Recommend me comfy games lads.. stuff to play late at night when dead inside.
Recommend me comfy games lads.. stuff to play late at night when dead inside
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reading your bible
There is some pirate game called salt on sale on steam i think. I played it for a few years. Very comfy. Starbound is nice too. If you want something free, the aurora wager is really good and has a free online download. It is amazing for a comfy night.
I thoroughly enjoy playing Starcraft 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Starcraft 2 went f2p last Winter.
stalker, amnesia, an mmorpg, borderlands
man i miss my neetdom.
i like to play VA-11 Hall-A, its good and i like making drinks
Visual novels are comfy as hell at night. Try Higurashi.
The Dark Souls series (including Sekiro)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (if you have a console, the rest of the MGS series is pretty good too)
Hitman 2
the entire Resident Evil series
Fallout: New Vegas
System Shock 1+2
Deus Ex franchise
God damn so many good games, you almost have to be a NEET to be able to enjoy them all.
play any final fantasy. I love that shit takes you away from life for a while.
Harvest Moon desu
Fuck off faggot. Here's better fiction: Harry Potter, LoTR.
Mario Party 2
I just finished playing "A short hike", from this humble monthly. Super comfy, 45 minute interactive walking sim. Kinda in the vein of journey, gameplay-wise.
Also, Transistor is free on epic games store rn
Hollow Knight is pretty fantastic IMO
No fuck god
Do mushrooms
For minecrafty autism enjoyment, try Airships.
Shits addicting.
Would recommend Ni No Kuni 2
skate 3
This, games a shit tier compared to psyches
Dragon Age Origins is a good one, I think. Developed in a time before Bioware went to complete shit.
Nothing comfier than getting to know your party-mates huddled around a campfire in the dead of night with this music playing in the background:
Final Fantasy XV is peak comfy.
Katamari is ultimate comfy game for maximum comf
I've been playing Risk of Rain recently. Pretty comfy and atmospheric, it's really fun. You can play online too.
i second that, really nice rouge like 2D game
>2D game
Risk of Rain 2 is 3D
Astroneer is great
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an action role-playing game, playable from either a first or third-person perspective. The player may freely roam over the land of Skyrim which is an open world environment consisting of wilderness expanses, dungeons, cities, towns, fortresses, and villages.
risk of rain 2 is 3D, first one is 2D
Mafia 2 is pretty comfy
Have you played valiant hearts. Its a really great game about WW1. Its like a graphic novel, based on actual letters sent by the soldiers. I think you'll really like it user.
Even after 4 years i still shed a tear at the ending.