>Responsibility, that's what gives life meaning. Lift a load. Then you can tolerate yourself because look at you, you're useless. Easily hurt, easily killed. Why should you have any self-respect? Pick something up and carry it, make it heavy enough so you can think "Yeah well, useless as I am at least I could move that from there to there."
Responsibility, that's what gives life meaning. Lift a load. Then you can tolerate yourself because look at you...
Whether or not hes a creepy old retard, responsibility is definitely the vehicle for giving life meaning to most happy people
>durr durr durr
Shut up, bitch
Nihilim is cool and means I can justify being useless and unhappy :D
Jordan Peterson has got to be the worst antichrist I've come across. He thinks he's a savior to these young men, when in fact he's digging them into degeneracy.
Hes probably an incel. He has that virgin walk and hes even a boomer
He has a wife and kids, though.
Yeah nah hes too ugly
>had an entire debate about the importance of Judeo-Christianity to The Western Man(tm) and claims to be a serious Christian
>insisted that "all men suffered alone"
>on Good Friday
instantly realized he was a lying sham. The sad part is that I think that he's fallen for his own bullshit too by this point.
Is his argument valid?
I dunno. Will you feel fulfilled with all your experiences when you die alone with no family?
t. schlomo lobsterstein
>WTF he said the extermination of an entire people is wrong what a fucking jew
I have to say, his travelling show nets him a good bit of cash, so he must be doing something right. In the end, that's probably what he's after anyway.
Doctors also make good money, so do politicians. That doesn't mean they don't enjoy helping people in the process.
Oh definitely. I'm sure he'd rather be on TV and the radio than digging ditches even if the pay is the same. But that's really irrelevant.
Irrelevant for what?
Not original? What about "wash your circumcised penis"?
>profit is moral wrong
>doing what you want is morally wrong
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Yeah, get married, get a job. Realize that 1 job doesn't cut it because your wife needs more money. Buy a golden retriever. Take your wife to Thailand. Get a second job. Increase your load. Sacriface your time and energy to please that loving creature. Meanwhile, she finds 18 year old basketball players sexually attractive and does her utter best to find someone like that to penetrate her good. You work, she gets fucked. She leaves you a couple of years later, tkaes you child and you';re left in a greasy hotel room emptying bottles of vodka and watching westerns from the 60s. That sounds epic if you ask me.
Fuck that shit. Fuck meaning. Meaning is a meme made by people who can't tolerate the lack of meaning in anything. It's a lie you craft for your self and then play along for the sake of staying alive. Fuck that shit.
Will you feel fulfilled when you used up cocksleave leaves you with her 3 halfbreeds and you're forced to pay child support until you die alone on your deathbed getting manhandled by two fat negress?
It was hilarious when CHADzek raped this clown lmao
I never said it was morally wrong. Just not to be sidetracked by their stated motivations.
peterson is just a rambling version of tony robbins. it's the same crap.
If you don't find that specific scenario meaningful it's clearly not your meaning. You don't even seem to understand the concept.
Well said. All that Internet Dad is basically saying to do is to accept more responsibility just so that your life can be harder and shittier. Hell, I've done that already and I deeply regret it.
The real path is honestly to seek to drop out of society completely. Work like a dog for ten years if you have to, but save your cash and once you're there, it's two big middle finger up to everyone else and walk the fuck out of the entire mess.
Watching Peterson come out trying to refute the communist manifesto point by point and then watching Zizek's speech where he doesn't even talk about old-ass orthodox Marxism, and then watching their discussion after, was like watching someone trying to go easy on a little kid playing a board game so as not to hurt their feelings.
>it's two big middle finger up to everyone else
Most people have friends and family, why would they do that? Most people don't hate everyone.
Ok you win
Origin ah
I will never get this stuff. Just phrase things in a meaningful sounding tone and it sounds like solid life advice. Just create concepts and use them to give a vague explanation on nothing in particular. Life is not something to be understood. When you focus on key words like 'meaning' and 'responsibility' it's as if there's some tangible, verifiable answer to how to live your life. But whenever I hear this stuff it makes me think how people come up with it. There's no method to it. Understanding life is completely out of the question.
Obviously, I'm not talking about disowning your family. I'm talking about abandoning all thoughts of dealing with, contributing, relying on, and living as a part of society.
[Boomer advice-giving intensifies]
You could find meaning and responsibility in doing that. It sounds like you're arguing against a strawman and you have a very specific view of what he's trying to say.
And yet there is an entire industry of people selling this type of fluff. Whether you are a conservative type, or a New Age-y type, or you want to pick up chicks, there's a self help guru out there to sell you vague advice that feels motivating but doesn't really change anything.
