I have been invited to a party.
Wat do
>inb4 nigger
I have been invited to a party
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Shave, shower, get a nice shirt on. Good luck, user
I only have my monk robes and my longsword
Go user. It's your time to ascend
Get drunk and have fun
Be Chad
Good luck
Go so you can tell us how it was.
I cant escape being uncomfortable in my own skin, i have severe ocd and my benis gets hard easily
Then you better roll for deception
yeah, don't go. You don't need a reminder of how bad things are before you work on getting better. If you're anything like me, you've caged yourself off from anything that highlights how ill you are. The shock isn't fun, and I don't think it's helpful.
Go, you can always leave once you get bored. I did that if it was free I stood around talked to some guys and leave after an hour
Chick's love monks dude, how is your charisma ?
30/100 44 when drunk. My longsword is a great convo starter, i named it toasties reckoning
I did that in hs. The difference was that i talked to no one and only stood there observing social interactions and their dynamics, i thought myself as a researcher studying aliens and how they percieved me
Kek, I used to did that too. Once I saw a documentary about the similar behavior of apes and humans I liked to observe the whole mating ritual and how the "alphas " took the most attractive females, most popular guys were extrovert and funny but also agressive or show themselves to be agressive (they verbally challenge the other males around trowing subtle provocations at them meant to humiliate) , they were very confident , quick in their speech and move around a lot.
Perhaps we are not robots we are aliens fits way better Imo.....
Nah I always thought myself as human but a defective one. I was the one who watched the spectator
Yeah, i focused my research at how in a party people were able to alienate themselves from their identity so they could perform in the social space and all the implications that came with it
It was also very interesting how a club is a competition ground for males in their pursuit of mates (vis a vis for females). Youre spot on regarding the subtle provocations through language and such. When language fails the last resort is a physical fight. Some males appear to become addicted to violence in their process to undermine their sexual frustrations or ego.
Then roll a d20 to go into sneak, if you are classed as a rogue, otherwise, a perception check will be needed with another d20 dexterity check for party games
Like people saying they're drama-free as they sit in the epicenter. I'm mostly interested in how people keep doing it with seemingly zero understanding of their own behavior. Is this what we were meant to be? In my mind everyone involved has this deep meta-understanding of how "the game" is played, but I think that is just a rationalization. It seems to be instinctual.
>how people keep doing it with seemingly zero understanding of their own behavior.
I think they realize how their behavior change , I caught myself humiliating other weaker males around females only to realize when they left that I was acting like an asshole, this was the case during my teen years were my hormones where boiling
I think that today as a result of a generalized identity crisis, people ironically integrate a hyper individualism to mantain intact their social dynamics. Their social structure allows them to dwell freely with multiple facades on their interactions while at the same time conserving a relatable identity. This identity is provided to them by the social structure as there is a defacto agreement between all parts composing the nature of individualism, this is the paradox, because there needs to be implicit social contracts to compose a structure as such, but at the same time the modern structure allows their participants to subscribe to its conditions while mantaining an ilussion of their identities.
Yes, we do in fact live in a society.