I might be Icarus flying too close to the sun, reaching for what cannot be, but I want to have a chest like Arnold

I might be Icarus flying too close to the sun, reaching for what cannot be, but I want to have a chest like Arnold.

What should I do?

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Do what Arnold did

what did Arnold do?


Lots of guys

Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up.


honest question.

How big would Arny have been back then if he stayed natty?

According to Arnold, don't drink milk or eat meat

be born with prime genetics, roid a lot, train a lot


>roid a lot
they only had deca and dbol back then, mostly to train for aesthetics. You didn't see shit like today, taking grams of gear

they had deca, dbol, tren and test

if its openly known he roided why do people look up to him as the pinnacle of building? doesnt it just make it all bullshit?

Arnold before steroids 1/3

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Arnold before steroids 2/3

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He's like 15 in this pic

Arnold before steroids 3/3

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It's as close as it gets to a natty Arnold since he started juicing at 16

>roiding means you don’t have to train like a beast

Arnold at his prime vs dedicating to movies instead of bodybuilding (possibly trt or significantly lower doses I don't know since I don't know jack shit about roids)

Attached: arnie.png (796x557, 688K)

They had alot more. Arnold was on primobolan since age 14.
Also, they blasted grams back then aswell. Look up the story of Pete Grymkowski. It's another one of those lies pushed by everyone because muh golden era and aesthetics. If you want to be a champion and more drugs equals more growth then you'll take 10grams instead of 1gram.

Just a jog every morning and Ultimate Frisbee with the boys on the weekends, the rest is genetics brah

have good genetics, roid hard and train hard

Chest 3 times a week

Arnold has always had really shit shoulders

Honest question, why would anyone want to look anything more than that?

More importantly
Why would anyone prefer to be left over right?

Lmao n00b

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