Reminder: She's never yours. At best it's your turn

Strap in, buckos. It's time for my blog.

I never thought I'd come back to this place. After I graduated university, I found a girlfriend, got married to her, and had a kid with her. For a long time, for years even, I had it in my head that Jow Forums was wrong and that there was something to conventional normie advice. Things felt good. Life was good. I even enjoyed boomer activity like mowing the lawn, golfing, and doing 5k charity jogs. Most of all I loved coming home to my family and watching my kid grow and learn.

And then the shoe dropped. My wife had a job, but knew that it wasnt something she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Our son was getting old enough to start at day-care/pre-school, so it seemed like a good time for her to go back to school. She wanted to do a physical therapy assistant program at a local community college and it would require her to scale back to part time employment.

Not a big deal. I made plenty of money at my job, and losing her income/covering her CC tuition was more of a scale-back on our leisure budget than an actual hardship. We'd skip vacation for two years, scale back on Christmas presents, pass on the next car upgrade, and maybe dial back retirement savings a hair.

Part 2 incoming.

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Part 2

So she started school, and we get to be about a year in. All the sudden, things between us start changing. Sex had been somewhat less frequent since the kid was born, but things were now getting sporadic. Complete dry spells/avoiding any sort of intimacy punctuated by periods where she couldn't keep her hands off me. She explained it as stress from school. She also started making friends from school, which set off my alarm because she's considerably older than most college kids. But fine, whatever. There probably are some nontrad people in the program, and she really hadn't had much of a social life since becoming a mother.

The final alarm came when she started getting defensive about her phone. This was completely new behavior for her. Prior to this we'd routinely just use each other's phones for whatever. Now, all the sudden, she had a password on it. When I asked her about it, she didnt even attempt to muster a reasonable explanation. She just got defensive and hell and flipped it into a me not trusting her issue. That was the last straw.

That night I apologized, and put a keylogger on my laptop which she is always using. When I checked her Facebook, I already kind of knew what to expect but it still floored me. The headline is that she has been fucking some 21 year old kid she met at community college.

I've been a dutiful husband to her. I support my family, and have backed her on pursuing the career she wanted. I've never cheated on her or came close to it. She came from a good family, religious, and we go to church every Sunday. And still, it wasnt enough to stop her from stabbing me in the back.

I'm lost on what my next move is. Not that I expect to get good advice here, but congratulations guys. You were right. Women are like fucking pitbulls. You can do everything right, and they still might turn on you just because. Maybe she was bored, maybe she wanted escape. It doesnt matter.

>be me
>on and off relationships

They all end in the chick cheating.
You can give women anything they want and they're go and fuck someone else because they can.

Godspeed OP. We feel the pain. Welcome back.

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Get a lawyer and begin divorce proceedings

I agree.

Save everything and dont do anything that can be used against you. Keep all evidence user.

I didn't read your autistic incel pseudo-epic but what's really wrong with taking turns with people. It was your turn with each other and if you didn't grow as a person for it you're a fuck head

tfw C U C K E D by community college Chad

There's a sucker (originally) born every minute.

It's alright, OP. We know. We're here for you.

With evidence from her phone, you could get a divorce lawyer and gain custody. I'm rooting for you /brobot/.

Girls are compulsive whores. What else is new?

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Its because you are a dicklet. She finally get that big cock and i am happy for her. Imagine all these years she was dreaming about that good bang and she got it, now she will take 50% of your money and will proceed bang BCC (Big Chad Cock)

This must be made up. What are you going to do, OP?

Really sorry hoss.
Before you say anything get a lawyer, do not leave the house or you will lose it. You'll have to get her to leave when the time comes. It's vitally important that you take screenshots and save them for evidence.

You're a cuck if you stay with her. Take the kid and leave.

Ok kid. Come back when you're 18.

I'm glad she's cucking a breedist piece of shit that discriminates against pit bulls

I planned on that much. The main thing right now is I dont want to alert her that I'm on to her or making a move until my ducks are in a row.

I'm not sure that's true, and also want to talk to lawyer first since I did technically access her facebook without permission.

See above. I dont want to fuck myself by being accused of spying or some sort of phishing for using a keylogger to get in to her facebook.

One option I considered was hiring a PI to collect information/evidence I know is admissible.

Got any screen shots you can share here? Just black out the names

>One option I considered was hiring a PI to collect information/evidence I know is admissible.
Yea this could be your best bet. Talk to a laywer asap. Maybe there's a way you could get away w/ simply saying that she forgot to log out and the messages popped since it was your laptop.

Good luck brother and keep us updated.

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My dad's been through 3 divorces and is an attorney himself so I heard about this shit constantly growing up. Don't let on that you know until you've triple checked with a good lawyer and gotten everything straight and follow your lawyer's advice, this is a minefield and will get messy. Consider your options and take things slow, if she's keeping secrets and it's still ongoing, she WILL try to fuck you, bad. Do not give her time to react and fuck you over. Don't expect to get a good share of custody (full custody isn't happening unless she's homeless or a vegetable), but spend time with the kid and get character witnesses and whatnot because she will paint you as some molester or wifebeater if you let her. Be a model fucking citizen and a perfect husband and father while you meet with your lawyer, keep your nose clean, keep things civil, don't let on that you know but definitely look into the PI and keep tabs on her, the more proof and gory details the better.
Godspeed user, make that whore pay. Hopefully you have a prenup or don't stand to lose much.

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Prenuptials are worthless and can get thrown out of court just for being "unfair".

Lawyer the fuck up my dude
Separate bank account
Dont worry about breaking into her account its a civil issue not a criminal one.
Your lucky she cheated now you can get outta that cuck situation with minimal damage.

Mgtow boomers are a fucking joke

Fucking hell Man, i really want a gf but im also really terrified of something like this happening, Hope divorce goes well for you

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talk with a lawyer first. Don't mention anything that could tip her off.
Screencap everything, of you pay her phone bill for her you might be able to get call logs.
I'd also make preparations to discuss with both your families immediately before dropping the hammer on her, so she can't somehow make you the bad guy and get any kind of support from your family or hers.
You're in for a bumpy ride, but you can cut your losses.
Sorry user.

this, I've never been afraid of failure, I've been afraid of success

Well if you never marry her and always use protection, you won't have to worry about most of it. She could still ruin your life by with false abuse/rape accusations though.

I spotted the normie dud.