Are you a dog, a pig, or a sheep?
Are you a dog, a pig, or a sheep?
Im a stone
im a mosquito that feeds off them all
nigger, I'm not even a thing
I'm a brainlet wojak
im a squirrel
I'm a siam cat
I just watch it all burn from afar.
I'm grass
Im an island
Listening to Animals while on acid brutally revealed my pornography addiction to me.
I see women as dogs because I see them as property to be owned and commanded
I see women as pigs because I see them as meat to be consumed
I see women as innocent naive lambs led to the "slaughterhouse" that is the pornography industry
few things make me cringe harder than muh fuck capitalism
I am the egg man.
Sheep, just like everyone else on this board
A mange ridden wolf.
I appreciate you even if no one else does
> (OP)
>few things make me cringe harder than muh fuck capitalism
This album isn't even about capitalism you faggot brainlet. It's more so about the most disgusting personality traits of people and how some spread their shittiness onto others.
holy fucking newfaggotry prepare to be torn to shreds
its about capitalism, but i like your interpretation of it. i think its a synthesis of your ideas, it revolves around the 3 different ways that capitalism manifests in people (dogs=the hard workers who get abused, sheep=the common man, pig= those who profit off our labor)
fuck that album. this one is way better.
Pink Floyd is overrated. Kill yourselves
All three, bro. Mainly a sheep though, because I'm very stupid.
Sounds more like communism desu.
you're literally retarded. The wall is just Rodger Waters being a fucking brainlet and it doesn't even sound good. moron
I'm the Wall, because women will smash with me after a certain age
You probably don't even know the meaning of the album. Masterpiece.
it's ok, we all go through that phase at 16
What does an interpretation of an album have to do with newfaggotry? Not my fault you can't understand how everything in this album would still hold relevant if you didn't have this predisposed view of capitalism being the cause of it. These kind of people arise even without money or a capitalist system you nigger faggot.
beat me to it. Fade to black.
Piss off, The Wall is Roger Waters' masterpiece but its still a masterpiece
>High Tier
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
The Wall
>Mid tier
The Final Cut
Saucerful of Secrets
Atom Heart Mother
>Low tier
Obscured by Clouds
The Divison Bell
>SHIT tier
A momentary lapse of reason
The Endless River
Pretty sure this board is all pathetic sheep not worthy of becoming dogs
>yes, including me
pink floyd is over rated garbage
I am a slug, I am lethargic and lacking in perception.
the placement of the wall is debatable. but otherwise, spot on.
idk, but I will say that that is one of my favorite pink floyd albums
This an original comment
The album is based on a book about communism.
Holy shit it's about communism you stupid fuck. Actually it is about capitalism but more mocking businessmen who lose themselves in their work. And then making fun of Margaret Thatcher. Sheep is basically Won't Get Fooled Again cloned.
The Gilmour led albums are God tier. Final Cut is God tier.
Fucking great album, listened to it like Crazy when I was 12-13
Im literally anything that isnt one of the three things you said
Bullshit placement for atom heart mother otherwise decent list
no need to be so aggressive o.O