In order to be a pessimist you must also acknowledge the reality that you probably don't know anything and are wrong...

>in order to be a pessimist you must also acknowledge the reality that you probably don't know anything and are wrong, including the fact of pessimism being absolute and something going as planned or someone achieving something as intended
>in order to be a nihilist you cannot be depressed about the fact that life is meaningless because in doing so you are assuming that there is something to be depressed about, implying that meaning exists

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what if im a nihilist that is depressed about the fact no meaning exists , my depression does not require meaning only sadness meaningless meaningless sadness.

Why be anything?

that would be like being depressed about the fact that the sky can't be purple, why can't the sky be purple? there is no purple sky, time to blow my brains out

kind of but replace "purple sky" with "meaning"
so you get

"the world cant have meaning, why can't the world have meaning? there is no meaning just suffering , time to blow my brains out"

"why cant" got cut off from the beginning of the quote sorry.

it's the same thing, it's equally as stupid we're all just forced to think that somehow there's supposed to be this concept of meaning that we created in our imaginations like the purple sky

yes i feel like it whould be better if there was meaning
a purple sky would be nice to but its not like a top priority

would it really? maybe it's just better this way, maybe the color of the sky we like is actually just the one now. Imagine if your entire life was forcibly dictated to you, nearly the same thing would be applicable if life had meaning, because that implies that your entire existence is based off of doing or accomplishing certain things, and without them you are objectively somehow worthless, you might not even want to do them. What if the entire meaning of life was to wipe shit off infected smelly old asses and murder babies, would you like that? it doesn't matter what you think or whether or not you like it, that's the meaning of life and if you don't fulfill your purpose you are worthless, so get back to doing XYZ until you die. Sounds a hell of a lot more depressing than the former

meaning is not free will they are different , you can have both

of course but you're also missing the point, sure you can choose not to follow the meaning of life but in doing so you will inevitably suffer the consequences, like getting ostracized and perhaps even punished, you will also always know that you're not following and "obeying" the meaning of life like a good little slave. By applying meaning to life you create reasons to become sad and depressed about things because you either haven't fulfilled the "meaning" to the fullest extent or haven't done so at all, or you see other people accomplishing more things related to the "meaning of life" more / better than you which would probably make you even more sad and depressed

it's like saying you can be an arab muslim woman in a 99% arab muslim country with shariah law and do whatever you want. It's like yeah sure buddy theoretically but not practically because there are dire consequences

>"the world cant have meaning, why can't the world have meaning? there is no meaning just suffering , time to blow my brains out"

That means that you believe that meaning has value or would have value if it existed.

Nihilism is the utter rejection of the possibility of valid values. That means an actual nihilist would not care - *could* not care - about the absence of meaning. Meaning's presence or absence would be irrelevant to him.

If you are depressed about what you perceive to be the absence of meaning, you are a *disappointed idealist*, and not a nihilist. In fact, most people upset about the absence of "meaning" are actually upset about the absence of very specific types of "meaning" that were postulated to exist by belief systems that existed in the past that set utterly absurd expectations for the cosmic importance of individual men and their actions. In other words, the (really pathetic and childish) historical religious belief systems that held that every action of the individual was being monitored and graded by divine forces set a very high bar for the "meaning" of day-to-day life, and the disintegration of that unrealistic standard for "meaning" is what you're actually depressed about. That's not a nihilistic outlook at all, because the nihilist looks at those prior belief systems and pronounces them worthless and absurd and doesn't mourn their dissolution for even a moment.

well then im not a "accrual nihilist" i do think the world could have value if meaning existed its not like everyone needs to always have the same opinions.
thats not the point even if you rejected the meaning you would still know it existed and would be able to make your own decisions based around yourself and that meaning unlike the nothing i have right now.

that's literally identical to saying if the sky was purple it would look cooler and at least i would like it a lot more than blue

OK. You can test your hypothesis of dictated "meaning" by simply moving to a 3rd world muslim country. For example saudi arabia. I recommend you take a trip to saudi arabia, there it is an objective fact that the meaning of life is to worship and follow the bidding of allah and prophet muhammad peace be upon him (remember if you don't say that when you read it you will spend the rest of your eternity in hell mashallah). Memorize the entire qur'an word for word and pray to allah and prophet muhammad at least 5 times a day at pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and night, follow every single one of the verses of the allmighty allah, change your name and get started on murdering the infidels so you can please allah (your creator, the bringer of life itself who has given you meaning) and accomplish your purpose in life which is very clearly and obviously known and is an objective fact (just ask any of the ~2 billion muslims in the world). Every waking moment of every day of your entire existence should be spent doing all these things:

1. praying to allah (peace be upon him, remember say that now or you will be a failure in life and not please allah your creator)
2. studying and reading the quran
3. having halal sex with one of your 4 wives as dictated in the quran for the sole intention of having children
4. murdering infidels (anyone who disobeys and disagrees with allah and goes against and threatens the purpose and meaning of existence and life which the creator has so gracefully given us)
5. talking about and preaching the word of allah and prophet muhammad (peace be upon him, don't forget you know the consequences)
6. eating
7. bathing
8. excreting
9. sleeping
10. walking
11. dressing
12. working

Whether or not you agree with this fact is irrelevant, if you don't follow this you will be depressed and live a meaningless life

yes it is , it is similar to that and thats not a bad thing.

i wont want fake meaning like religion i want real meaning
"Whether or not you agree with this fact is irrelevant, if you don't follow this you will be depressed and live a meaningless life"
i already have a depressed and meaningless life , its not like the meaning itself is causing these problems they already exist without the meaning.

