat is natural heh heh heh
Stupid wegans can't get any witamin B12 heh heh heh
And they think the earth is round heh heh heh

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well buddy, i hope you get fucked and taken advantage of your whole life. i hope all of your hopes and dreams are taken from you and shattered before your eyes. after all, you're just a conscious and sentient being, no value there. you are the perfect candidate to be taken advantage of and led by the carrot on the stick by the man that's just bigger than you. good luck with your fate, selling your soul for a slice. but it's okay, you'll be among the people who think that death is the resting place after your shitty time in existence. and you'll welcome it sooner, because you're craving that sweet release from your captors. its your only escape because you were too weak in this life to overcome your desire

Btw no, that's not true.

>vegan scum
Have to create a bandwagon of arguments, argue primarily on internet (to no avail), pride themselves on artificial values.
>meat boys
Just do what everyone does

you can refer to this post. being vegan is just one step into achieving separation from your lost wandering mind

Oh quit being so melodramatic. Life isnt that serious.

I would question what else anyone could reasonably value other than the domain of conscious experience, human or not. What else is there? If we are concerned with the well-being of humans because we understand they are sentient and are capable of suffering and so on, why should this not extend to other sentient animals? I don't understand why it would not. Suffering is suffering regardless.

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whatever you want to make it to be buddy, go ahead and live on in your meaningless dream

I fucking love meat tbqhwy, vegan knockoffs will never come close
>muh suffering
Plenty of people suffer every day and you don't give a shit about them, don't pretend you give a shit about animals you've never seen just for the sake of virtue signalling

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Just eat fish, shellfish, and crustaceans, ethical problem solved as these are barely sentient.
There are multiple edible and tasty species of them that are also infesting,just eat them and you can stop whining about muh meat.

As a wealthy human being, living in an advanced part of the world i'm pretty sure something like that will never happen to me. Anyways... why should i give a fuck about animals again?

Because someone might value human beings and care about their well-being for other reasons buddy.

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Why don't we just eat vegans? We get meat, you get to sacrifice yourselves so the animals you love so fucking much can live, it's win-win.

cant eat a lot of parts of the human , we dont taste very good and there is little (if any) prime meat

indians eat to much carbs and are not active

>and there is little (if any) prime meat

Well there's a lot of vegans, so that makes a difference. And once we've eaten all of those whiny leaf-guzzling cunts we can go back to eating animals, they'll never know.

so being a vegan is bad you say? who wouldve thought

>what else anyone could reasonably value other than the domain of conscious experience

for example their ability to recognise that we are in a social construct which based on reciprocation, so basically they wont fuck with you because they don't wanna get fucked. Animals can't recognise and participate in this social construct. Therefore i don't give a fuck about them.

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why not just feed them to the animals we are going to eat , fatten em up a bit and it wont even be direct cannibalism

I'm not sure what you mean exactly but many species of animals have complex social systems and understanding, will develop social bonds, display care and concern for fellow members of their species and so on (even other species in some cases), social norms and what could loosely be called moral systems. Even if we grant your argument it could be applied to humans as well. Children, those with certain mental disabilities...etc. Either way I don't see why this necessarily means we should disregard their capacity to experience suffering.

You are a hypocrite if you pretend for even one second you do not value some forms of life above others. You do not mourn the loss of every ant that is crushed.

So the question then becomes where EXACTLY do you draw the line? Your reasons for wanting to preserve the lives of specific animals are arbitrarily chosen and not based in logical reasoning at all.

Death is not an inherently bad thing just as living is not an inherently good thing, it is entirely subjective.

You are a hypocrite, merely virtue signalling to attempt to show people around you that you are caring. Hypocrites who can't even stick to the beliefs that they preach to others sicken me more than anything.

>You are a hypocrite if you pretend for even one second you do not value some forms of life above others. You do not mourn the loss of every ant that is crushed.
I don't think this is a core principle of vegetarianism or veganism at all. Complete strawman. Most people (including vegans...etc) recognise different lifeforms have different degrees of sentience (if they have sentience at all) and capacity to experience. This is literally why insects of example are not protected under animal cruelty laws, whilst things like dogs, pigs...etc are. This is why people are quite rightly generally more concerned with the wellbeing of humans than they are of chickens, and chickens than they are of insects...etc. Poor argument.

