Girls wear layers of facial products to alter their features

>girls wear layers of facial products to alter their features
>guys must rely totally on their natural features

Anyone mind telling me how the fuck this is fair

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29K)

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honk honk

you can wear make up too if you want


absolutely based and makeuppilled

>new to office
>receptionist looking fine as fuck
>former baton twirler for big university
>one day she has early morning shift and skips make up
>looks like an actual caveman

It's not fair. Its life.

I've become a boomer...

>it's not fair
You're free to wear makeup you fucking fagget.


you -could- use skin care products, lip balm and hair gel, but clearly you dont care enough about your "looks" to be bothered.

women like men who take care of their appearance you autist.

>girls wear layers of facial products to alter their features

Girls look better without makeup

Girls don't even count their real face as their real face. They say "wait let me put my face on"

The state of women

Based and naturalpilled. I hate makeup so much even if its just a little, asian girls look like dolls with their magic makeup and white girls look like clowns.

Is this a big problem in your life? Girls wearing makeup? You are genuinely lucky that this bothers you

based to pluto

It alters their perception of their own beauty which alters their perception of the guys they think they should have. A no make up society would force women to have realistic expectations

You obviously haven't seen the before and after looks of talented makeup artists.

i think light to medium application is fine, but white girls look like fucking honklers

Attached: gay.jpg (300x250, 26K)

example of what i think qualifies as "medium"

Attached: not gay.jpg (225x225, 7K)

too much

in this particular example i think its fine.

prettier girls dont need this much makeup to look good

Just it being fake makes it unattractive

She doesn't need that much makeup

>red lipstick and extensive eyeshadow/mascara
lol are you one of those retards who think women look ill when they arent wearing any makeup at all

The moment I notice lipstick color I lose interest, no joke

Only if you wanna be called a faggot.

>i think light to medium application is fine
>prettier girls dont need this much makeup to look good
can you read you faggot?

you dont understand what makeup actually does

Male models and actors wear makeup too you know. You don't have to fucking give yourself lipstick and eyeshadow, you can simply use concealer to cover up imperfections

You don't HAVE to, men just generally choose not to. There are plenty of straight men who wear makeup who girls still find attractive. Not just celebrities I've even watched some male youtuber GRWMs where they say they wear foundation to hide their acne scars

>red lipstick
lmao you cant even make out colors fuck off

This - Im a straight guy with a gf and I use make up.
Make up doesn't just apply to flamboyant shit. There are plenty of products designed to blend in with your skin tone to hide all your imperfections.

When done right you can wear a much or as little make up as you want without anyone noticing. Easily making your face jump a whole tier in attractiveness

Day to day I wear a powder based foundation to even out my skin tone (getting rid of any redness or dark circles). If I'm going out I apply a cream based foundation before the powder to REALLY make my skin look God tier.

Most people can't tell because I use properly colour matched make up and don't apply it like a 16yr old whore.

I use makeup as a male
and I'm not even gay

Not really though. It only becomes unattractive after the revelation, when it's too late.



Men with weak chins/jawlines grow beards. Men with receding hairlines and bald spots always wear hats. You have to be room temperature IQ if you haven't figured this out yet.

As a femanon, I detest the use of makeup.
I also detest how I can be denied a job by refusing to wear makeup.
It's pretty garbo. Makeup was a mistake. Media was a mistake. Life was a mistake.

You retards on here think you're more intelligent than normies and cry about not getting pussy but you guys miss the most basic observations. You guys are so much more stupid than the normies you despise.

>Makeup was a mistake
I agree. It only makes the women not wearing it look worse in comparison and now men detest even us for it.