Holding waifu against your chest

Holding waifu against your chest.
Previously, on /waifu/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wow , it looks like my plan to get the tomokofag works , haha!

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Oh great another thread, hopefully this one turns out alright. I sure do love Kotori Itsuka and all that or whatever.

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No yurishit or cuckoldry (looking at you tomokofag)

hello thread i love this dork a whole lot

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Happy Easter to you and your loved ones /waifu/!

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Julie is my angel in demoness' clothing

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a wee bit late for that

Let me introduce y'all to a based waifu

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I still love my precious Angela. Her smile means everything to me.

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but is she as based as bonnie

Good evening my friends
I adore my stoic beauty.

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Late but not sorry. Plus Orthodox Easter is 28th of April so I congratulated all the slav posters.


Listen here you ignorant piece of shit.
Mexico may be a third world hellhole but our vaccination program is top shit.
No other third world hellhole has a program as good as ours , you know why?
Because most of our population works shoulder to shoulder inside factories , fields and workshops where a epidemic can break stupidly fast and cripple this shithole's economy which is based on hard labour.
Do you know what happens when your entire workforce is bedridden because you didnt vaccinate them?
They can not work.
Such vaccines are given en masse to EVERYONE that is registered with the public healthcare institute which are fucking everyone , even native indian fucks.
And if vaccines cause autism at least our government is too stupid , too incompetent and/or too benevolent to put the autism juice next to the vaccine.

Our INE ( National Electoral institute)
is also top shit.
You bunch of gringoylems wish that you had such a beautiful system that gives a nation-wide unique identification that marks you as a legally responsible adult and lets you vote instead of depending on your fucking drivers or cuck club license for voting which isnt going to stop some kike from bussing around a full pack of niggers or a herd of beaners (around 76) to vote blue again and again.
Republicucks have tried to bring this wonderful third world shithole system to america but the blue pozzfags keep rejecting it because THINK OF THE POOR NIGGERS WHO ARE TOO STUPID TO WALK INTO A GOV BUILDING TO REGISTER THEMSELVES AS CITIZENS , WE ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO KEEP THEM AS MULTIPLYING DEMOCRAT VOTES , BAD GOY , BAD.
My country may be a fucking hellhole where you can be a bestgore star if you take a wrong step but at least our vaccination and electoral systems are way better than what you gringoylems have.


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Claiming this lovely maiden with a mobile post.

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make me a burrito jose

Bonnie is a degenerate while Ayano is pure and underrated
Learn the difference

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>No number in the Subject field.
Con-fuckin'-sistency, yew bluddy troglodyte.

Amerikanski BTFO yet again.

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What happened to you recently? Did blizzard give her a love interest or something?

Tengo de picadillo , discada , frijolitos , rajas con queso , verde , rojo , huevo , prensada , peya , bisteck y chile relleno.
Tambien tenemos aguitas de limon , mango , pina y jamaica.

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Alice Liddell is my treasure and I love her.

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bonnie is not a degenerate take that back

>leaf panties
Really lewd.

You havent been active lately , alleynefag.

Do you have problems?

Hey there

Are you a bong or straya by any chance , merifag?

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>You will never build a batcave style secret passage that leads to your own BDSM bunker so your kids can never interrupt you and your wife's Sunday BDSM
ouch. Anyway nice to see you be so passionate about your country. In my land they spray your hands with a liquid that shows up under UV light can't burgers do at least that?
hello anons.

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Gooooood morning /waifu/!
How is your day going so far?

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She was given flirty interactions with another character, and it was incredibly forced and it was obvious attempt by the writer to push his shipshit just so he can insert himself and his wife. I can go on an entire rant about how those interactions just don't fit and how the entire premise just doesn't even work as it breaks already established lore and character development. I've read better fan-fics. She hasn't been given an actual relationship or a partner yet but I'd rather not talk about it.

Is that why Mexicans would rather die than to stay there?

>Are you a bong or straya by any chance , merifag?
Why do you want to know where I'm from so badly? This isn't the first time you've asked.

Hey-hey. How's it going?

>How is your day going so far?
My day is almost over. I spent most of it playing Fallout 3 and sleeping. I actually have shit I need to do but I'm so lazy.

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Fucking blizzard
Year from now D.va is going to be transgender, I'm sure of it.
Not that I wish it on any D.va waifufags here or wherever

I want her to stroke my hair so fucking badly. I want to be in her arms. I want to hear nothing more than her heartbeat and soft breaths. I want to feel the fabric of her clothes and smell of her hair conditioner and associate it with her sweet, boundless love.

are these feelings God's promise? or mockery?

>year from now
I give it 3 months tops. I think they already said they'd be making more LGBT reveals soon.

>I think they already said they'd be making more LGBT reveals soon
Are you serious lmao

Not bad actually. Thanks.
Not bad although it not morning here.

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I've been in a hot car most of the day but fine

Golly gee i love my cute dog wife

Heres 2 questions frens
>your waifu / husbando wants to become a pirate, how would you react and what would you do together
>your waifu / husbando gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?