My argument was: animals will never be able to recognise and participate in this social construct with me, or with any other human being. I don't care about their own systems.

Children has the potential ability to enter this social construct and pretty much all human has. About people with mental disabilities who can't participate in the social construct, i personally kinda see them the way i look at pets. But it's a bit more complicated.

Also i don't think suffering as an intrinsically bad thing which we should try to reduce or whatever.

Let me be your pet please uwu

>Most people (including vegans...etc) recognise different lifeforms have different degrees of sentience

No, this is an assumption you are making. Inconsistent with your other beliefs.
Either all life matters or no life matters. Anything in between is hypocritical.

>Inconsistent with your other beliefs.
What other beliefs? I'm not OP by the way.
>Either all life matters or no life matters. Anything in between is hypocritical.
This is an absolutely ridiculous position and absurdly simplistic reduction of the nature of life, potential sentience and the value and concern people ascribe to those things, and their reasons for doing so. By this standard almost every human being alive is a hypocrite, not just vegetarians and vegans.

We need meet. Just look at vegans, they age a lot faster. Tbh I find it cruel too but that's just how nature works

>enslaving, torturing, castrating, raping, and murdering sentient animals
If you legit think that all non-veggies rape animals, I don't think logical arguments are going to convince you.
I'll try regardless.

>commonly associated with obesity and heart disease
No, see, meat is NOT the problem. The problem is meat is so abundant, people eat it every day. It's just an overdose, you can have that with quite a lot of veggies as well.
Rule of thumb: Anything can be a poison.

>live in a small cage their entire life
Except the animals whose meat I buy do not. I buy from a local farmer. I can see every single animal there on the mountain side or in the farm buildings, which are open for anyone to visit.
I mean, it's possible they have a secret rape dungeon, but unlikely.

>contributing to suffering
Slaughter can be done without suffering, period.
I'm a huntsman from Germany, you need a LOT of knowledge in both butchery and biology to pass the exam over here. It is entirely possible to kill a creature instantly, especially if they're tame.

I don't think I have provided a single argument that would be disgusting here. I'll agree that people should consume less meat, but I think moderation is the better choice.

It tastes good and I want to. Nothing else matters. Defend murdering plants, vegans.

>muh animuhlz
>they is alive too
>muh vegeta tables
Fuck off back to plebbit normie nigger. I'll eat whatever the god damn hell ass fuck I want

the complete refutation to your ignorance:
>boo hoo. its 6 hours long
I don't fucking care. The problems with SAD diet are covered thoroughly along with how veganism is nothing less than voluntary malnutrition. Take from it the short, and best, summary as to why veganism is a meme and a shitty one.
>No society on earth, in the entire history of the earth, has ever survived multi-generationally on a vegan diet. EVER
>IF strict plant eating was optimal for health it would have occurred. Do we see any multi-generational societies with a tradition of strict plant eating? Not anywhere on the planet. Not anywhere in history.
>In fact the societies with limited options of animal products and meats resort to eating insects, spiders, ANY animal protein they can get their hands on.
Sure gets the ol noggin joggin as to whether or not animal products are critical to optimal health, eh?

a short video for the impatient
some takeaways
some critical vitamins are absent or in insufficient quantities in the strict plant diet
some critical amino acids are absent or in insufficient quantities from the plant diet
some critical fatty acids are absent from the strict plant diet
note: certain ketone bodies cross the blood-brain-barrier & are utilized to build nervous tissue. Its postulated that infants' orientation toward being in dietary ketosis more consistently than adults is a matter of necessity to provide the raw materials for brain development.
Consequently shifting to a common-vegan highly insulinogenic diet would very likely be deleterious to neurological development.

The human animal relies on meat. The thing that became a human, became a human, because he wielded a goddamn spear. If you want to be weak and neurologically deprived - fine. Go for it.
I'm not unsympathetic to animals. I prefer culling to be administered with care, but I refuse be voluntarily weak.

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