Why are all men abandoners?

Is it just like a genetic thing?

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>all men
>all females
>all animals
>all cars
>all anything
Do you get the point?

Because you're not worth it bitch.

Because they are the main character of their own story and can do what they want.


Also, not all men, just most.

2 things.

1. You have "a type" that you pick, where a trait in them is abandonment/boredom.
2. Maybe you're so insufferable you drive them away.

You're not that attractive

>Why are all men abandoners?

The only thing I abandonned is life

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what do you mean?

women do it just as much, it also depends on society and how much power they give to each gender

It's not all men it's the men you attract, I have the same problem with women. A lot of people are good but we aren't the people those people like. People attrac likeminded people. We attract posionous people because we are poison too

Giving up is easier than trying hard and being "weird", "obsessed" and "creepy". Force of habit, probably.
For you though, you're probably just repulsive or an absolute brick wall to talk to.

All human are abandoners, trying to find love in this era is a fucking joke.

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man that image is sick, what is that from?

Men have more to lose being in a relationship.

Absolute bullshit, it is females who abandon for the most inane reasons. Most men would stick until the end even if you aren't pulling your own weight.

Aren't women around 70% more likely to initiate divorce?

I'm highly schizoid, I probably wouldn't even bother to abandon someone. all you'd have to do is prompt my attention whenever you want something from me and I'd likely take the lead

That's assuming you're not a tranny lol

Tell us what happened user please

I post like twice a day. Got pumped/dumped by a robot who promised he wouldn't abandon me.

Sorry I don't go on Jow Forums much these days. I'm sorry this happened to you user. Please don't take it as a sign there's anything wrong with you. You were unlucky enough to find someone that had no value for anyone including you. It may take time to recover but don't give up on love, you'll be happy sooner than you think!

That's why you stick to LDR until everything is settled in stone.

I thought everything was settled in stone, he made me feel like he had everything planned out and promised that everything would be ok. I feel disgusting and used.
It's been months and I haven't started feeling any better. I don't think I'm ever going to be happy, meeting him was a miracle in the first place and he never really wanted me so the odds of meeting someone who does is like 0.

How long where you together?

>I thought everything was settled in stone
How much time did you spend interacting with each other before that step? Did he share intimate secrets with you?

Tuhuh (a laugh). More females have jumped to the next city after thinking I came in them then I've ever even abandoned a conversation. What cumless society do you live in

I knew him for like a month and then I went to go live with him. I know that sounds really fast but I have a lot of bad stuff going on around me and I just wanted to be away from it. He really wanted me to do it even before then and rushed me a lot, but I delayed it for a few weeks so I could get to know him better. He made me feel like I wasn't ever going to get this kind of chance again, so when he bought a plane ticket I went.
He shared some intimate secrets with me and I shared a lot with him. I told him things I haven't ever told anyone before. He was the first person I felt like was really interested in me.

Because women are nothing but objects that are interchangeable and their feelings do not matter.

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>I knew him for like a month and then I went to go live with him.
Absolutely retarded, groomed and baited.
Forget having a genuine relationship when you're this dumb.

>I knew him for like a month
That's too short a time to know someone. You shouldn't rush things like that.Even if things around you are bad. You will only find more pain user. It might not mean much to you since this comes from a man that browses this board but you need to take your time to learn what the person is like under diffrent situations.

I understand how you felt. Something similar happened to me with an older woman when I was a teenager. I hope I could have helped you a bit always hold a bit back and get to know the person user.

I know it was stupid and I know I'm stupid. I'm just not used to anyone being nice to me and was too excited about that to see the obvious warning signs.
I probably won't make the same mistake again, I don't think I can really trust people anymore.

Stupid thread stupid topic stupid tranny stupid bait. You've posted nothing, nothing happened to you, nothing ever will, and even if it did, no amount of anecdotal reasoning makes it real.

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Men don't leave worthwhile women. What does that make you, whore?

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>I don't think I can really trust people anymore.
Well that's another mistake imo. You might miss out on what you want. Just learn from this expirience user. It's the best route.

Why would I lie about this? If I was going to come up with a story I think I'd at least come up with an interesting one.
It's not like anyone else wants to interact with me in the first place.

Jesus fuck you piss me off just from the ascii characters you arrange on a screen. Close the tabs and go outside and take a walk and BREATHE DEEP and don't come back.

What would taking a walk do? I'll still be alone. At least when I post here I feel like I have friends.

You're a burden. It's embarrassing, even moreso because you can change and become a better person who wouldn't have to worry about these trivialities, but you would rather take the easy path and so you waste away. You're worse than mud on boots

I haven't visited r9k in a while so I'm sorry for not caught up with your lore.

