The femanon i was talking to still hasn't answered my long string of insane ramblings. Very strange. Do you guys think something happened to her?
The femanon i was talking to still hasn't answered my long string of insane ramblings. Very strange...
Other urls found in this thread:
I personally think she's into me and she's playing hard. Maybe another message will do the trick?
Don't worry user, maybe she's busy with something, or taking time to elaborate a proper answer
I doubt it lol. She basically told me to fuck off yesterday (in many ways that didn't expicitly involve her telling me to fuck off)
Were you mean to her in any way you noticed?
Nope. The reverse actually. She was being mean to me
I just get the feeling she didn't really like me for some reason...
Post your ramblings for us maybe we can see where you fucked up.
op you better deliver
Just keep on rambling, girls like rambling
>girl im talking to goes to bed
>stay up waiting for her to wake back up
How do you find people to talk to sigh
Nope. Not gonna do this. I made a thread and posted them yesterday and you fuckers laughed at me
Start to get aggressive. Verbally pound your chest by letting her know that if she's with another man you'll blow your brains out over their naked bodies.
Zeemaps. But it's a mixed bag
you don't want us to laugh at you for the second time? wtf op
>you cannot go to bed without a reply if you dont go to bed
how do you search them?
i want to find qt femanons to chat with
So youre telling us you fucked up and youre surprised she wont talk to you?
Not particulary no. She was lurking the last thread when i posted them and called me pathetic
Well yeah i mean you know, i expected to charm her back with my wit. But i got a bit carried away and sent her like 14 emails or something
This wouldnt happen to be you, would it? Because lmao
this is honestly pretty funny desu
someone answer me reeeeeeeeeeee
i can't find any working maps
Yeah not my proudest moment. So now you know..
Here. Lemme spoonfead you
You gotta post those ramblings then my dude, we can legitimately help you out.
>help me out
How exactly dude. My emails probably go directly to her spam box anyway
>My emails probably go directly to her spam box anyway
Make a new email and send her better messages, we can give you pointers so you dont make yourself look like a bigger faggot.
>stalk through a diferent email.
Yeah man, that sounds like a great idea. I mean i may be autistic but i'm not THAT autistic. I'm going to wait 12 hours and see if she responds and then i'll consider my next move
Man i just want some friends ;-: that's all
You were autistic enough to make these threads and send all those emails you clearly have that level of autism in you. You have to take the initiative
>if she's with another man you'll blow your brains out over their naked bodies
Guys you should try this. You'll signal to her that not only do you have a sense of humor, you're also possessive (a desirable trait for females).
Eh idk if i want to anymore. She wasn't particulary nice to me
We know you are gonna do it and post more tomorrow you cuck. At least you can tell if she was blatantly ignoring you
>She wasn't particulary nice to me
hmmm i wonder why she shat all over you
She still hasn't answered me, not even to taunt me. I think she's definetely ded or somfin
She was shitty from the begining dude
This is her first response
> im looking for friends, but not for shitposters
To which i responded (humorously)
> ok lol. I hope you're not writing me off as a friend from the get go,
because that's not a great way to start this female-male allegiance of ours ya know
It all went down hill from there on...
You know when we put that together with the first messages you showed us this makes way more sense why she destroyed you
She clearly had a stick up her ass, and i was trying to gentle extract the stick with humor. Obviously i failed. It's not my fault some people take life too seriously
I'm not underage dude, just mentally challenged
>(You) hello female: Hi. Your inbox is probably so full right now...Maybe i'm the lucky guy?. What are you looking for exactly? A friend? a boyfriend?. I can fulfil both rolls...
>(her) im looking for friends, but not for shitposters
>To which i responded (humorously)
> ok lol. I hope you're not writing me off as a friend from the get go, because that's not a great way to start this female-male allegiance of ours ya know
>(You) Hello angry female: i think we started this off on the wrong foot, honestly. Questions:
what's your name?. How old are you?. What's your favourite color visible to the human eye?
LMAO what the fuck man please tell me this isnt how it went
There's a few chuncks of that conversation missing. But otherwise yeah, more or less...Do you really think i fucked up?
She seems pretty based to be honest, she sent you sperging with just one line.
I wasn't really sperging out dude, just a tad upset. Ok yeah, maybe i was sperging out a lil bit. I think it's the medication i'm on, one of the side effects listed is volatile temper. Fuckin farma jews...
>has godsend medication helping him out having a normal life
>fUcKiN FaRma JeWs
seems like she dodged a bullet there
You need to say something indirectly provocative in as few words you can muster, then just give em silent treatment until they reply back to you at least once.
Think of it like fishing. You wouldn't throw all your bait into the lake and then start shouting at the water and expect a catch.
Then wait for them to ramble for a bit before writing a three word reply.
Communicating with people on social media is kinda like fishing.
I know it's retarded but that just how it be mang.
Lel i was joking man. I'm actually much better post medication if you knew me before when i was a complete wreck
Yeah maybe she did idk. The last couple of weeks have been weird for me, haven't really felt myself
Bumping the sad saga of OP