Decide to try keto for a few days just for fun

>decide to try keto for a few days just for fun
>day 1
>eat bacon and eggs breakfast
>literally shitting yellow water a few hours afterwards
what do? abandon? is my gut not designed for keto?

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keto or not, bacon eggs is a very popular choice for breakfast. considering the fact that people have no problem digesting it, that means yuor a faggit. i drink raw eggs no problem. try again to build up yuor gut bacteria for digesting eggs and bacon

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Keto has nothing to do with you shitting yellow, it's fucking bacon and eggs. Amerifats eat piles of them for breakfast all of the time and nobody shits yellow. Maybe go to the doc.

i can digest already bacon and eggs with bread or with rice

Keto is fucking dumb, just quit it

i eat it often with bread or with rice, this only happened when removing carbs. i won't go to the fucking doctor for some meme diharrea that can be solved with a piece of bread

>eat a lot of eggs
>juiciest braps since the declaration of independence

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well, keto is a retarded meme anyway, so just quit it and enjoy your healthy stool. seriously though, this is such a common breakfast that your inability to digest it properly is kind of weird

>Full English breakfast
>Ploughman's lunch
>Eggs, chips and beans for dinner
The British Empire diet is literally all u need

Changes in diet can upset your gut. Takes a few days for it to stabilize. So if your previous diet was low fat, that seems normal to me. If not then it might be unrelated, anyhow if it persists, go see a doctor.

did keto for 7 weeks while tracking my electrolytes, getting 2g/kg protein(no it wont kick you out of ketosies) and keeping net carbs at 25g check ketogains if youre interested in using keto while lifting

>felt nice, smooth and constant energy
>could actually function in less sleep
>big ass whole shits that made me somewhat proud but ripped my hole a new one, had to flush twice
>strength didnt drop, went up a bit BUT high reps kill me, introduced carbs this past ~5days yet still sucks somewhat, can do chins for 5 with 30kg yet only at 9 reps per BW
>legs killed me(as if I had done splti squats to failure) due to being on my feet ~11h per day due to work and then walking the dogs, with carbs now it seems its somewhat better/less burn/soreness
>more fullness in muscles
>ironically seems I'm more flat and abs more defined, look the same like I did last year when I was at 68kg yet now I'm at 71kg

now I just eat soome fruits, potatoes, rice around my workout, beer when I go out
took the idea of consuming most of my carbs during the day so it better fuels my workouts, then one high carb meal post-workout and last meal just my classic of eggs, bacon, avocado and sometimes sardines/prosciutto/burrata and sour cream, almonds if i'M feeling it
I eat 3 times a day most of the time, sometimes 4 if I do one shake pre-workout(when I dont have time to have food in the morning)

what the fuck do you normally eat that caused you to be so fucked up you cant eat regular food anymore?
are you some variety of sandnigger or something?

You would probably have eaten this for breakfast anyway. Your problem is labelling it as keto and thus insinuating it being any fucking different than if you just ate it for a "normal" breakfast.

Also you didn't "try keto for a few days" because you ate bacon and eggs as breakfast once (you literally wrote day 1), stop playing yourself

sounds like undigested fats
try leaner meats

>sounds like undigested fats
people not used to high fat intakes should gradually increase, same goes for people used to low carb diets

anyways, IMO it's worth getting fat adapted since in the long run your body learns to use both fuels so when you're short of one, you get to use the other one more efficiently and some people actually function pretty well on ketosis
plus if you've built tolerance to insulin, you'll restore it

makes sense, i was eating usually low fat meat and a lot of fish. i ate fat mostly as olive oil. but eating keto with mostly protein sounds like having to eat a lot lean meat.
i DECIDED to try it for a few days, not done it yet

Bad advice. He needs to increase fat consumption to get his bile and gallbladder working properly.

If he avoids fat he's going to get gallstones.

>low fat meat and a lot of fish
bruh you're doing keto go for high fat meat sources, tastier, cheaper and more nutrient dense
pork is like a godsend, my favourite meat but I do love me some lamb and obviously, beef.
go for high fat fish too, sardines and salmon(wild for more omegas 3 but shits expensive)

nuts, seeds, nut butter and all that is full of omegas 6, butter is neat too but not a powerhouse like keto people make it be
what Im saying is, dont fall into the mistake of going for lean meats and/or eating lean meats and then adding those fats, youre better off with fatty cuts.
also why eat chicken breast when you can have chicken thighs for cheaper and tastyness

Imagine eating dead and burnt food

You're fucking retarded and undercooked your bacon. The lack of carbs didn't give you diarrhea you stupid faggot. How is it that people like you even stand a chance in society considering your absolute stupidity.

that was my died pre-keto, which makes sense that when i jumped into keto breakfast my gut would not be used to processing that much fat

my stomach didn't even feet that upset, but something got not digested

it was crispy, not undercooked

>things that didn't happen followed by cultists that fell for bait