Have you pretended to be a girl online before Jow Forums? Did you use it to milk cash?

Have you pretended to be a girl online before Jow Forums? Did you use it to milk cash?

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no, I haven't. Cool thread.

I wish I could use my actual vagina to milk cash sometimes.
Jobs are hell.

I used to do it on omegle, sometimes I'd encourage sadbois, other times I'd bully retards

>In the end I just doxed some manipulative guy on Discord
What kind of manipulation we talking here? Doxxing is pretty harsh if it was just some moron trying to seduce.

>tfw no qt trans-questioning friend to treat like a discord gf

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Yup. Nope, never used it for cash. Purely sexual reasons, if any feelings are even hinted at I gtfo because I'm not that much of an asshole

Yes and yes. I mainly do it to crush the hearts of robots, get free video games, and free skins on league. I actually did it to a few robots today. I have 6 catfish accounts. I mostly mess with soc and omegle fags. I love to pretend that I am 15-17 to try and see how some pedos will attempt to groom or manipulate me.

what stops you

how do you exactly make them give you games and skins?

I dislike manipulating people and feel guilty for accepting help or gifts in general, even from family. Wouldn't really be comfortable with receiving money or other shit from strangers for no real reason.
Just tired of working a shitty job and wish I could just throw those feelings out the window some days.

if you try and show your pussy on cam for free mentioning you accept donations, you wouldnt be manipulating anyone, and it wouldnt be receiving money for no reason.
you give something, you receive something.
no manipulation involved, and if you receive money is for a reason.
and it's ok if you dont want to do it for free, i just suggested it as doing it directly for money might throw people off(why pay when they can go look some freecam girl on some site?), and you might feel like you're manipulating them(giving sexual things in exchange for money feels different than offering sexual things accepting offers)

Yes, I just really like acting 'girly'. It was done mainly on forums and gaming platform, I use to be someone's 'discord gf' too it was really fun.

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I wanna do this for interesting information/knowledge and shit, but don't know how to go about it.

>for interesting information/knowledge
nigga you're not a spy

Not yet. Mommy says I can do anything I put my mind to, though

Yeah, it was my mother's idea. We where low on cash.

Study Alkibiades.

I wish someone would milk me.

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Jesus christ how horrifying. Looks like some david cronenberg shit

His Machiavellian tactics?

not really but my friend used to all the time so he could milk runescape gold from incels

Games are easy. You make a new steam, get some free games, and ask if they wanna play games. Most beta boys will buy you games to play with them. League players are pathetic and will buy skins for any girl to win her favor.

new steam accounts can't trade or receive gifts until they make a $5 purchase
and with your method you have to play with them and will only receive multiplayer games since they want to play with you

honestly, it doesnt seem that much of a deal, just roll for dubs and trips during steam sales, is what i do each year and i get games i actually want each time

I pretend to be a guy so that I can actually make friends instead of orbiters.

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Where do you make friends? Nobody cares to talk, or put any effort in, unless you're a potential romantic interest

does that mean you're a girl cute enough to have orbiters?
because from experience, ugly girls dont get much orbiters

>lying about what you are to your buddies
Sure are a good friend user!

>new steam accounts can't trade or receive gifts until they make a $5 purchase
Yeah so usually you buy something on sale a month prior. It requires some prep. And also, they buy you a lot of co op and survival games that are good alone. In addition, if you really want a single player game, you give them a fake birthday (usually a month after you guys meet) and they will buy you basically any game you want if they like you enough.

How poor are you guys that you put up with orbiters for games? Wew lad.

Untrue, I mostly make friends in the video games I play. If you put in the effort so will the other person.

I'm decently attractive but also completely asexual.

I don't mention my gender at all so it's not lying per say.

I can usually get 200 dollars worth of games in too months for giving lazy one word replies three or so times a day

again, too much effort imho

i dont, i was criticizing him because it's a way that requires too much effort for little gain

>200 dollars worth of games in 2 months
that's 4-6 AAA games, or 10-ish smaller games, and most will be MP games
yeah, too much effort for too little gain

>I'm decently attractive but also completely asexual.
im open with friendships(not orbiting) and nothing more with girls
for me it's not really a big deal if someone is a girl if i know beforehand that i have no chance
you're asexual = unattainable = your gender doesnt matter(sexually)

>giving lazy one word replies three or so times a day
Wew, sure bud. Why are you embarassed that you need to go full hyperbole?

Reality:Decently attractive enough to get orbit attention irl but not attractive enough to land Chad. So '''asexual'''

>$200 games
>2 months
>one word replies 3 or so times a day
pic of the whole process or it didn't happen
99% of guys and men would give up after a week of one word replies