Jow Forums needs more positive transgender representation

Jow Forums needs more positive transgender representation.
Iess fetishisation of trans people, more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community.
no haters and trolls allowed! you literally have 149 of your own threads at all times.

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There's always tranny threads. We need more terf threads.

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And you have your own board, fuckoff tranny.

Post tummy OP

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>what is /lgbt/

an axe wound or a mutilated flap of skin on your crotch doesn't make the opposite gender, choke on an exhaust pipe you abomination

I don't see the logic in spreading positivity about a mental disorder.
>inb4 "ooga booga me offended"
Sugg my balls faggot. Actually wait, don't

>trans lifestyle and community
You mean shoving phallic objects into your wound daily so it doesn't heal and posting pictures of it online?

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I observe tranny threads with dejection but also a cautious hope that the majority of trannies that infest this board will kill themselves. The stats don't lie.

Remember to dilate that disgusting hole of yours - and remember that you will never be a woman.

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you will never pass faggot, you will always be a repulsive degenerate

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>positive representation
You can choose one and only one :^)

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Nobody likes trannies because you're all mentally ill men who want to shove their cockless bodies in everybodies faces. Fuck off

have you ever heard of tumblr? you literally have your own site. That and reddit

why are you standing on the couch retard

No it doesnt. Not everyone has to like you. Forced acceptance doesnt work, all you do is make people hate you even more than they already did. Go away and go talk to people who actually want you to talk to them.

This. All this tranny shit literally started around 2015 when Jow Forums thought it was a good idea to raid tumblr. The thing that they didnt understand is that raiding tumblr only makes them more powerful as they are insanely hungry for attention. With the raid they discovered just how much attention lonely cucks on Jow Forums have to offer and ever since they havent left us alone.

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>Jow Forums needs more positive transgender representation.
Reiko please leave
>Iess fetishisation of trans people
Trannies fetishize themselves, nobody else does
>more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community.
Your sexuality is not a lifestyle. Saying shit like that will lead to getting yourself mounted on a spike, appreciate what you have

>no haters and trolls allowed! you literally have 149 of your own threads at all times.
No discord trannies allowed, you literally have entire websites dedicated to being a cuck hugbox.

1/10 made me reply


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senpai don't save jpeg screenshots

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>Trannies fetishize themselves
>Your sexuality is not a lifestyle

Bless this post.

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