How could I get responsibility out of that? Genuinely curious.
Jordan Peterson's worst enemy is any human being who has actually read a book about what they're talking about. He admitted during the debate that he had never even read even the Communist Manifesto until like the night before. He makes a living writing about how bad Marxism is but literally never read anything about it.
Help your friends and family out of the supposed misery that is society.
If Peterson found himself to be wrong did he change his mind?
Zizek did not make any salient arguments. He basically said things are bad with the environment and capitalism is not perfect. Therefore we need to think more. Ok thanks for wasting everyones time
Sounds like more boomer exploiting millenials talk
>continue the ponzi scheme goy we want to retire comfortably while you carry your student debt load to your grave. Also enjoy the future catastrophic climate change we continue to deny and millions of more immigrants.
He didn't find himself to be wrong. All Zizek did was criticize capitalism and didn't provide any arguments for Marxism.
He criticizes the actual implementations of communism. Aka Soviet Union and mao China.
Some fancy theory does not mean much when we can observe the real application
>continue the ponzi scheme goy we want to retire comfortably while you carry your student debt load to your grave. Also enjoy the future catastrophic climate change we continue to deny and millions of more immigrants.
When did he say that? Can you post the source pal?
Guess what? Jordan Peterson ISN'T racist. And his ideas aren't 100% original. I bet you feel stupid for liking him now.
Why are robots fuming at the idea of not spending their life in their room?
Also you could take responsibiltiy for your new surroundings outside of society, whatever that will be.
I've been preaching this shit for nearly 10 years now, but few people have listened. Sheeple gonna sheep, what can you do?
We know his agenda. All he does is try to convince millennials to tolerate the status quo aka their exploitation by boomers. Fuck this guy.
Once you give up on life and accept you are a loser faggot now and forever, it's even harder to accept that you could have changed at any given moment.
How did you escape society? You still seem to have an internet connection and you engage with the mass culture that is the internet.
>dude trust me, WE know
>future catastrophic climate change
If you want to understand how stupid humans can be, just have a look at how they STILL fall for this nonsense.
Not hard faggot, just listen to his talk and use your brain if you have one. Look into renting one otherwise.
The debate's up on youtube. This particular link might be gone but there will be others. He didn't change his mind,
"Arguments for Marxism" IS "Capitalist Criticism." That was the topic of Marx's work, capital and the current economic system. You can disagree with his criticism, many people do, but saying that "criticizing capitalism" isn't "providing an argument for Marxism" is wrong by definition because they're the same thing.
>the choices are either marxism or capitalism
I choose neither side of the shekel
So don't? Nobody's forcing you to. That's not even what the thread's about.
I haven't quite escaped yet, my man, but I'm working on it. Trying to build up enough passive income so I never have to work again.
In my mind, that's the only goal that's worth a damn.
Saying why something is bad is completely worthless unless you have a better idea
What are you even doing?
Just saying "haha you don't get it" won't get you anywhere.
Not suprising you can't provide literally anything to support your retardation, so please just fuck off already.
user, I strongly encourage you to read some books before you fall into the same pitfall Peterson does.
Yeah of course you are actually meant to do some thinking yourself, too bad faggot.
Useless to other people to some extent, but not unhappy. Nihilists are at least useful to you because it provides an easy time structuring prop for you. It can make you look and feel productive while not really doing anything else, just alluding to other things you might be doing.
False. Marxism also includes a proletarian revolution.
Tony dies
Black widow dies
Thanos dies
It's the only argument people have to support this guy, who ironically doesn't take the time to listen to other people's talks or read their work before arguing about them.
Easy, killer. You seem really mad for no reason.
Yes, as a criticism of Capitalism. One of the things that capitalism leads to is rising inequality in access and ownership of means of production and capital, and one of the results of that is that these people (people who own capital and people who produce it) are pitted against each other. Please, user, I'm urging you to read a book. Any book.
Actively trying to overthrow Capitalism and destabilize the structure is also part of it. If you deny this it's a useless ideology and shouldn't even be discussed.
user, you're welcome to your own opinions on it. Nobody is here to convince you of anything about Capitalism or Marx.
Marx makes toys. Toy soldiers
It's barely an opinion and more of a logical conclusion that literally everyone comes to regarding any ideology in the world. What followers decide to do with an ideology is always part of it. How it manifests in the world.
Jordan Peterson only says common sense things. That is all. I never seen someone as Jordan speak so much and yet say nothing.
Germany took responsibility once.
Then why don't you do it?
I suppose if he said uncommon sense things, then he'd be a special snowflake