Nsuns 531 routine

Has anyone here done the nsuns 531 routine? What were your experiences? Is it any good or just another reddit meme?

Attached: download.png (273x185, 11K)

Should've posted an ass pic

2nd program I ran. Solid results, a good +100lbs to my total after 6 Weeks doing CAP3.

Attached: IMG_20181031_184635_702.jpg (640x640, 47K)

Tha pic is too large I can still guess some numbers.

Isn't one of the main reasons why people use nSuns is because their app is great and basically does everything for you? Why the fuck are you posting this miniature schedule?

Doing 6 day squat version atm, I love the volume and usually spend 1-1.5hrs working out because I'm a gymcel. I'm definitely seeing gains but the progression can vary, it kinda sucks when you only get a few reps on AMRAP and increase by only 5lbs but when you have a good set and increase 10-15lb it's nice.

Have my deadlift 1+ tonight

Here for 5 reps!

I'm doing SS and doing 15 reps for 3 exercises takes me about an hour and I do that 3 times a week.

nSuns has you doing OVER 50 REPS for two exercises plus multiple accessories every fucking day. How long do people spend in the gym every day doign nSuns? 3 hours?

I still believe it's the most logical and flexible program late beginners and helped me progress my main lifts.
Do the "with rows" version to save time on the accessories.
Takes considerable gym time and sharing equipment on the main lifts is annoying due to the almost constant weight change.
I never go past 12reps on the last set.

I spend 1.5-2hrs depending on if I superset accessories or not

I wish I had that much time to gym

I should note that you can probably get in and out in around 1 hr if you are determined and done fuck around.
I just try to go longer for personal reasons.

how long do you rest between sets? On SS I rest between 3-4 minutes, but if you did that on nSuns you would spend over an hour of your workout just sitting and resting

How many accessories do you typically do? You dont find the volume too much?


Sometimes most of that time is just changing plates around

It's a "good" routine, but it's hard to fuck up a volume 531 routine. You can skip the entire secondary lift and go hard on accessories and get the same results.

I rest 60-90s for the first 2 sets and 2m for the 1+ sets. Then 60-90s for the rest. I don't care if i miss reps there.

For bench days: chins SS dips, facepulls SS lat raises, flyes SS leg raises, curls SS db tricep extensions and farmer walks.
Yea, sometimes feel too much and cut it earlier, but try at least to get the chins and dips.

For squat days: hip thrusts SS leg raises, leg press SS calf raises and throw some curls SS skullcrushers for the pump

I'd prefer to cut the accessories before the 2nd lift

You have to superset pretty much everything and if possible, do giant sets for closer/similar equipment.

not him but I do a bunch
t. gymcel

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just do 2nd exercise 4x6-10 and you're good

What the fuck? I thought this was supposed to be an intermediate strength building program. This is verging on reddit PPL

You can do whatever you want. I've started with chins and dips alone, then slowly added more work, because i'm doing 4 days now.

I personally haven't done it yet but from what I've read, guys get good results on it but many people also complain about fatigue and struggling to keep up with the volume on it, especially if they're doing the 6 day version or if they aren't bulking.
I'm heavily considering starting the 4 day OHP version (a fan-made version with more OHP volume than the "official" 4 day version) on Monday.

Does it matter when you use your rest days? I am doing the 5 day and I put in my two rest days whenever they feel needs or are convenient with my work schedule.

In the 4 day version, you have OHP as primary and you could put OHP as secondary for the bench day.
Plus, you could add more OHP work as DB, push press or simply OHP at a lighter weight as assistance work.

In the "official" 4 day version you do t1 bench + t2 OHP on one day and t1 bench + t2 cg bench on another because whoever made it is a brainlet who thinks that having 17 sets of bench in a single day is more important than having any OHP sets at more than 70% of your TM.
The version I have in mind has one day with t1 OHP + t2 bench and another day with t1 bench + t2 OHP. I'm kinda considering replacing the front squats with some other type of squats too.
The thing about nsuns that intrigues me is that it gives you 2 main lifts, one of which is the main one for the day, and then you can customize your accesory to your liking. I just don't like the autistic programming and Jow Forumsnsuns. I'm considering making my own routine instead, heavily inspired by GZCL's guide to programming.

I did something like that. Replaced the front squats for paused squats and CGBP for OHP - the app recalculates everything on the next week. Superset rows with bench.
For the accessories, i started with chins and dips as 3x8-12 then added more according to my needs.

Isn't it counterintuitive to do as many sets of deadlifts as you do on Nsuns? 17 sets per week including sumo

Deadlift volume in similar programs is very low. GZCLP being the only exception.
Also, AMRAP based progress will autoregulate

I've been doing it for maybe three weeks so far. Pretty solid, liking it. is right

Jesus christ how long do you take between sets? I do nSuns with 2 accessories/day and it takes me less than an hour.

>takes me less than an hour
when you lift actual heavy weight you need to take longer rests