Fembots, what does an ideal dick look like in your opinion?

Fembots, what does an ideal dick look like in your opinion?

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4.5 inches to 6.5 inches and a slight curve, uncircumsized preferrably.

there is hope for small dick anons!

8 x 6 curved up

6 inches, not too veiny, foreskin not too tight, light skin and pink head

that's not small

4.5 inches is kinda small but it's okay, not all anons can have big dicks

what amount of foreskin do you prefer?

>what does an ideal dick look like in your opinion

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Not them but I prefer a normal foreskin, I don't support genital mutilation.

horse dicks are so weird looking

why curved? how much is too much? what about sideways curve?

that's great but I meant like do you prefer a short, medium ,or long foreskin?

Probably 8"x5.5" minimum and preferably white. Bigger the better though. Legit 9"+ white dicks are insanely hot.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I pray that you anons repent and turn to the Lord your God.

like this one? this one is long, fat, and white

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>tfw your head used to be really pinkish and juicy looking and smooth but over the past few years it's looking whiter and kinda dry and gross
>tfw uncut
It used to be small but at least look yummy. Now it's small and gross-looking. I want to die.

>looking whiter and kinda dry and gross

Lichen sclerosus pham

Yeah that guy has a nice dick. Seen it before.

can you post a picture? it probably just needs some moisturizing. I'm uncut and don't have a super glossy head, that's probably because I jerk off so much. But it doesn't look dry look a cut cock head at least

do you like medium dicks or no?

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I'm a size queen so I'm always going to get more turned on by bigger guys but most uncut dicks are attractive in general regardless of size.

that's fair. I'm a little insecure about mine. I love everything about it except the lack of girth.

>can you post a picture?
No. But it's more like... it used to be pink and smooth. But now it's got a slightly dry look to it. It used to have that typical uncut head color to it but now it looks more pale. Slightly dry, gets more wrinkled when I lose my erection than it used to. I dunno how to describe it. I might see a doctor but it's been like this for years so I doubt anything can be done at this point. It's not like it'll ever be used anyway.

I think that's normal. My head was glossier looking when I was in my early teens, but exposing my head every time I pee or jerk off probably made it lose some of that sheen.

But it still doesn't look like a cut head

Mine's not as bad as a cut head. I'd say about 1/3 of the way towards being one of the "better" cut heads.

I do fap like crazy and dab my dick dry since I produce precum like a motherfucker and it gets really sticky and messy when I fap. I've noticed I no longer produce smegma either, even after a few days without showering (no bully, I'm a sad NEET).

5 to 7 inches some girth, I like light brown and dark (non Indian) pps.

Oh I just looked it up and apparently ToppCock Silver might work for me. I love it when obsessively Googling for help yields no results until you find the magical keywords to enter and then the perfect list of results appears.

so are you trying to get a really shiny glans?

Trying to fix the damage I've done.

I genuinely do not fucking care. I just want a cute boyfriend like pic related.

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so you'd be okay if his dick was 3 inches hard?

not her but yea

yes i don't care originally
why do guys care so much about this

The hottest penis ive ever been with was a short Asian guy. It was only like 5 inches but it was like a cone. Maybe 7 inch circumference at the base and 4 at the tip. And it had a really wonderful curve

that sounds disgusting lmao

Im getting horny thinking about it origin

>tfw 8x5.9, white and uncut
Glad to know I have someones ideal dick

same reason why men have to wonder why women own so many shoes, or candles. also because women + the power to vote have resulted in them using the state to replace all functions of men, so we're now just these hovering penis bots as far as female attention is concerned. look at any sex toy shop, it's just weird floating dicks everywhere.

that being said women give way more of a shit about a guy having a big nutsack than a big dick that is for certain. the feeling of a big pair of nads clapping on the back of a women's puss drives her fucking nuts (pun intended)

Pic pls origjnaijs

Yep that is literally perfect. I'd worship you all day.

Am I fucked if my dick curves to my belly button when I'm hard?

While standing?
Post pic

thanks femanon, I'd like a size queen gf too, I've never been able to fit it completely in anyone before