>Hes tall, dark, and handsome
Hes tall, dark, and handsome
in order to accurately present a femanon, use for "pale" instead.
>use for
and ignore my stupid typo.
Oh shit, bait thread here we go!
I've never understood the phrase "tall, dark and handsome.
I can easily understand tall and handsome, but what the fuck do they mean by dark? Surely, not a dark skinned guy right?
No, they mean he has a dark secret like being a KKK member or a Republican
> He's tall
What is the obsession with height? It doesn't bother me, at 1.79 I'm average height and I have a loving girlfriend. It just seems so hypocritical of fembots who are supposedly so desperate for a bf yet dismiss someone based on an attribute so shallow and superficial as height.
maybe the fear of falling off a stepstool and cracking her head open
why are you here? go away
>tfw he's tall, dark, and handsome
That's where I start ghosting him, not interested in black or dark skinned men.
>not interested in black or dark skinned men.
More for me then.
You know when they say dark they don't really mean a dark skin person they mean I taned white guy with black hair
the phrase means tanned/ med men
its scientifically proven that med skin tone is most attractive to most women, attractiveness falls off with darker skin
but your children won't
she means dark sense of humour you fucking mongoloids
LARP lmao
No she doesn't cuck
keep telling this to yourself my cucked friend.
I can smell the rot of your fake pussy you degenerate tranny
by dark i think they mean with reference to skin color (likely close a tannish or caremel color), considering that it shows that this male is capable of (or has been) operating outdoors for prolonged periods of time without risk of skin damage.
And men who tend to go outdoors often, tend to have and produce high test. (there's a reason why "around blacks, dont relax" is a saying.
>tfw tall, dark, and kinda handsome
Hey there qt
>he's an insecure black bot making racebait threads to make himself feel better
>he's a greasy creepy basedboy with an acne ridden face larping as a racemixing fembot because black guys and white women turn him on
why do posts like this always happen during amerimutt hours?