He's right you know. Why are women so useless?
He's right you know. Why are women so useless?
fellas,, we might as well just date each other! we're doing all the work anyways
This is seriously why most miilennial boys are gay
Nice try mr.gay. Now tag along.
Men are meant to be the leaders in a relationship. You know what leaders do? Plan things, make moves, make decisions. Good luck trying to find a woman willing to do a female led relationship.
>Chivalry is dead
Chivalry is gay cause they were tired of your shit
If women don't want to be treated like nothing but a wet hole then they could stop doing shut that makes you nothing but one
I'll be absolutely fine to do all of that, if THEY are fine with taking on the traditional roles of a female partner and eventually wife eg. cooking, cleaning, homemaking, mutual sexual gratification and giving me children and raising them at home while I'm at work. In return I will work and provide and plan and lead the family for her as she wants, including stuff like surprising her with nice dates.
She wants the trad man instead of the nu-male, but she won't act trad herself.
Do you truly have a hard time finding a girl who can cook? Lmao
This. If you're going to put in all the work to be romantic you might as well do it with someone who's going to reciprocate it, even if you're not gay.
holy shit how did Sam Hyde age like 40 years in 4 years?
Yea okay virgin.
The truth is a heavy burden to bear.
>do all of this shit
>''nah, I don't want kids, we can always adopt''
Shoving some precooked shit in a microwave isn't cooking. I can cook better than them for fuck sake.
How many women have you outcooked then? Sounds like a lot.
Most men are just as useless in my experience. People are useless.
I got ramsay to eat my tar tar shaped like a schlong, said it was delicious.
> niggers and jews are useless
She doesn't want him to plan a date at all. Nor does any woman.
The woman already knows where she wants to go and what she wants to do. She wants to withhold that information, so that the man can GUESS it. If he guesses it right, that means they're "soulmates" or whatever fucking bullshit the roastie believes in along those lines.
There isn't a single woman alive who ever wanted to be genuinely surprised by the plans a man made. A genuine surprise would actually enrage most of them.
Haven't dated either. Only white bois from catholic families. It's weird, because I'm in protestant country.
>wants a finna prince who will bix nood her from this unromantic life
>talks ebonics
This. Women are just playing games with us. It's all lies and deception. There isn't a single honest woman.
>holy shit how did Sam Hyde age like 40 years in 4 years?
side effects of the blackpill
many such cases
Sam, Nick and especially Charls are some of the most anti-blackpill people out there lad
Lol dumb cunts can't understand that when men say that, it means "i literally don't care. I want to get this shit over with"
There's an excess number of men, so women get to make the rules. Unless we go back to a system of constant low-level violence that kills off the excess men or you accept polyandry, this is how it's going to be.
Even satan hates faggots.
>Take leadership
>You fucking machista cabron.
Latin america sucks.
charls overdosed on redpills