What to do on Rest Days

Its Friday night. It's a rest day for me right now. What do I do?

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Make some good food and listen to music.

Stretch, do some yoga and stomach breathing excercises and make sure your internal organs are functioning properly and stretched out. Makes for deep relaxation too.

Why bother with rest days if you don't actually need them? You're just slowing yourself down for no reason.


Thats why i dont rest any day
i dont want to feel this type loliness

Stretch while watching a fit approved movie

What are some fit approved(tm) movies?

I eat alot and rest alot

I can eat double my typical daily calorie intake on a rest day. It's absolutely insane.

Rest days are for strengthening the mind.


I tend to have one rest day per week. All I do is eat more food, even when cutting, and do a bit of cardio
Other anons say stretching but you should do that everyday, not just rest days. Flexibility really helps when lifting as you can make sure you're engaging the correct muscles for different exercises

cardio, watching anime or doing both at the same time.

go out with friends

The Right Stuff

What are those?

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active rest, fo run and do some pushups

I just went out and got wasted on vodka and citrus juice.
This happened after a 3h full body Weightlifting session and 30 min sauna.
I smoked pot too. Actually r8 now am high as fuck and hangoverin. Still i make progress et remain stronk.
I consider quiting tho

The Raid or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. Pick one.

t. roider

never gonna make it

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go make some activities that will help you make friends.
If you want muscle gains you gotta do activities that exercise your muscles, if you want social gains you gotta do things that will make you interact with people.
Theater or volunteering are great ways to do that. See what groups are around your parts organizing things. You want to do join some activity with a lot of normies. You wouldn't join a gym with only dels and fat slobs

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I haven't read a full book start to finish in a few years and my birthday was august 1 and I told myself for the next year, I'm going to read a book per month so I've been reading after I get home from work and make myself dinner. It's kept me off of social media, tv, and vidya and given me something to do that I'm actually interested in. I would highly recommend it.

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does anyone have like a collection of these Jow Forums wojaks? ive seen and saved a bunch over the years, probably all of them, but i just wanna see if anyone has them all conveniently

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Read your bible for spiritual gains.

The Thing (1982)
No Country for Old Men
Manchester by the Sea
The Duellists
They Live
Das Boot
Taxi driver
The Shining
Lawrence of Arabia
Paths of Glory

and what the other anons have said

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