Hey guys! l just married my husband, Eric! We're about to have sex right now....
Hey guys! l just married my husband, Eric! We're about to have sex right now
good! make sure to take a shower with a hairdryer afterwords
die in a fire you fucking faggots. I hope you never have children, and if you adopt them ill find a way to take them from you and give them to a better home.
>Actually being gay
hey hey no bully
Isn't that one of the fat fucks from Cinemassacre?
Atleast you faggots saying nohomo right?
it's all in good fun, but seriously dont have kids
no, it's me
i'm happy and you're not lol
op is a fag irl
I'm glad you guys are happy and I hope you enjoy eachother.
At least someones happy here.
if fucking another man makes you happy than you should both kill yourselves
>no, it's me
No it's not. That's Justin from Screen wave and 8-bit Eric so stop being a LARPing faggot and fuck off
You're lying. It's a picture of me and my loving husband. Stop undermining our relationship.
Good on you, Sargoy
Tits and timestamp?! I...think....
Which one of you is the bottom?
>Tits and timestamp?! l...think....
>turning gay bc you would've been an incel if you didn't pretend to not like women
Thanks I mean no timestamp but......you got the only real important thing in the pic.
After or before?
I got your husband to lick my ass crack at retropalooza