Yet another fill out thread

yet another fill out thread

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Fuck you whore. If you're going to make a data mining thread at least post your own.

Here's mine. r8.

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Ah fuck no, those take fucking ages to fill and the thread dies just before you post, no way.
Beside that is really some soc material.

>enjoys philosophy
>fav politician is shapiro
you're kidding, right?

how the fuck is your body shape like that?
also nice handwriting

some things changed, like favourite politician
i hate hc strache for being a cuck and not standing up to the identitarian movement now

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I have broad shoulders and defined pecs. My waist is pretty slim though.

should update this soon, almost a year old

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You sound like my ideal bf. Alas, too far away.
Baltic bots are always interesting people though.

are you sure that's not the Austrian flag?

Oh. It is almost identical to Latvia's flag, forgot about that desu.

thats true
i appreciate your nice words.
but im not a bot ;)

How the heck do I fill this out?

you wont be able to if you are not familiar with image editing. i used gimp for mine.

Reeeeee are you a virgin at least?

stop being homosexuals

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see sex life

I'm a girl(girl) you raging faggot
Just wanted to confirm

I did mine with MS Paint

>I'm a girl(girl)
you're only fooling yourself

Tfw I don't have any computer :(

then you're shit out of luck unless you want to spend like 2 hours filling it out

XX chromosomes stop trying to bait me

would you want to talk through discord?
i am bored and you seem like a nice person

calm down loser

my bad
good luck tho

Sorry user, refer to my first post. I just hoped you might appreciate the reply.

Sorry, I gave up. It's too much to fill in.

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i do, good luck

Here you go. Take all of my personal info please.

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why do you hate the Maritimes, faggot

>hates spain but lives there

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>it's another anons overestimate their intelligence chart thread

>Favorite Comedian
>Sam Hyde
Based Austrian bot

pls no bully user, it's pretty much the only trait I have which I can be somewhat proud of

I was born in Spain, am gonna finish my studies here and move the fuck out.

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Oof, Marry me

I've been told by many people I'm smart (I'm only good with computers but normoids don't get that), so I did got a little generous. I am fairly retarded at times.

Sure, maybe you're a 8/10 in intelligence, but 9/10 charts list their intelligence just as high. Is Jow Forums that high IQ? hell no lmao.

it's just classic overestimation of your abilities

Show your boi pussy first

fuck you r9k you are supposed to be a fucking image board not a fucking blog nigger motherfucker let me blanckpost

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Is there a template for the map alone? thx in advance

i like your gender identity and can relate, but i hate your no-hobbies

i can't give you 0 or i would, severest autism itt

all your interests are awesome and all your favorites are awesome.

again, would give you a zero but i can't
laziest shit i ever saw.

>scroll down
>"bet this is a teenager"
>scroll back up

not reprehensible but you would be more well-rounded if you left your little bubble

not only lazy but also messy

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Kys. Although your artwork is nice despite the fact you look like a drug addicted derelict. 6/10 for personality 9/10 on presentation and artwork

>no gender
kill yourself mad faggot

Hey, you're the guy that started the last thread with this chart aren't you?
God tier taste in movies
Gordon Lightfoot is pretty cool

Attached: Stats.png (2132x2920, 1.96M)

>Hey, you're the guy that started the last thread with this chart aren't you?
Guilty. But that was like a month or so ago.

gender's not real dude.

thank you, now i feel bad for giving you a low rating. yours is actually good compared to most charts itt.

8/10 for being a fellow hick

Crime and Punishment changed my life completely, thanks for the rate. But get rid of the commie-ism for God's sake.

A fellow one of God's lonely men.

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i can't get rid of the commie-ism, it's my religious belief as well as political.

well you read Crime and Punishment wrong

>you read a book wrong
Did I read the bible wrong too because I'm not a christian? You don't have to change your opinion with every book you read dude.

No but you should when the author is trying to explain to you just how depraved it is.

What God tells me holds more weight in my life than what Dostoevsky tells me. One of them is in charge of what happens to me after I die, and one isn't. I made up my mind based on that.

I guess it depends mostly on the reader. Some people might just accept that depravity as necessary.
Same way I'm not a national socialist after reading Mein Kampf.

Then I disagree with the notion God told you communism was the way to go.

Okay, I don't care. You're not God either so why would I listen to you?

It's irrelevant since the base of communism is rooted in misinformation and and presupposition, leading to social chaos and people dying. Anyone with more than a brainstem would realize communism is baseless, and anyone who considers Crime and Punishment to be among their favourite novels should.

You don't have to listen to me.

haha im a minority
oh cool
i've been wanting to get red orchestra for a while, you think it's worth it?
>full name as discord @
also based catalunya
you're german what the fuck like a better instrument
nice hair and book taste

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>i've been wanting to get red orchestra for a while, you think it's worth it?
It's pretty dead and there wont be more than 300 people on at a time, but that doesn't mean you wont find some populated servers and even full ones. Just depends on the time of day, and the day of the week. Besides that it's a great game and would recommend.

ebin reminds me of chivalry kinda

>another gommunist
God what is wrong with you people

>better instrument
I have been playing the trumpet since 2nd grade, but I think the Banjo suits my Ameriboo "get off my property" attitude a little better

got bored making it half way through, so excuse my lack of effort.

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fair and based

ill take the discord

Not up for voice-chat at the moment, but up for text-chat

sent a request just now


i guess i'll post another chart for this thread

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This year I kissed a girl for the first time

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Keep up the good work, fellow hunter.

you got a discord or no

I made this one before

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Fucking yikes my niggas.

ayo this isn't soc op

add me up boyos

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its about time I did one of these. Its nothing special but here

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You seem cute but I can't tell if you are cringy

woah, you actually sound like someone i could be good friends with

>gadsden flag
that's cringe beyond cringe

Hiya ho fellow redneck

>no opinion on Israel
good goy

I didn't fill it in all the way

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Do you think the Maritimes and Newfoundland are America?

MS paint the world is so obnoxious and I never know how to do it. Countries are way too complex for me to say I love them or hate them or whatever

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Mitch Hedberg is funny
>10 Intelligence
yeah fuck off

Comedians in general aren't funny at all, Mitch Hedberg is the only one that has ever make me laugh.

Also I got tested 99th percentile for IQ after I was hit by a car and suffering from a tbi so I am certified HIGH IQ.....not trying to brag just letting you know.

that's quite the origin story, but I still don't believe you. maybe the tbi is making you think you're a genius.

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t. 2/10 IQ

I don't even fuckin know what 'the maritimes' are. But no I don't think Newfoundland is America.

dingus brain

that took a lot of time

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then why do you want to visit the rest of canada but not there?

>peaky blinders
you copied me and i will fucking suplex you.

I will fucking bite your tit

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i will nurse you back to health

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Jesus, not one chart in this thread is based. You're all a bunch of fucking arseholes.

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mine is based you must not have seen it

wrong. mine is based.

go through them and tell us what's wrong with each of us. :)))
if you're gonna be mean, at least don't be lazy.