>tfw no sissy white boi to kill and suck my thick brown cock to completion
Tfw no sissy white boi to kill and suck my thick brown cock to completion
real thugs git down on da flo
real girls git down on da flo
i maybe a massive fag but I'm not into niggers user
only if the killing is quick and painless
I like how desperate these fetishists are they even go so far to edit pictures to match the skin color.
>Want to be degraded and murdered in a sexual relation that can't bear children
>Don't want the absolute pinnacle of brute disgusting to do it.
man schlomo and his incest loving greasy ameri-mutt friends really want whitey to racemix huh?
>tfw no succubus gf to kill me
The whole point of not racemixing is to not make retarded mutt children when you could be making white birth rate sustainable. If you are a sissy you don't have to concern yourself with that, it doesn't matter if you're getting rape murdered by a nigger.
yes goy kill off your fellow whites
so tyrone can impregnate as many white women as possible without other white people interfering
who's to say i couldn't be degraded by another white person user?
oooga booga black man alpha white man weak !
If black man so dominant in US why are they at the bottom of society? this I do not understand.
Mate, what you said solely implied that race mixing was the issue here. You said nothing of a man literally offering himself a as feminine human sacrifice.
>if you are a sissy
lmao do you have any idea how retarded of a fantasy this sounds?
imagine grown men calling themselves sissies just kill yourself already
Because they're fucking retarded most of them spend all their time in dudebro/gangbanging environments, they'd have no problem wrecking the shit out of some socially awkward feminine weakling.
is that why black bots spend their time shitposting on r9k
trying to racebait to make themselves feel secure?
shut the fuck up you american mutt
reminder blacks have the highest rate of homosexuality in america
You walk into a thread of people literally wanting to get raped and murdered and solely pointed out that racemixing is bad. Up your game lad you're not saving the white race by having your priorities straight.
>putting a shill in their place means you're trying to save the white race
nah i don't come on here for that amerimutt
im just tired of greasy weirdo amerimutt basedboys going on and on and on about this creepy race obsessed cuck shit
god you americans are revolting
>want to be murdered
cool kink user
exactly they're like a retarded animal my american friend
you see hunters kill dozens of animals twice their size and regularly out smart them in the wild don't they?
why is a nigger any different
The racebait threads are psyop made by retarded pol Asian and White incels made to get others on their side.
If I'm going to get plowed in the ass it might as well be from a dark man, pink dicks are disgusting. They look like pigs skin.
and looking like what comes out of someone's ass is any better?
do you have any proof of this user ?? or is this just theory
The point is the appeal of being degraded by some big dumb disgusting strong ape, it's not about having the best care giver. I'm sorry it's not everyday I can side with retarded degenerate racemixing trannies, but you guys honestly seem like you are having a harder time dealing with reality.
yes and some tranny freak cutting their dick off thinking they're a "woman" can more easily deal with reality
that's just typical amerifat logic user nothing that should be surprising to you
All the nigger incels hate their race or atleast how they behave or have been bullied, they have no interest in branding Tyrone as this demigod of sex. That leaves polcels and cucks as the main culprits.
did i say it was about having the best care giver retard?
you're missing the point i wasn't even really trying to talk about the appeal it's the point you inbred amerimutt retards constantly shill this
like as if there's some ulterior motive behind these spammed threads
You retards shoehorned racemixing being the problem in literally one situation where it doesn't matter and there was a bigger fish on the plate. Would it be wholesome and ok if some white guy was trying to tempt a white fag to being raped and murdered?
why am i turned on by dying and sucking a cock while dead?
>oooga booga black man alpha white man weak !
Look at yourself. Now look at what race you are. Now look at user and what race he is.
You cant run from the truth
Having a smart hunter Dom you isn't their attraction, they aren't wholesome real women, they want to be degraded and killed. All your assertions about me are wrong and only serve as a distraction to your shitty logic.
>is that why black bots spend their time shitposting on r9k
dude these boards are 90% white.
Meant for Origiblocks
>smart hunter Dom
oxymoron. None of your "intellect" makes you any more sexually appealing. Your shrimp dick and frail body will always be inferior to superior virile men.
>being fucked by a nigger not racemixing just because you're homo
and no I'd still think it was pathetic
shilling your degeneracy onto other people is shit only kikes and inbred american fat fucks do
>you see hunters kill dozens of animals twice their size and regularly out smart them in the wild don't they?
This is what I replied to when I said smart hunter, that's not an oxymoron. The rest of what you said is a weak attempt at character assassination.
you said smart hunter dom. You're not gonna be domming anyone with your beta ass. You're not a hunter either, shooting things from a distance is not hunting.
All you have is muh intellect and at that your iq is probably pretty low anyways.
give me your full dox if you're so tough
are you retards insane? seriously lay off the internet porn it is warping your minds. I've been seeing this "white genocide fetish" bullshit popping up too and its just utter mental illness and i highly suspect its 95% watched by insecure racists.
yes and ooga booga muh bbc muh sissy white boi
isn't a weak attempt at character assination
oog a booga whitey weak
get a grip retard
Listen carefully retard, in THIS situation race mixing literally doesn't matter in the slightest, you end up with a dead fag no matter who does it. It literally doesn't serve anyone to ONLY address why racemixing is wrong, these fags have zero reason to care.
daily reminder this is what the average nigger loving cuck poster looks like
I am not referring to myself as a smart hunter Dom, I don't give a shit about this dumb racebait thread, I came here to put down their autistic degenerate fetish. It never crossed my mind that someone could be a bigger autistic retard than r9k trannies.
Read the thread retard I'm not a nigger, fag or a racebait retard.
>why do you have these images on your machine user?
>research, I swear its for research
>living with your parents
very orig
>living with your parents
I think you just outed yourself with your projections
do you even know what projecting is or are you the typical Jow Forums dweeb whose been conditioned into believing spewing random fallacies means you "win" conversations.
You think since you live with your parents everyone else lives with their parents, you cannot even envision a universe where that wasn't the case
Anybody got an invite to this server. I would also like to browse it for research.
i want this but don't want it to be a nigger that does it
drop the killing part and we can have some fun OwO~