Are you NEET or do you have some place you can go where you can talk to people? From what I see of you in this thread, you really don't seem like a bad or uninterested person. You should definitely be careful about dating bots, though. They are extremely misogynistic and don't think that women are people (i assume that you are one). Trying to make strong relationships with them is largely going to be an uneventful and hopeless trip because they need to recognize women as people first. For all the complaining they do about women being deceitful, they can be absurdly cruel and manipulative themselves.

Is it just bots you've been with or have other guys been doing this to you as well?

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That's a bit harsh, we all go through tough times, there is worse than to cry a little bit on the internet. Self-betterment is a meme anyway.

also please ignore my horrible grammar lmao, typing on Jow Forums somehow kills my english skills

I don't really know what you mean. What are you suggesting and how would going on a walk accomplish that?
I'm a neet, I don't leave the house. I don't even really talk to my family who I live with. He was the only guy I ever dated, the op post was mostly just bait. I thought that a robot bf would probably be nicer than a normal one but I guess that was a pretty stupid line of reasoning.
At least I don't post save thumbnails you fucking redditor.

How do you feel about the fact that you're now used good and no man will ever consider you wholesome?

Feels like I went horseback riding in my youth teehee.

Did he make a promise to you?

>I'm a neet
that would make it pretty tough to find friends, huh. the internet isn't a terrible place to meet new people, but if you're looking for something that will give you fulfillment, you're most likely not going to find it on this board or even this website. the only redeeming quality of this place is that once in a while there are sadposting threads where people can come together and support each other in their misery, but other than that, not much.

>I thought that a robot bf would probably be nicer than a normal one but I guess that was a pretty stupid line of reasoning.
its not really stupid. it makes sense when you think about it because you would assume that people who complain incessantly about how society has bullied and mistreated would be better than the society that did this to them, but they end up being even more vile and convinced themselves that they're actually better than normies or whatever. i've fallen into the same trap, too.

i genuinely don't really know what advice i could give to you because i haven't really been in that situation before and i don't know much about it, but if you wanna talk about it, im still around.

also, please take things that people say about you in this thread with a grain of salt lol. there's a ridiculous amount of people in this board who think that women can't be lonely because all they have to do is "open their legs." they'll shit on you incessantly and blame you for the shitty things that other people do to you.

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Women CHOOSE to be alone

He made all sorts of promises to me. Before we met he promised that he'd take care of me, and I wouldn't have to worry about anything once I was with him. He promised that if there was a problem in the relationship or something he didn't like, he would tell me so I could change for him. Before I came home he promised me that he wouldn't just leave me here. He said it would only be for a month and I wouldn't have to go back to being alone.

He lied about everything.
Thanks for being nice user. I'd be lying if I said I feel any better, but I still appreciate the kindness and effort you put into your post. You're probably right about robots being bad people, it's backwards but makes sense. I don't let the negativity bothering me, I've been posting on this site for over a decade and words from strangers can't really phase me anymore.

As other people have said in the thread, you tend to attract certain people.

This. I'm currently in the process of shutting down emotionally before the relationship ends. What choice do I have? I've talked to her about it, I told her I needed some intimacy with her. Nothing. That being said, it's not good to shut down or walk without at least talking to your partner about it.

These are both factually true. You can search for government provided data.

>He made me feel like I wasn't ever going to get this kind of chance again, so when he bought a plane ticket I went.
Sucks that this happened to you, but that is literally textbook manipulation behavior.

>robots being bad people
He wasn't a robot, he was a provider. Being one puts you in position of power and most will misuse that.

reminder that OP is a man, baby

Didn't finish reading what u said but it sounds like you should start making promises to yourself.

>Thanks for being nice user.
thanks for being receptive

>I'd be lying if I said I feel any better
that's completely normal. you're new to the relationship thing so you might not know about the feeling of abandonment. it hurts a lot and it will take a long time for it to heal. the first time your trust is breached like that is the one that will likely hurt the most because its a pain that isn't familiar and stings like the slowest bullet going through your chest. keep in mind that its normal to feel like you've been completely betrayed and that you can't trust people again. take time to heal and dont feel bad about feeling bad.

>I don't let the negativity bothering me, I've been posting on this site for over a decade and words from strangers can't really phase me anymore.
that's great. i have thin skin and no matter what i tell myself, opinions on this board still end up annoying me. just be careful about internalizing certain aspects about things that people say here.

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have to quote it unoriginally

Why are all women determined to be whores?

>I post like twice a day.
Fucking stop lmao

Can't he both?
What is it about me that attracts those kind of people?
I was my first irl relationship, but not the first time I was abandoned. I had a huge fear of abandonment long before I met him. It feels like any time I get close to someone, they bail on me.

