Are you a man enough to meet her standards?
Are you a man enough to meet her standards?
>if you work in I.T.
Does she include software developers in this or not? Either way I feel personally attacked
I don't want to meet anyones standards.
>if you weigh more than 200 pounds
so if you work out you're not allowed to contact this woman
absolutely no problem
>only 4 hours a week
The fuck?
Funny how she says that when she herself is a little extra.
I love a good ciggy. If she's not down to smoke with me from time to time I'm out.
of course I am
Honestly none of her standards are that bad, it's just that she's a fat cow.
>no hipsters
Anyone who is overly ironic/sarcastic is absolutely miserable to be around. Theyr'e usually emotionally stunted and can't take anything seriously.
>no smokers/drinkers/fatties
Smoking/drinking/being overweight are obviously bad things that you would want to avoid in a partner.
>no non-Americans
Nothing wrong with wanting to date within your race and not wanting to pop out some nigger babies you'll have to raise on your own.
>No one who's bald
This is probably the only one on the list that I think is a bit overly demanding, but it's her one shallow standard and I can look past it because baldness is pretty ugly.
>No one over 31
She doesn't want a massive age gap, she's probably early 20s.
>No one in IT
This one seems random, but men who work in IT are always complete pieces of shit and you should probably avoid them. I don't know what it is about the profession that attracts them, but everyone I've known who works in IT was a misogynist and/or abusive.
>she's probably early 20s.
She looks fucking 40.
American doesn't mean white. There's black, Asian, and Hispanic American
Welcome to white American women. She's probably a mother too.
She wants to be a dominant milf and abuse her innocent virgin bf
Fat women in their early 20s always look 40. I'd bet on her being closer to 20 than 30.
American means white among poor idiots. She'd probably date a man from europe before dating a black or Hispanic american.
>if you pull out a cigarette to smoke, i'll leave without a word
I'll be sure to light one up if i ever see her nearby.
>if you work in IT
I bet my IT job pays more than your Target job.
>Nothing wrong with wanting to date within your race and not wanting to pop out some nigger babies you'll have to raise on your own.
Not everyone outside america is black. In fact its the opposite, black people make up a good chunk of the americans. With a post this dumb im pretty sure you're american yourself.
"...quickly drying up faster..."
You're proving her point bragging about money. IT fags substitute having a personality with a low 6 figure income and typically bring it up repeatedly. Most of them were losers as a teenager and in college who turned into abusive sociopaths after graduating and realizing that money attracts women. They seem stable from the outside, but mentally and emotionally they're still children.
I'm not saying that's how I would phrase it, just saying that not wanting to date outside her race is the sentiment behind that statement. She's obviously dumb white trash, and that's how dumb white trash talks. I know because I came from dumb white trash.
>but men who work in IT are always complete pieces of shit and you should probably avoid them
Please do not judge all IT monkeys based on a couple of pieces of trash you encounter. Shitty people are everywhere and you have to learn to look past them if you want to find someone worth your time.
I am man enough to meet her standards but she isn't woman enough to meet mine.
Obviously there are good men in IT, just as there are good men in any field. As a rule though, I would suggest avoiding men in IT.
IT is hella comfy with good pay
This, but I don't want to be reminded there are standards.
You gotta read between the lines here - it's very clear she wants a muscular 6'+ big dick nigger with a job (ie fitness trainer or construction worker) to come fuck her brains out. Since it's going to be a purely sexual relationship, she doesn't really care about how much money the man makes, therefore she excludes balding men and IT workers who are likely physically unfit or obese and bad at sex and not fun to look at. She's fine sharing Tyrese with whatever other women he fuckin. The part about grammar is just a bit of bait to throw people off and obfuscate her intentions - black men will obviously still hit up everything within a 10 mile radius.
This ego is inflated by the numerous pump-and-dumps that they've received, she thinks that just because Chad is willing to shack up with her for one night that she is the shit, but truth is getting Chad in bed is not the problem, it's KEEPING him afterwards that is the problem.
A landwhale can still attract a cock, and she can occasionally attract THE cock, but she can never and will never keep them around, but these flings gives her a false impression of a dignity that she doesn't have, if she wants Chad than she better lose the weight. She has a nice rack which looks like it will still mostly be there if she lost the weight, so if she got a slim figure a lot of men would no doubt want her.
But for her, and a lot of other average/fat women, it's just a long road of pump and dumps till they hit their 40's and settle for cats. Don't hate her, pity her, she has no idea how to set about acquiring what she wants, and one-night-stands keep giving her a false impression of who she is, so she never puts forth the effort to lose the weight.