Do you have a better body than this 63 yo dude?

Do you have a better body than this 63 yo dude?

Attached: Mel Gibson.jpg (1080x1350, 141K)

He wins me on arms but I want to see legs.

He's on test, growth hormone and stem cells. I would be too if I were millionaire

Ofc, he's a manlet.

I wish I was even half as based as him

im stronger than him

once I retire and will be able to spend every day t the gym I will

obviously, he doesn't even have traps

>hates niggers and jews
dare I say it... based

how is he so based?

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How is he asshole if they reacted positively and consented to intercourse?

No. And being 1/4 as based as Uncle Mel would be outstanding. He motivates me.
Also, GH will be affordable in a decade or so.

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Well he's on roids, so no.

Mel is the best.

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He had 63 years to develop it. He got a headstart.

What a fucking legend.

>basketball shorts and tank

Absolute sick cunt.


nah but I'm working on it

>what's comfy
Enjoy your gay jeans faggot.

>asshole way...he treats women
>they choose to fuck him
The world is full of coping copers, isn't it?