Why are married man so obsessed with sex. You married your wife to be a partner, not a live in prostitute, ready to serve you when you need it. Some women lose interest in sex. Simple as that. We women are not objects and YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SEX.
Why are married man so obsessed with sex. You married your wife to be a partner, not a live in prostitute...
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>getting married in this day and age
don't worry roastie no one will marry you
>You married your wife to be a partner, not a live in prostitute
Speak for yourself, not me.
Fine then, let me go have sex with other people.
well dont expect to have a healthy relationship then you fucking stupid cunt and get off my board now
It is perfectly normal thar People who love and feel atracted to eachother have sex.
Actually most married men I know are pretty uninterested too, including me. In fact, I'm starting to view sex between married people with a touch of disdain. Seems a bit... wrong... I guess.
>dating girl, have sex regularly and everything is good
>get married
>she suddenly never wants to have sex and is a bitch all the time
Why do women do this?
maybe if you werent such a misogynist violent pig. vanilla sex or gtfo
Trying to make two schedules work together is just going to blow up in your face: it's a ticking divorce-bomb.
no monogamy is required for marriage
and YOU DON'T NEED SEX. you wont die without it. control your thoughts and stop seeing us just for sex
Like most problems faced by society, it's the governments fault.
Normally, women exchange reproduction for resources. But now, via the power of the state, they can just get the resources from the man in divorce, or through gov't gibs.
the incredible thing is that people unironically think this way
true true. good point, user
Bad larp.
I'm married and my husband is like this. It's not so bad. Though at least he doen't force it whenever he wants. That would understandably be annoying.
>no sex
Well I sure as hell ain't adopting nor am I taking care of someone else kid.
In short it is required to have a family
>inb4 don't want kids
Stay single then, you're literally just roommates at that point except your roommate has access to half of what you own unless you clearly wrote down who owns what before.
I expect my wife to open her legs every day and she does it. I don't care if she's tired, had a long day, or wants to go out. I get what I want no matter what.
nice larp sis
But if you are really in love with eachother why not always have sex forever?
>monogamy is required for marriage
According to whom? But fine, if you will not accept that alternative then I will be filing for divorce.
propaganda like OP is just a way for disinterested dishonest women to justify marrying for comfort instead of love. pay no heed.
Based and redpilled origiji
I thought women are as horny as man
And you are not entitled to a relationship. It's a give and take. So don't complain when you get divorced for not putting out.
>you're literally just roommates at that point except your roommate has access to half of what you own unless you clearly wrote down who owns what before.
If you don't want kids, don't pursue relationships. It'll just end badly.
>be me get married
>don't get fat
>live out dream of being housewife
>serve my husband
>obey him
>have humiliation sub fetish
>husband is angry
>takes it out on me
>super happy about it
>come to r9k because nostalgia from my teens
>see ops post
>laugh because bait
>frown because majority of women really think like that
>so "woke" am i right?
Sorry but all men are obsessed with sex its like their dick is their brain
I hope you don't marry. Married life with you would be hell.
It's like you failed biology.
Why are married women so obsessed with romance. You're already married, its proof he loves you. Why do you care so much if he avoids saying it?
>women lose interest in sex
>happily cheat on their husbands the moment the opportunity arises
This right here, senpai
The truth
Its like you are too obsessed with sex and cant live without it
Is it really monogamy if you've already had 3 men inside you?
It's like you just want a friend instead of an intimate relationship.
So you want neetbux? You want someone to pay for your shit but not touch you or even talk to you? What a leech. You know, you are not entitled to their money. Lol
Cause deep inside they know their man can do better
Have truer words ever been spoken?
>no monogamy is required for marriage
Never said I'd be having sex with multiple other people, just one is all I need. And it won't be you.
Maybe you're a shitty partner if you're only good for sex roastie
The most valuable thing a woman can give her man is sex and children.
The most valuable thing a man can give a woman is attention, time, and strength.
Dont expect our attention, time, and strength without us expecting sex and children.
If you dont put out where is your value?
Inb4 post modernist drivel
>Why are married women so obsessed with money? You married your husband to be a partner, not an ATM, ready to financially support you when you need it. Some men lose interest in being a pay pig. Simple as that. We men are not objects and YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO MONEY.
Read 'em and weep.
You literally are entitled to sex that's what marriage is about. People get married to have sex. People get married to have children. People get married for financial support for children.
You don't marry people to make partner in law, why would you do that is romantic relationship?
>You married your wife to be a partner, not a live in prostitute
Surely you aren't this naive? The only reason a man marries is for on demand sex. I dance at a club and you wouldn't believe the horrid things men say about their wives.
I bet your panties were wet when you typed that.
You're an idiot. Are there goldigging bitches, yes but marrying a man just for money is impossible since many will not support themselves much less a wife.
So according to you, should you have some medical condition or get your penis caught in a blender and pulled off your wife should divorce you?
no i have a CAREER where i can make my own money. we get married because we love not because you want to put you meat stick in my pussy.
Sounds like you want a best friend more than you want a husband.
There's more to marriage than sex but if you're flat out shutting it down you might as well just call it hanging out.
Don't get down about it, imagine all the terrible things the wives say about them.
People need to vent, it don't mean they don't love each other, they're just so warped they forget how to show it.
You dont have to tell that to anyone, virgin.
No, I never said a man should divorce his wife if she got a hysterectomy.
>Sounds like you want a best friend more than you want a husband.
