The hero archetype is a thing because it's part of our evolutionarily history...

The hero archetype is a thing because it's part of our evolutionarily history. Women choose heroes - men that leave their comfort zone.

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I don't give a fuck, I do what I want.
Imagine revolving your entire life around the whores idea of what a man "should" be.

And imagine being so deluded you feel the need to eat food or breathe. I'm way above such behavior.

Damn I wasn't aware you needed to be a white knight beta who served women 24/7 to survive, guess I'm actually a ghost.

Black and white fallacy

Imagine bullshitting about fallacies when you make the factually incorrect statement that bending over for women is somehow equivalent to the biological requirement to eat and breathe.

women choose retards. my cousin is a drug addict scum bag that has been in and our of prison for his entire life, and this dirtbag has 2 kids with a girl that is quite attractive. shit like op is just bullshit to make betas feel bad, the only thing that matters is what you look like.

>guy talking about fallacies compare serving an orifice to breathing
One serves my interest, the other serves the interest of an entitled cunt

>bending over for women
Straw man fallacy

I'm stuck at failure

It's hardly a fallacy when it's the legitimate message your thread is relaying.

You're not intelligent. You have no need to pull these specific terms out if you could defend your ideas coherently.

It's not the message at all. Bending over for women is extremely unattractive and has nothing to do with the hero archetype.

Why should I defend a position I do not hold?

I don't know, why should you? Did someone imply that?
Oh, wait, did, oh my god, did you make a STRAWMAN OF MY POSITION? Literally shaking.

>Bending over for women is extremely unattractive and has nothing to do with the hero archetype.
Except that's exactly what is is. You're telling people here to stop doing what they find comfortable or entertaining and instead LARP as chads and discard your humanity in the vain hope some disgusting roastie whore will pity you. Living your entire life for a female is beta-tier.

I actually prefer the Dan Harmon Story Circle variant, mostly because it's simpler and allows for more varied interpretation. The general idea is the same but it's much cleaner.

Felt it

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The only thing that is literally beta-tier is to live a life of comforts. Hedonism leads to people like you. Easily hurt and unattractive

>For when all combine in every way to make everything easier and easier, the remains only one possible danger, namely, that the easiness might become so great that it would be too great; then only one want is left, though not yet a felt want - that people will want difficulty.

>and unattractive
to whom? women? who cares?

>The only thing that is literally beta-tier is to live a life of comforts.
If you live a "life of comforts", you're living for yourself and making the most of your life, rather than forcing yourself to appear socially attractive to society or women so that they'll find you appealing. Being a "beta" is surrendering, it is a subservient stance and your philosophy is much more subservient than anything else, it deprives you of agency.
>For when all combine in every way to make everything easier and easier, the remains only one possible danger, namely, that the easiness might become so great that it would be too great; then only one want is left, though not yet a felt want - that people will want difficulty.
Random quote from a retard, only some people "want" difficulty and when they do it's more often than not directly linked to a reward that will make their life more entertaining or easier in some way.

Both women and men. Being beta affects your standing in every aspect of society.

>who cares?
Most people and very likely your unconscious self

>If you live a "life of comforts", you're living for yourself and making the most of your life
Not true. Making the most of life requires sacrifice and leaving your comfort zone.

>Not true. Making the most of life requires sacrifice and leaving your comfort zone.
No it doesn't. It only "requires" that if you're the type of person who isn't happy living a life in your comfort zone. The type of people who aren't content with that never have comfort zones in the first place, they spend their entire life living the same manner every other normalfag does from their birth.

I am not narcissistic, I don't care what other retards think.

>they spend their entire life living the same manner every other normalfag does from their birth.
This sounds like living in a comfort zone.

>I don't care what other retards think.
Of course you do, it's why you're here. You might not care directly but your subconscious will know about your social standing and that you're doing nothing about it.

>it's why you're here
>on an anonymous forum
>social standing
I like it because it's fucking entertaining.

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It sounds like the "Hero's Journey" actually, since normalfags meet every quota for it.

I don't buy it.. You wouldn't be on a place specifically for sharing opinions if you didn't care about peoples' opinions.

And so what faggot. You really think this is how you'll find fulfillment?
People will always compare you to themselves which creates resentment towards you (usually men) and they will compare you to other people in the social strata you've reached, no matter how high you go (usually women). You'll never be satisfied if you hinge on other people's approval because THEY never will be.
What have you achieved anyways? You fought for your country? They will compare you to hero more successful than you. You patented a great invention? They'll compare you to the geniuses on which you stand on. You've built a company? Well, is that company Google? Microsoft? Amazon?
Let me guess, you've accomplished none of those things. And that's because you can't, you're part of the sea of trash that populates this planet, trash that will be forgotten completely by society as soon as they're fucking dead, and often times even before then by their family.
This is largely because you're limited by genetic factors which you cannot ever hope to change. Any satisfaction you get from life cannot be derived from other people whatsoever; it's a bottomless pit you'll never fill.
But go ahead prove me wrong. Once you make it big and float above the abyss of mediocrity share pic related with your verified twitshit and call me a faggot.

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I care about people's opinion. They can be funny, uplifting, insightful, wise, or in this case entertaining. I also like to get input for my beliefs simply because they occupy the space inside my head.
But I don't give a shit about my social standing. My social standing will remain unchanged and as soon as this thread archive whatever I said may as well be what any other sperg on this website was saying. Hell this board doesn't even have ids, the best you could do is an educated guess of which post where mine.

The goal of leaving your comfort zones to pursue something meaningful is not necessarily to gain attention, you people understand me wrong there. It just happens to be a nice result of it. It's the actual struggle that will leave you fulfilled. You actually did something and didn't sit at home every day.

You're playing the social games, it's essentially the same. We're tribal by nature, you can't deny it.

>You're playing the social games, it's essentially the same. We're tribal by nature, you can't deny it.
You're just projecting your own desires on to me. Muddying the water and saying it's all the same because it involves other people is just a desperate lash ditch attempt at defending your moronic beliefs. I honestly wouldn't care if everyone here was actually a non sentient A.I.

There's not much more to say other than that I don't believe you or you're in denial. I don't think you're content with a mediocre life.

>Women choose
literally who cares

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