Sorry you have thin skin, I don't know what that's like at all. I only really care about the people I'm close to and no one on this board can think of anything that will hurt me more than the things I tell myself. This place is a hugbox compared to being alone with my thoughts.

1. You were attracted to him
2. He turned out to be a douche

These two facts are highly related. (1) is the reason for (2).

Are you saying I was attracted to him because he was a douche? The reason I was attracted to him in the first place was because he was kind to me.

as if women aren't drooling at the next nigga in public that is a bit taller or a bit more fitter or seemingly has more money or what have you. loyalty from women is a "what have you done for me lately" type deal. you ain't fucking SHIT. and stop pretending to be a woman btw

Maybe you wouldn't be alone if you didn't talk in ebonics.

>I had a huge fear of abandonment long before I met him
that's extremely unfortunate. i was lucky enough to only be abandoned once in my life, i can't imagine how isolating it must be. hard to make to make meaningful relationships when that fear is always running through your head.

>Sorry you have thin skin, I don't know what that's like at all
ah, its not really that big of an issue. yeah people get to me sometimes, but i like to tell myself that i have a better time connecting with people because of it lol.

>no one on this board can think of anything that will hurt me more than the things I tell myself
: (

>This place is a hugbox compared to being alone with my thoughts.
i had a similar issue in the past and i still suffer from it somewhat. excuse my armchair psychology, but i found that going to places on the internet that have much more positive people did a lot for me. its okay to indulge in negativity sometimes (my favorite threads on this board are ones where everyone is crying into each others' arms) but surrounding yourself with people that hang on to negativity as if it's a personality trait will eventually make you a negative person. well, this isn't even armchair psychology desu, this is just psychology.

i got in touch with one of the robots here once via discord because he made a thread about how he wanted to kill himself and his ex. i talked to him for a while and he was really self-destructive and negative but after i suggested that he back off from Jow Forums, his mindset started to slowly improve.
then he came back and became an incel again.

another thing that can be really helpful is keeping in touch with someone that will validate you and to keep you company in a way that doesn't make you feel lonely, but that's hard as shit when you're a NEET and double as hard when your trust has been broken so recently.

i wish i could be more helpful fuck

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I don't really know what happened. I'm not willing to make any conclusions based solely on your side of the story. That's the most probable explanation I can offer.

All I know is that it really isnt hard to tell if someone is honest or not. Ultimately, you choose what you beileve about people. You probably desperately wanted to imagine he fit your idea of a good boyfriend, even though he really didn't

Yeah genetics makes you more likely to associate with gangbangers and niggers.
If you want loyalty date within your league you dumb roast scum.

Honestly after this I think I've given up on getting close to people. It just isn't worth the hurt. I come here because I get to vent my feelings without having to reciprocate or worry about whether or not the person I like will leave.
I really don't think it's that easy to tell someone is a liar, or maybe I'm just autistic.
This is Jow Forums, what makes you think I dated a gang banger lol.

It's just the modern world. Don't give up though, you'll find someone eventually

Odds of me meeting anyone else are pretty low. What about this is related to the modern world?

>Honestly after this I think I've given up on getting close to people. It just isn't worth the hurt.
if this is something that you think you're able to pull off, you can color me impressed at the very least. intimate connections seem like they are absolutely necessary for a fulfilling life for me. i tried going full nietzschean ubermensch mode to dedicate my life to being the best person i could make myself be, but it took years for me to learn that i just can't be happy unless i can die with someone that loves me. this life is so short and what comes after it is eternal death. if i can live and die with someone in this endless void that can tell me that i mean everything to them, then that would mean everything to me and make this nightmare worth living. i can't really assume too much about how good you are at carrying yourself through this existence, but if you are, then that's amazing. but if you ask yourself whether you are truly self-sufficient in that sense and the answer is no, i highly suggest you keep on trying. the search is gonna probably lead to a lot of dead ends and disappointment, but if you find that one that makes your life worth living, all the pain you've been suffering up to that point will have been worth going through.

>I come here because I get to vent my feelings without having to reciprocate or worry about whether or not the person I like will leave.
that's the beauty of forums. you can come and leave at your leisure without having to worry about reciprocation or abandonment. at the same time, that's also the downside. one of the great things about having a dedicated partner is that they'll leave you feeling much fuller than any stranger on the internet can give you. the hassle, price, and risk is higher, but the return is massive, too.

im still alone after all this time and genuinely don't see myself dating someone or making loving bonds with people any time in the next five years but ill still keep trying. maybe you should too

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>This is Jow Forums, what makes you think I dated a gang banger lol.
The fact that you're a roasty, and what's worse the fact you're were "abandoned".