>There's more to marriage than sex but if you're flat out shutting it down you might as well just call it hanging out.
This. So many lazy low-libido selfish bitches in our entitled society.
You are the definition of a roastie. Go suck your pig husbands toes, you passive moron.
P sure there was a story about some dudes penectomy where the lady went in confident but divorced him a month after. It happens dude
Because woman dont have the same libido as men. Also some people dont show love with sex.
I bet she blamed him for the divorce too.
If he wanted to have a sexless relationship, why would he not just marry a dude? Chances are you could both gang bang roasties without worry about jealousy. And their net income would be higher. Even having a house free of dumb platitudes on the wall and flowery bullshit would be worth it. Think about it rationally.
>low libido selfish bitches
You are not entitled to sex
Really? I think the wives have something to bitch about. These guys, despite being married and don't know me at all are paying me with household money to ride them and bitch about their wife while playing with my tits. Gosh
at times yes but all it takes for men is for their pp to get hard and they try to poke it in any hole.
yeah but if you really love eachother you would want to be as close as possible all the time. Otherwise someone has a problem and you should just split up.
well they think with their dick
Then why do you do it?
Don't you feel bad about it?
Should married men go to your establishment?
Should unmarried men go to your establishment?
Will they find their wives here?
Is this good for you or anyone involved?
Noone is entitled to a partnership either. That's why we negotiate needs, like in any exchange. If the terms of a contract are unfair, you end the deal.
Fuck what a depressing place. Who would do this to their partners? If you don't find them attractive, break up with them and don't abuse their love for you.
They do, it's just that they lust after Chad and not their beta provider.
So I can pay my own way and to do that I have a persona in the club and it doesn't get to me on a daily basis. I just find it hypocritical for him to bitch about his wife to me when he's in the club. If he has problems go see a shrink of maybe they can see on together. Instead they're usually already drunk when they come in and believe I give a shit because I dry hump them till they cum.
Look at half the shit there is women complaining their men don't love them either. It's only half of of the female population that go sexless in relationships because stability turns them off, the remainder are normal and healthy.
>their beta provider
this is a delusion boys, there is no such thing. a chad makes far more than a beta ever can. a beta is forced to get an apartment by his mom when he's thirty and all his money spent on gaming.
>beta provider
When will this meme die?
The truth is you're just as shitty a person.
What kind of gf, wife, or mother would a stripper make.
And before you say "I don't want kids" ask yourself did you decide that before or after you started this line of work.
>doesn't link the video
Once again, OP is a fag.
Have you ever rubbed up aganst one of your friend's boyfriends or someone you knew personally?
So then it ok if a married man watches porn or has sex with someone else?
I don't need that shit in my life.
I wish this was original but it's not.
Women don't completely love their partners should find a female friend who is able to satisfy their man on the side, someone who can fill that role they cannot.
Straight up. As the guy says, "the juice isn't worth the squeeze".
Now how do I become an enlightened celibate?
tl;dr completely change your life up so you can please your loveless bitch of a wife. Hilarious, just don't marry inferior women like that, or divorce them if you end up with one. Real woman can and enjoy satisfying their man.
Honestly I think the reason so many guys are engaging in homosexual behavior is because their wives aren't putting out.
You don't need to be celibate, just find an actual woman instead of a sexless girl.
You don't have to keep up the act once you have some poor sap locked in
because they dont get it and for men they like sex
just like you women love money
grow the fuck up, men have needs and cant be pushed around by using their dick, or by using prostitution
God-damn and people wonder why I like being with guys.
My wife has conversations with me about how she wishes we had MORE sex. For me the sex is too exhausting after a 14 hour day at work and to just disappear into the bathroom for 10 minutes and rub one out is a lot easier than trying to make her cum.
In short, this OP is a bullshitter. Probably not even a woman.
If you care about your wife why not fit it in before work or on the weekend?
And ((who)) could benefit from the extinction of the white race through homosexuality and making them sissies?
keep grinding 24/7 for pussy. wtf is this shit why do bitches want to play these games and make life difficult
are you just assuming that women dont want to have sex. what happens when the man denies his woman sex? What then? guess she'll juts get fucked by some other guy.
i wish my girlfriend would actually initiate sex with me but shes a fuckin retarded female that has OPs sensibilities.
SEX is normal and healthy and there is no reason to deny people sex just because you arent in the mood.
think about it like this, you have something I love, and I have agreed to get it only from you store, so that means you can not go shutting the store down.
refusing sex is a common grounds for devorce, even in NON no fault states.
There is nothign naguhty or wrong about sex in a marriage, if you dont want to have sex there is something wrong /with you/
>Men should stop dictating young women for wanting sex with multiple people. Its natural you sexist loser!
>How dare you want sexual gratification from your partner?! STOP THIS RAPE CULTURE!!!
There are articles about women who stabbed their boyfriends because they refused to have sex with them.
Women don't take rejection very well.
technically you're right. but realistically, most marriages wont survive without it
monogamy is saying you wont have sex with anyone else. it's harder to hold up that end of the bargain when you have 0 sex as a result.
this is why it's not worth settling down
it's better to have multiple sexual partners than someone to grow old with
>We women are not objects
>just disappear into the bathroom for 10 minutes and rub one out is a lot easier than trying to make her cum
Ask her to blow you, but tell her before hand you are tired
Knowing you still desire might help her, even if you are too tired to satisfy her daily
you are not entitled to commitment
Lol the delusion
>Caring about what women think
Yep this is r9k