who do you main in tf2 and why user?
Who does r9k play?
Pyro, i get way to happy reflecting rockets and pills in peoples faces
Soulja boy since he has fun movement
havent played for a while but i mained scout because i could run away like a little bitch
the dog with glasses
I main Sniper, Scout, Spy, and Demo. Despite the fact I hate Demo I still kind of like him
Medic because it feels nice when people say thanks
I don't play it.
It's just not fun anymore.
Engi... Cus he's cool as ice
You can't have 4 mains, retard
I can actually agree on that. I've played it a couple times before and it was way different then now.
So? I'm able to play as those characters really well
Pyro because I don't care about anything other than sneaking up on snipers and spies.
but there must be one of them that you play or like the most, otherwise you don't have a main
Scout, because he fast
I guess Spy because I have more time on him
Heavy, He is the most powerful class so long as the enemy team doesn't have a competent spy or even a shit-tier sniper he wrecks everything, Can deal somewht effective damage from a distance and massive damage up close is the only way to go, constant damage is what he is made for.
you sure you don't just enjoy being used up like a gay slut?
Scattergun and Cleaver ganggg
I don't have a main because I suck at all classes equally, even tho I have 3000 hours;__;
But I like playing medic when there are none in the team, and if the team are communicating over mic, it's nice to be thanked so I try and keep everyone with a nice over heal.
>mfw the clipping cleaver bug has never and probably ever will be fixed
Medic is my least played, but I have the most fun as him
I don't play tf2 as much as I should, but man my pc is a potato
Spy is most fun, sniper is most satisfaction.
Hitting a difficult headshot that results in a kill is an unrivaled dopamine injection. it's a work of art really
>all these pyros, scout, sniper mains
>meem sluts
>ego heavy
>not a single solly main
r9k really is the shittiest board
>man my pc is a potato
you wanna play risk of rain with me
>why yes, I main Heavy, how could you tell?
because your IQ doesn't exceed 2 digits
how pathethic am I for regretting playing lol during my hardcore neet years instead of this game? in this game you can say whatever the fuck you want with the name of your choice,in lol you are walking on eggshells all the time
do u think tf2 would take a hit if it took after overwatch and started banning shit talkers?
i rotate between sniper and demoman
ive just been so bored lately though the game is at that stale point again
sniper and scout
>standing on a cart and having the majority of your points for objective time makes you a chad
5 minutes of everything, I rotated every couple deaths usually
Spy main. Can't put the feeling into words. It's just exhilerating to dodge past someone and wreck their shit and make it look like you weren't even trying. I do this in every game with an instakill mechanic. Used to assassinate everything in my path back on Halo Reach and 4.
Pyro and other classes with some form of shotgun
trips of retardation, the second post in the thread was a soldier main
usually play demoknight or stock soldier but i'm best at medic and sometimes heavy. still cant play spy at all though
i main ur mom lol
Pyro because pissing people off is just too good in this game. Add in some shit talk and top scoring as backburner pyro every game and it's truly magical getting the spergs to sperg the fuck out.
Engi because I'm a fucking sperglord who can't aim
Yes, the free speech in the game is one of the best parts. Overwatch fags are unironically spied on in every game by (((blizzard))), I wouldn't be suprised if your credit score went down from a blizzard game ban
Engi so that i dont have to actually do anything
People always yell and get mad at me when I play medic.
Based and reflectpilled
Medic and Pyro
I used to play regularly with my homies. One of them main Heavy, so we used to pocket in Gold Rush pubs. If we got pushed to the last point and we had a decent team, I'd swap to Pyro and he'd swap to QF Medic
Those were the days
Don't really main anyone, I most often play as Demo, Scout, and Heavy though. I feel like they're the funniest characters in the game, I love their lines.
I stopped playing but scout and sniper.
Remember all the servers started sucking.
Ahh my fellow /chaos/
Don't forget being able to push back an uber rush to save your team
Pyro with phlogistinator is my main DPS though, salty haters gonna h8
Most blessed player, Medic is #1 most underrated that can turn the tide of a match in an instant
at one point i mained everything but i mained soldier and scout longest cause they were pretty fun and I was good with them. I don't play it much anymore though so im not that great anymore.
Whenever I am in the mood I usually play medic and just shit post in the chat
i sticky spam points of entry in 2fort
Sniper because I'm 30 and have been playing CS since 2002 (though I don't really play CS anymore, just very casually with friends once or twice a year). I have achieved a level of aiming with a mouse that few mortals will ever be able to comprehend. It used to be 50/50 sniper and spy but since the DR has been nerfed into the ground, spy is boring as fuck and feels like watching paint dry. Spy will never be as fun as it was with silent DR ;_; rip peak spy.
soldier, you cant match a nice market garden
based, soldier is most versatile class
the Scout because i just really like mobile classes
Wait DR wasn't always so fucking loud and useless?