It's not fulfilling, but I've been alone from high school up until I met him. I don't have friends, I don't leave the house, I hardly even leave my room. The only person I interact regularly is my mother and it's usually just one of us saying hi to the other.

It's not like I'm shutting anyone out, people just don't want to interact with me in general. Meeting him was pure luck and then he bailed so I'm back to being alone and seeking out validation on Jow Forums like I've been doing since I was a kid.

Feels like I'm just passing time until things get bad enough that I have to kill myself.

>it's another roastie/tranny gets pumped and dumped by chad episode

Men are selfish. They abandoned you because they found something better for them in that moment even if its bad long term. They cant think rationally

>t. daddy issues

Stay mad slut, keep posting your tits on /soc/ for validation. It wont bring daddy back.

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Does bullying outcasts make you feel great normie? Its a just world out there after all

Fuck off slut, no one cares.
Lol! Ive been here for 11 years cunt. You were never welcome. You were never an outcast. Youre a cunt.

A boomer and a bully normie, how cute

Well we are interacting atm that should tell you something.

>all men

Why are femanons like this. I would never abandon a qt unless she wants me to.

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all of the issues sound like they really stem from the NEET thing. i really hate how in the first world the only way effective way to make meaningful connections is to be a student or work at some place where you have the ability to have social interactions with people in a way that isn't deadening. once you're a NEET, getting out of isolation and loneliness becomes insanely tough.

>Feels like I'm just passing time until things get bad enough that I have to kill myself
i've said and heard this line so many times in the past and hearing it for the Nth time still hurts just as much as it did the first time. depression is a monster and this hellworld doesn't do anything to fight it back.

do you want my discord? i know that you're still having trust issues and that adding strangers that you just met on Jow Forums, especially from r9k is basically the antithesis of what i've been saying for the last 2 hours, but maybe if you talked to someone that was a little more validating than punks on this website, then things might be a little bit better. i never like suggesting that i'm better than others, but when it comes to this website, im willing to put that rule aside. i can't do that much for you immediately, tragically, but perhaps if you want someone to keep in touch with someone you can vent to that won't call you a slut or roastie, then i can help you with at least that much.

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>tfw no fembot to creampie and abandon when she gets knocked up

I hope you can help her user she seems to be suffering.

I normally tell people I don't want to add anyone when they ask for contact but you seem genuinely nice. We can talk, but honestly I'm really boring and you'll probably tire of me pretty quickly.

>I normally tell people I don't want to add anyone when they ask for contact but you seem genuinely nice
i was gonna thank you for that, but what im doing should just be normal behavior desu. this place is just so jaded that genuine compassion is some rare excellence god damnit.

>We can talk, but honestly I'm really boring and you'll probably tire of me pretty quickly.
i don't make friends with people based on whether they're interesting or not, i do it based on whether i can connect with them. its pretty sad that being "interesting" is something you need to be if you want to be friends with someone, let alone just chat. im pretty boring, too, but ill be willing to listen to whatever you want to tell me and give you whatever company an internet stranger can give.

rip if i didn't do spoilers correctly

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>rip if i didn't do spoilers correctly
You good senpai.

arigatou gozaimasu, amigo

you're probably ugly. Sorry

Kek this, I disappeared from many right before committing because they're well below my league. Doesn't help that my life is fucked up to be able to just move somewhere else every year or two and never contact them again

I never been "abandoned" by a man ever but my husband is awful late tonight and I feel kinda scared (1%)

Damn, I'm about to do leave a GF of over 2 years. How often do people feel this way.

She will feel like this the rest of her life, hope you can live with that knowledge.
The was probably it honestly.

The best way to go about getting a permanent and stable relationship is to not have sex until you are married. That way both parties know they are actually dedicated to each other. Just say you won't do anything until marriage, and that weeds out literally every guy that isn't looking for marriage.
Unfortunately you were too shortsighted to do this and now you deserve nothing more than an faceless ugly bastard from a hentai doujin for a husband.
Do you really expect any respectable man to marry you after getting "pumped and dumped"?

Why are all women abandoners?

kek youre used now

OP is male.

I can't believe people still don't know that in these threads since there are like five a day at this point.

Guess I'll just die alone.

Good, just remember its your fault.
Don't try to blame the guys that fuck you for being "manipulative". You're the one who put out

I wish I was an abandoner. I can't leave my orca fat woman.

I wouldn't as long as the relationship didn't spiral out of control and we continued to be healthy partners. The dream is to find a girl to be completely committal with and get through our problems together and grow as people.

That's the spirit. You're in good company here, anyway