Even makeup and cgi can't hide the fact that taylor swift has hit the wall

>even makeup and cgi can't hide the fact that taylor swift has hit the wall
>tfw she's only 29 too

robots, how does it make you feel knowing that even if you find a perfect 10/10 qt, she'll lose her looks almost as fast as she'll lose interest in you?

femanons, how does it feel knowing that by your late 20s or 30s, your only good quality will have completely deteriorated? assuming you even looked halfway decent in the first place, which is a pretty big stretch.

Attached: the wall.png (668x743, 636K)

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it makes me feel nothing becuase i dont give a shit nigger. true robots dont care about women.

>Im vapid and superficial and cant understand relationships
I duno its worked out for trillions of years so it isnt much to worry about. I fucked the same girl last night that I fucked 8 years ago

>taylor swift
nah man, she was born at the wall

>robots, how does it make you feel knowing that even if you find a perfect 10/10 qt, she'll lose her looks almost as fast as she'll lose interest in you?
Hopefully by that point our love for each other has moved past a superficial relationship and into a soul bonding relationship.
A man can dream..

except taylor swift isn't a loyal pure girl in any sense

>born on the wall and promptly dropped from it

Taylor Swift was never a 10/10 to begin with

This is why white women are fucking gross. Take the Japanese GF pill. Geez you guys are all retards. Worshipping white women like they are goddesses when the true goddesses all live on an island in the Pacific.

>Ages slowly
>Doesn't have a masculine face
>Japanese culture has most likely turned her into an ideal woman
>Has healthy diet and is more likely to not be a lard ass
>Isn't brainwashed by american hivemind internet she culture and politics

>liking taylor swift in the first place

bpd roastie put on a pedestal to print money while secretly supported by an entire team of handlers ready to cover up any one of her multiple disasters behind the scenes.

Attached: Taylor Swift.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>26 years old next week
>meet a guy
>looks 30
>looks old
>ask him his age
>he's 28

I died inside so much.


>girl at work
>aged 30
>looks like it
>I will soon be like her (at best, she's fit and reasonably attractive)


Suicide is the only answer, user.

too bad she didn't get thick before she started hitting the wall. she would've been 10/10

Attached: DxqAPHJWsAAsaGw.jpg (1000x1200, 274K)

ye t-swift is gross now, I really started noticing it, its legit over and she is transforming into her fat piggy version of her mother its inevitable

early 2010s popstars are starting to look old

Attached: GettyImages-1028543012-1538750618-640x427.jpg (640x427, 68K)

I'd still fuck Taylor

I'm turning 30 and think I look mid twenties, dunno how I do it

There are very few Asians that live within 60 miles of me.

Maybe the homicide of annoying little shits is the true answer.

We're all gonna make it, i think...

3 more years until you're Feelin' 32, Taylor.

Attached: 32.png (549x296, 193K)

Imagine being this shallow


Me too, not yours. Its like we are on a board of virgins.

Its fucking devastating, I'm jealous of having to be around pretty young schoolgirls when I go out to get groceries. I try to take some solace in the fact that they too will lose their looks very quickly.

28 and 30 are basically gonna look the same. You couldn't tell them apart in a line up.

If I decided to marry her. It was because I want to get old with her.

I feel ok. The world we live in isnt like Jow Forums. Im ok with myself, and the rest of the population, looking different as we age. Really glad i dont know anyone that has the Jow Forums mentality irl.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Nice larp, imbecile.

Nice cope, you balding, toothless, heart attack machine.

BPD frens deserve to be put on a pedestal.

We all get old. You need to live in the moment more because life is fleeting. Enjoy the women while they're beautiful.

I hope she makes a follow to her song called 32.

Oh come on, she's still fucking gorgeous. Pic related was taken two months ago

Attached: tmp_9mVjUs_a4c7cdc098542ea6_GettyImages-1078782326.jpg (2048x2620, 790K)

How is the idea of getting old with someone you love a bad thing?

Did she get a boob job? I find TS extremely bland and boring but that would be pretty hot