If you a genie could make you a literally cute girl, would you accept?
If you a genie could make you a literally cute girl, would you accept?
Absolutely, being an ugly girl is hell
absolutely yes
user I'd love to be a girl
Why would I, fag?
I would ask that fucker to create a cute girl just FOR me.
and no, your gay ass will not be raw material either
i still prefer being a man even that means never ending suffering desu
you will never be a woman you disgusting faggot.
girls have it easier being neets
>instantly get more scholarships for being a "woman" in STEM
>easier to get help on assignments
>dont have to ask people on dates and risk being rejected
>fetishes and toys become kinky instead of creepy
>tinder goes on easy mode
Even though I am an angry smelly talentless fool that will probably die an unfufilling life, I like being a man and having a penis. I ain't a homo or tranny so nah I wouldn't take that offer. If the genie just made a gf for me that would be nice.
If i were a genie i'd fix your english
Depends. Would I still have the skills and knowledge I currently have? Would I be back in time, or present day?
In which world do you live? Certainly not int this one
i second this
I would, but I think this board forces a warped perspective. If you surveyed the population, about 0.1% of men are going to say yes.
Only if I get at least a decade younger. I'd be hitting the wall the second I changed otherwise.
I may be suffering from this shit But I would still firmly decline
Earth. In most societies women get married and literally become neet housewives. They take care of the house and chores while the men work.
Would I still be attracted to girls or would that change too?
My calculations say you're 99.7474% incorrect. QED, Watson. *adjusts glasses*
Hell no, being a woman is fucking trash, I am glad I was born a male.
I ask him to turn me into a futa.
I would do just about anything not to have been born a nigger sheboon so absolutely
I looked up some statistics on "depression" a few days ago. I'd guessed 80% people thought life wasn't worth living. In a government survey 3% of people reported having thought that at any point in the past 2 weeks. Our, or at least my, perspective on most things is fucked.
Of course I would. I'll be the cutest lesbian in the world (or maybe a tomboy)
Would you let r9k have a go at you?
I would not accept. I like being a man.
I don't think men are better than women; I'm simply content with my existence. Also, if I were a cute girl, how would I impregnate my future wife? No, I'll just stick to LARPing as one on this Chinese-painting-enthusiast-board.
Probably I would be an attention whore