It has always been loud by default, but back in the day there were set bonuses and a really good one was the silent uncloak from the Saharan set. The downside to it was that you had to use Your Eternal Reward dagger which back then only allowed you to steal costumes, you couldn't manually do it, so depending on the situation it could be quite tricky. You also had to use the L'Etranger, which has always fuxking sucked. But yeah, silent DR was PEAK spy, and since removing set bonuses it has been boring. Not exaggerating when I say I used to go 200-50 on fastlane with spy.
Back when I played I loved the Spy. The pre nerf enforcer was hilariously overpowered, 2 shooting the 125hp classes from 50 ft away and being able to often go head on against soldiers/demos/pyros if your aim was good
pyro and spy
>pyro with the new jetpack is really fun to play
>spy cuz backstabbing people feels rly good
I'm a heavy main, but I've been playing more scout and medic.
If you could aim well the Pre nerf enforcer + DR + Spycicle was god mode
Seems like they've fucked spy on basically everything. The DR was slightly tolerable after the removal of set bonuses/silent DR, but having reinstalled within the past two years, I see that the DR doesn't recharge with metal now, meaning, which pushes it into the completely useless category. I also noticed that they nerfed the Ambassadors ability to get headshots. You used to be able to hit for 121 at any range, now it drops off as a function of distance and at long range the most you'll hit for is 60 something. It's like they've completely nerfed the fun out of spy. Fucking ridiculous. Most of this shit was probably done to appease the soys who think that tf2 should be an esport. Fuck I hate them.
heavy, because i like how i can wipe teams in CC
I don't play first person shooters.
i only play spy
do you hate me
demo cuz blowing ppl up is fun
I played it once and I chose heavy. I just chose it based on the fact that I was a good shot so I would just be the tank, lead charges and clear out tunnels.
I always wanna be widowmaker.
Engineer cause I'm unoriginal
>you may be able to outsmart Heavy, but let's see you out smart boolet, haha
>more like majority of points from sending boolets down range and spearheading every push and just damaging the shit out of everyone in general
then you suck it at and need to be smarter
Esport culture is cancer. It was ok back in the quake/fatal1ty era but twitch and YouTube unleashed the normie hordes on gaming
holy shit this is some good taste
Heavy because I'm communist
Spy & scout, almost everything else is w+m1 and for brainlets.
engy mostly
I miss tf2. So muchDemoman with eyelander tide turner and the genie boots
But I have not been able to play for a very long time
I mi
I click on random
Normies main
Haven't played in a long while but I used to main Medic because it was very fun to hit crazy crossbow shots and basically control the flow of the match by just popping uber on an experienced Heavy player at the right time.
sniper is main but I sometimes play scout too, by the way anyone here wants to trade? I currently have an unusual taunt Im selling for 6 keys
based fellow demo main
Spy cause it's interesting seeing what people say after I've killed them . yes being annoying and a dick is funny to me
fuck off phlog faggot
such a dumb fucking weapon, it's like valve saw everyone complaining about w+m1 pyros so they made a weapon just so those kinds of players could w+m1 even more autisticly
Spy because being invisible is fun.
Sniper because it's easy
Heavy because it's easy
Soldier because you can fly but I fuck it up.
my tota playtime
Engineer so I can make army of buildings and sit at the flag on turbine
fucking thisI got in a random match and half the lobby was talking about how jews are ruining the world
even if overwatch was a better game, the community is absolute ass, and since overwatch isn't a better game it will follow all of the other "tf2 killers" that came before it
Spy, feels really good to stab someone and immediately taunt in their freeze body
Heavy or spy, hard to say between these two because I like them both for very different reasons
r8 bait and hate. what do you think?
I main pyro and half demoknight, charge kills feel very good, same with doubledonks
Engineer because I am lazy
>only 3 results for engineer
Pretty much this
Engineer on braindead CtF maps forever
Demoman and Soldier kill you
Heavy,Scout,Pyro,Engie in that order, been playing since december 2010
absolutely love it. nice ass virgin chad pic.
Engi because you can make a comfy sentry nest to just take a nap in.
i main spy and scout i just love their personalities
pyro, funniest class, running around, spraying fire at people and REEEEing (also he is literally a psycho)
>tf2 palette
that thing got killed when they added the paints, user.
w+m1 pyro because I get to murder scout