What can I do each day to be /fitlitfa/?

What can I do each day to be /fitlitfa/?

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thinking for yourself

Lift books in your turtleneck

dont go to /fa/ for fashion advice. thats all you have to do for fashion

Stop reading dead white males

So you aspire to be pseud?

Based goal
Based answer


A psuedo-pseud

Have sex


Is the only based answer

Jow Forums, /fa/

Jow Forums

/sci/, /lit/

the only objective answer

Good joke, Jow Forums is just shitcoin shill central

that's how you get rich

Might as well just gamble

Avoid clothes with logos and bright colors, just wear shades of grey/black/marine like in your pic

>can't understand irony
/fitlitfa/ is straight up cancer


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/polfitx/ master race

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Hannibal actor is actually an absolute dyel.

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Has anybody actually got rich from shitcoins on biz?
I get that some faggots made maybe a couple of thousands but i doubt anyone really got enough money to get out of wagecucking for the rest of their life.

I made 27k from 1k in a couple weeks then I lost it all, I guess that's how it goes

>not being /affitlitpolxknopout/

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you sound like a future terrorist


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i liked that show, it had just the right ammount of autism to be interesting

visit Jow Forums /lit/ and /fa/ on a daily basis


And season 3 came along with some of the most pretentious dialogue since Rust Cohle in True Detective.