His height begins with 5

>His height begins with 5

Attached: 7D51E9A8-9DE9-4D05-BD02-786F8935E1BF.png (728x899, 253K)

>Her weight is 200+ lbs

show that bitch whats up

Attached: pepedab.gif (128x128, 6K)

>tfw 5'11.777777777

Attached: 1552687568565.jpg (977x703, 69K)

>she weighs more than 160lbs
No thanks

>He's blond

FUCKING DROPPED, probably gay

Attached: hisheightstartswithafive.png (744x742, 158K)

Ha ha ha 175

stop bullying anons, user. for example i consider anything above and including 5'9 tall.

This is actually an astute observation

>she would have been attracted to me anyway
haha, oh wow

I know because I have to live this

older women like it and it bought me favouritism when I was at school and helped put me on a path of success. Had old grannies come up to me and compliment me on it. But young women listen to the media and do NOT like it.

don't drop her too hard or you might start and earthquake

I'm a 5'7" midget and I fucking hate myself. I can't enjoy going out ANYWHERE in my town because most men and a fair number of women are taller than me.
>tfw been in college for 4 years and never even had a conversation with a girl
>tfw disgusting and unworthy of love because of a genetic defect I can't do anything about
Fuck you OP

All about confidence and how you portray yourself. I'm 5'3 and I do decently well with girls and making friends

Where do you live? China?

Man these femjak threads are all made by the same guy trying to incite reactions like this

Stop comparing height with weight. Being fat is 1) Objectively bad and 2) completely controllable whereas being short isn't.

>All about confidence and how you portray yourself
Until they rejext you soley because of your height. Please shut the fuck up.

>I'm 5'3 and I do decently well with girls and making friends
Then get the fuck off this board.

I wish shorter men would consider taller women, they seem to only want to date midgets
>tfw no 5'2 qt chad megane bf

Attached: uimg001.jpg (761x1200, 194K)

Another thread reported

Attached: 1556303090488.png (604x630, 334K)

I'm 5'5
Are you a tall girl?
Pls leave your discord

>tfw my man is 6'3"
Feels good heh

more like 120+lbs

>Men compare weight to height
A fat woman can always lose weight, but a manlet is short forever.

Guys I found a pic of OP wtf??

Attached: 200px-Neckbeards.png (560x546, 208K)

I'm not much taller than you, just three inches. Your height is still really cute though. Where do you live?

Texas, hbu

I feel you. Take solace in the fact that each day you fight thru feelings of inadequacy that you can do NOTHING about and yet you still decide to live another day.

>she has dyed hair
>multiple sexual partners
>listens to nigger music
>has a degree
>doesn't want kids
>older than 23
> dresses immodestly
>drinks and smokes
>has political opinions
>has any male hobbies
>has male friends

>My height is 5'7.
>Get laid often

Rule number one: Be good looking

That's it. That's all. If OP were a woman, She'd be on my dick if I wanted her there.

>tfw 50 feet tall

Attached: 1555846669789.jpg (870x998, 196K)

imagine larping on the Jow Forums

Larping is awesome.

Don't be a faggot.

Attached: 1457740027315.jpg (283x323, 42K)