Why aren't you a MGTOW yet user?

Why aren't you a MGTOW yet user?

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He probably had plans to go in the works already

Because it suffers from the same ill that blights feminism: a blinding resentment of the opposite sex that orients the movement not toward the improvement of gender relations but toward petty, divisive blame and hate-mongering.

I feel like this thread is going to be full of people getting offended by a joke.

ooooh so that was a joke. yeah sometimes I forget women try to be funny too

>a joke

because groupthink is for people who are too lazy or ignorant to forge their own path in life and take full responsibility for their actions.

Nice trips, you clods.
Have a headpat for dubs, buckaroo.

I'm more offended by the dumb nigger father's horrendous grammar than anything else

Please be patient we have autism.

Men listen we just don't respect what women say.

MGTOW is great; less competition for me

MGTOW still fuck sluts, they just don't engage in serious relationships.

If you ever enter one chances are you're going to get cucked by a MGTOW

>woman makes joke
>thin skinned incels: REEEEEEEE

>MGTOW still fuck sluts, they just don't engage in serious relationships.

You say that like every feminist in a 5 block radius wouldn't have a god damned aneurysm if the genders had been reversed.

>You say that like every feminist in a 5 block radius wouldn't have a god damned aneurysm if the genders had been reversed.
No he didn't.

MGTOW=incel for life

I don't need to join any club to affirm that I'm an incel for life.

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Because I find amusingly twisted that I should join some hugbox of people to go my own way.

Sort of like people joining a "Club against the proliferation of useless clubs with too long and involved names"

0 reason to go mgtow if your an incel , nothing changes

Wrong, not all MGTOW are incels. In fact I'd say many are divorced guys or just disillusioned guys who came out of bad relationships.

>Doesn't know the live action Dumbo movie is directed at adults and isn't meant for children

>retards getting upset at a joke that actually praises the guy for being a good father who loves his children

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This is an obvious joke you autists

Mgtow say that but they usually aren't fucking anyone

People use jokes as a way to talk about a relevant topic related to said joke. This allows the autist to pretend that the topic is a serious issue by consistently screenshotting endless amount of jokes and making threads about it. Sometimes, however, they will find a serious post, but from someone who has a very small following (usually

Sure, but it's a cult.
Lots of guys are incels or out of a bad relationship. I dont need a brotherhood to get over it.

Lol that's vada fly