no, this is real meaning, not fake meaning, this is not a religion this is the objective truth of reality and the meaning of life itself

it is no wonder you have a depressed and meaningless life, you are rejecting your purpose of existence and meaning in this world and you are suffering the consequences. Humans have a purpose and life has a meaning, and this is it and i told you the meaning and explained everything behind it it is very simple, but you must follow it, if you do not you will suffer the consequences as you are now, you can continue to be depressed purposeless and meaningless or you can just accept the fact of the truth and accomplish your purpose. It doesn't matter whether or not you think this meaning or purpose is real or fake or whether or not you like it, the fact of the matter is that is what it is and if you don't like it then tough luck but if you want to know why you are here on planet earth, then that's it

ummm great great , ummm im still a nihilist but ill pass on joining your cult buddy

it's not a cult, it literally is the purpose of existence and meaning of life, of course you have free will, because you can have free will and purpose, but you will suffer the consequences if you do not follow your purpose and accept the meaning of life, and it's obvious from what you've told me that you haven't and you're already suffering because you're not fulfilling your purpose for being on this planet and you reject the meaning of life, by being a nihilist you're just being a rebellious angsty child and will follow the path of depression and sadness, grow up and do something with your absolutely worthless self and fulfill your purpose

if im absolutely worthless then how could i possibly fulfill any purpose? would not that be worth something. either way im not interested in fake meaning like i said , religion is pointless when it was made up by some asshat for his own reasons and it could never be by a god because there is no such thing.

>in order to be a pessimist you must also acknowledge the reality that you probably don't know anything and are wrong
The worst outcome: I was a pessimist for no good reason.

you are worthless because you are purposeless, and you are purposeless because you do not fulfill your purpose, i explained what your purpose was and how your worth is determined by fulfilling your purpose and accepting and understanding the meaning of life and the universe and even the history behind it, this is not a matter of debate and you do not decide what is what, this is the meaning and this is the purpose, the only thing you decide is what to do, you can choose to fulfill your purpose or you can choose not to, this is not fake meaning and this is not religion, it was not made up by anyone it is literally the explanation for everything, you do not decide whether or not there is a god, god is the meaning and purpose for existence, that is fact, you cannot change that, now you can follow what you should be doing with your life (your purpose) or not, the choice is up to you

Nice recruitment Ahmed.

its not a matter of debate becuse you wont allow it to be , you say your right and when questioned you have nothing to back it up just outright denial of what i said (without evidence).
gods not real and i know that for a fact and you are very welcome to come up with a response or rebuttal but if you just state that im wrong and your right ill just leave..... its as pointless trying to talk to you as it is trying to find meaning in the world.

So what OP is trying to say is PEOPLE AREN'T RATIONAL????
Wow that's a revolutionary thought!

i already told you meaning is found, there is the meaning right there you just refuse to accept it and not follow your life's purpose for being on this planet, the reason there is no debate isn't because i won't allow it to be, it's because it is fact that this is the meaning of the universe and purpose of existence, it's all right there and you should follow it, you don't have to, you can continue being the way you want to be, but really you're just fooling yourself, at the end of the day you're purposeless and lost and therefore useless and following a stray path, follow the purpose of your existence instead and fulfill the meaning of your life

it's set in stone, there's nothing you can do, you can ask why and argue all you want but that's what it is and it doesn't matter if you don't like it or don't accept it, because as long as you don't follow it you will always be that way

this is what you wanted, meaning, there you go you have it, go follow it

you don't actually want meaning, you don't give a shit about meaning, you just want absolute power and control, you want to own the universe and dictate over it, you want to generate an infinite stream of pleasure and happiness under the guise of your own meaning because you're selfish and really just want your OWN meaning to be the meaning for everyone else in the world

No, being a pessimist leading to the idea that nothing will work on its own leads to an autistic level of planning and dedication that makes things possible.

you're an idiot and you're wrong

i will continue to be the way i am , i might be a depressed nihilist but at least im not an idiot zealot. goodbye

"you don't actually want meaning, you don't give a shit about meaning, you just want absolute power and control, you want to own the universe and dictate over it, you want to generate an infinite stream of pleasure and happiness under the guise of your own meaning because you're selfish and really just want your OWN meaning to be the meaning for everyone else in the world" wow i mean that would be nice but thats also unobtainable , and therefore pointless.

the only idiot here is you, i'm not a zealot and i'm not a muslim, neither am i religious, i draw a large part of my philosophy from nihilism as well, it's clear from the beginning i've been trying to get you to understand how utterly stupid and counter-productive the idea of meaning existing actually is, you seem to be unable to grasp the abstract concept of how meaning is actually worse than meaninglessness, you say you don't but really you do because you reject any and all forms of "meaning" (whatever the fuck that means in its most subjective nature) that YOU don't agree with and YOU don't approve based on YOUR ideas and conceptualizations, i used the example of religion but it really could be anything, i could tell you right now the meaning of life is to kill yourself because it's clearly evident that in order for the planet to continue existing it needs a healthy environment / ecosystem and you just kill things and consume life and destroy so stop eating and just wither and die and let your body naturally decompose into the earth so what are you waiting for go pick up a shotgun and blow your brains out. It's fucking stupid, and there's no reason to be sad about the fact that it doesn't exist, in fact you should be happy that meaning doesn't exist because you can do whatever the fuck you want

i cant do whatever i want though , thats not how reality works im incredibly limited in my range of actions and ability.

whatever you say, i don't even think you could count the things which were impossible and inconceivable which is now reality

continue being sad about your desire to have absolute control and power over the universe essentially becoming an omnipotent deity or god so you can have a "meaning" in life that coincides perfectly with everything you want and desire and represents the perfect utopia in your imagination of how everything is supposed to be i guess