How long would it take to achieve this body if youre skinny fat?

How long would it take to achieve this body if youre skinny fat?

Would 4 months of moderate diet and 4 days a week working out be realistic timeframe?

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>Would 4 months of moderate diet and 4 days a week working out be realistic timeframe?

That's like 1 year of eating right + any full body routine. Just start lifting though faggot.

>4 months

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post body. seriously let me see where you're at. i started lifting two months ago and i'm skinny to mid fat and i already lost 6% body fat (29>22.5). I'd say I still have another good 10-12 months of strict diet and lifting like i have been to get close to this. why does it have to be 4 months?

4 months wont change anything

Short answer is no. Post a body pic and we can give you a realistic expectation. No bully, don’t worry.

Just need a tit job and a good tuck job. Maybe 3 months to loose some weight but she isn't low bf% so you dont have to do too much

It might not change much but you’d be surprised. I’ve been lifting for almost four months on the dot and I look better.

>4 months won't change anything
Factually incorrect

I've been doing stronglifts for several months and haven't gained much in terms of size. This is because I believed eating until I was sick wasn't worth it. But, yeah you gotta eat a lot which is also going to put a dent in the bank.

Well yeah, but you aren't exactly about to enter into the Arnold Classic, are you?

t. Someone who has been working out for a year

Well no I look pretty dyel. I still look leagues better then when I started. It’s mainly from losing fat tho. I don’t think I really put on that much muscle.

Which is good. Don't let me discourage you, I ain't trying to do that. That being said, four months is enough to basically just get beginner gains.

This is me. I picked 4 months randomly. Ideally Id like to look very close to that by spring though. I think I just need some begginer gains and Ill be motivated.

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this is skinnyfat?


Do a lean bulk, if you’re just starting lifting do a full body LP like starting strength for no longer than 2 months then move onto something like the reddit PPL. After 6-8 months of that do a light cut and you should have a body like the guy in the OP, if not better

Would take much longer then four months. You don’t have much muscle and you’re skinny fat. What are your stats height and weight wise? Regardless cutting while lifting should be your best bet for looking better in four months. You will get noob gains and lean out even if you turn skelly. Maybe switch to maintenance if you start getting too small.

>skinny fat
thats skinny fat?

Idk maybe just skinny? It looks kinda skinnyfat. He’s got small man boobs with no muscle

im sorry but im really getting mad at these people saying theyre skinnyfat when they actually look decent. this is the most common word to get misused. wait til you see my body the true skinnyfat

>wait till you see my body
>doesn't post body

This was me and where I started to panic about my body. I changed my diet to get the above, which is where I am now. I dont think the pics show how tubby/fat I was/am.
Thank you. Ill research these and plan them out.
Im 5 10 and currently weigh around 147. What do you mean by, if I turn skelly and get too small?
Yea you cant see my man boobs well in these pics.

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This, im not skinnyfat and never have been. But when a person says they are skinnyfat without posting a picture I know better to assume what they might look like. Because not a single fucking retard here uses the term accurately.

I mean turn skelly by saying if you drop to 130 lbs you will look lean but have about as much muscle as a 14 year old. lift weights and go consistently.

Word of advice bro, you might think you’re skinnyfat but at 5’10 147 you’re at a pretty low weight for a man. Consider bulking up to 160-180 with a solid routine/diet, even if you put on some fat you’ll still feel/look leaner because your lean mass % will go up. Also checked

>setting finish lines in your brain

this is before i started lifting but i still look kind of the same but with sooome muscle definition but cant be seen on a photo.

5'7" 139lbs on that pic. bf% probably 28%. i dont look as "fat" on that pic but i can gather all the fat on my gut its gross

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Query: Why would you even want that body? This is a skinny body, that's it. It's not skelly, it's not skinny strong, it's not muscular, it's nothing really other than 'I eat at a caloric deficit and don't drink alcohol'.

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1 year or so from most starting points.

And 5 years of dedicated socializing to achieve the gf, which is what you're clearly after

>I started to panic about my body
That means you have 0 confidence in your body. Lift weights, then lift heavier weights, then lift weights you think you can't lift, then realize your body '''image''' doesn't matter, its your body that matters. If I can do it after 12 years of unhealthy food and a 30 rack of beer a week you can do it.

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This is similar to me, but almost all my fat is on my belly.

my fat is all on my belly too. its gross when i sit down, i see like 5 folds lmao. im cutting right now and i do kinda see my belly getting smaller. we gon make it

I don't get rolls, it's basically a beer gut. One giant roll.

I'm just eating for maintenance atm and recomping to replace my BF% with muscle mass, I don't have enough muscle to benefit from a cut.

maybe ur bf% isnt too high... post body

that was my dilemma before i dont know if i bulk or cut. idk if recomp will work for me. and id rather see results faster. everyone here recommended me to just cut, i mean so far i look kind of better i think