This board is full of sinners. Repent and go pray at your local Roman Catholic Church, it's your only salvation, robots

this board is full of sinners. Repent and go pray at your local Roman Catholic Church, it's your only salvation, robots

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Stfu antichrist, you've led enough people away from the truth, only your church has killed the saints, engaged in prostitution, stolen the money of the poor, and justify homosexuality.

Vatican 2 was a disgusting heresy

>that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church
begone, heretic!

>He doesn't understand he messed up bis argument
>"He doesn't understand the difference between peter and petra.

But user, don't you know that God's favorite prophet is ALL AMERICAN?

>Vatican 2 was a disgusting heresy
This. Fuck all modernists.

Fuck Christians and you hill billy fucks.

>He thinks the rock refers to Peter and not Christ himself

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Unoriginal post, GTFO the board

Catholicism is a religion full of criminals and pedoohiles. Why should I associate myself with Italian mafiosos, Irish wife beaters, Mexican drug peddlers and American boy fuckers?

Remember that OP is most likely a gay tranny trying to undermine the work of Christians trying yo purge them of this board.

>I-iiiits a translation error.
The absolute state of Non-Catholic, Non- Apostolic and Non-Holy churches.
Enjoy your church from the 16th century lmao.

>implying I am a Protestant and not Orthodox

Also, I never claimed it was translation error, just that it is an erroneous interpretation with no basis on early Christian theology.

>Catholicism is a religion full of criminals and pedoohiles.
So is your government, no matter where you live.Yet you follow their laws and enable them, lel..

I follow laws because there's a punishment if I don't. Nothing happens if I don't join your boypussy cult.

>implying early Christian theology is exclusively based in strict textual interpretation and not steeped in a mixture of jewish theology and various pagan influences

yikes, go crown a sultan roman emperor

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>tfw dad is extraordinary minister of holy communion
>tfw in a state of mortal sin because I missed mass
>tfw can't Get This Bread

>make changes to dogma without an ecumenical council, including editing the Niceness Creed of all things
>y-you are the schismatics

>Dodges the issue with a historical non-sequitur
Glass houses, friend. Pic related.

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Old Jow Forums used to be fun. Hope this world fucking ends.

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>Roman Catholic Church
Stop. Jesus is not a commodity. Orthodox is the one true faith.