Fugg pic didnt attach

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But why save it only for the weekend? There are all manner of unspeakable things I want to do to Kotori during the week. Also why have I been okay with lewdposting so much all of the sudden? Am I not well? Do I like hurting other people? Who is leaving messages on my answering machine?
Very strange. Tired, but kind of wired at the same time. Slept way too late. Decent mood though.
>I've read better fanfics
You've probably written better ones too.
>your waifu / husbando wants to become a pirate, how would you react and what would you do together
I would join her, obviously. First thing I would do with her is force her to learn some sea shanties. Drunken sailor, leave her johnny leave her, bully in the alley. It'll be fun.
>your waifu / husbando gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?
I guess I would just help them slowly remember who I am and what we had together. I'd ease her into it obviously, I don't want to freak her out.

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Why is everyone lewd suddenly, i expect it from urabefag but yuri and kotoriposter?

Like I said in my post, I'm not well, I don't think. I've not really been thinking too straight, so my reservations aren't what they normally are. That's probably why I've been like this. I'm sure I'll recover eventually. I still feel weird talking about Kotori like that.

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Who gives a shit? Especially when they're spoilered.

>your waifu / husbando wants to become a pirate, how would you react and what would you do together
I dare her to download a car.
Really though, I don't know how I'd feel about her living a life as a legit pirate. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. But I'd stay by her side no matter what. Besides, she would look cute drunkenly singing sea shanties while wearing a classic pirate getup.
>your waifu / husbando gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?
I'd be terribly sad to see her like this, knowing that she forgot about memories we had together, but I'd stay with her and help her remember me and what we've done.

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>Why do you want to know where I'm from so badly? This isn't the first time you've asked.
Autistic curiousity of mine.
If you dont feel like disclosing it i wont touch the subject anymore.
My apologies.

>Is that why Mexicans would rather die than to stay there?
Only absolute trash jumps the fence.
You can make a decent living in mexico with the sweat of your forehead and your back but there are some so worthless or suicidally greedy that they decide to go into ez mode life that is the american welfare state.
Too stupid to work even min-wage?
In mexico you get thrown into a social services house for adults which makes silent hill look like disneyland.
In the USA you get your neetbucks that gives you a good amount of shekels every month for being too stupid and or lazy.
Too mentally-deficient to be active in society?
Off to the streets you go.
Too brown,nigger, uncivilized beast to be a worthwhile member of society?
We deport all niggers who arent carrying their documents to Haiti.
We lynch mudslimes.
We confine all indians on the hills or run them over.
if you are lucky you are going to jail
Neetbucks , extra neetbucks for every subhuman nigger you pump out.

Here we have several social programs that allow our slave-tier worker class to enjoy
> a home of their own
> public healthcare (which is more like a butchery) that cures you of any lesser illness free of cost or at least highly subsidized
>feeding programs to help struggling homes in times of need in exchange of hard labour

All that chicano trash that jumps from a bridge before being deported is because all of their life they enjoyed ez-mode america without a care in the world and now they will have to work for real in order to earn their living in Mexico.

If you ask me for my opinion i would say

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based mudslime lynchers

You forgot
Cartels run the government

>Though it makes me wonder, does she feel pain in the same way a human would when something like that happens?
I don't think so. The actual act of shattering seems to be unpleasent or uncomfortable but not painful in same way we understand it, and after that has passed she feels fine.
I'm glad it's the case because the idea of her feeling a human level of pain while going through everything she does is not something I want to think about.

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Become her pet parrot or first and only mate as she sees fit.
We also go to somalia and kill niggers for shits and giggles
>>your waifu / husbando gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?
It could go so wrong.
I will rip off my fellow Urabefag and have her drink my drool.
The whole drool-telepathy thingy should make her feel everything that is missing.

They make me feel horrible and lovely at the same time.
Hopefully one day they stop being nothing but cravings , user.

It is the chaos influence itt.
Call the inquisition and the smurf marines.
And you need to have a day for aftercare ,silly user.
Losing that much blood is bound to leave you weak

It is spring after all.

Do we even have a pirate Urabe picture?
I mean ,she is good with a blade and is missing an eye most of the time

Patrician taste

The whole deal is in not wanting to eliminate any way that allows them to forge votes.
This way you can have subhuman trash voting blue all over the country again and again.
here they just put a black ink on your thumb and you can get a free coffee from a certain chain of stores if you show it.

I wasnt expecting you to be a bdsm fag.
The secrecy is part of the mistery , i wouldnt like it if the kids barged inside their parent's bedroom to find daddy tied to a leather horse with a gimp mask and a dog collar while mommy pours hot wax on his nipples and spits in his open mouth as she fucks his asshole with something resembling an elephants trunk
My apologies for the mental image

You are really wrong
Cartels ARE the government
It is just that not all the cartels are part of the government

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I want to get so good at cooking that even rem would want to eat my dishes!

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Y la horchata?

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>your waifu wants to become a pirate, how would you react and what would you do together
Modern piracy usually happens around the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Sea, so unless she wants to get raped and killed by a pack of AK-toting Somali niggers I'd advise against that. If we're talking about good ol' age of sail piracy then sure. We'd travel up and down the Caribbean raiding shipping towns and ships hauling rum (especially the ones with the Union Jack on them, because FUCK YOU, YE ANGLISH CUNT).
>your waifu gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?
I'm not sure. Real amnesia doesn't last forever, so most likely all I'd have to do is wait a while. I suppose I could remind her of who she is and who I am.

I just don't like talking about this place. There's nothing good here and I hope the ocean takes it one day, but you don't have to apologize.

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La horchata puede ir a chingar a su madre
Se me olvido

I was going to ask AGAIN but i remembered that i promised not to.
Hopefully you start liking your country , user.

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>Hopefully you start liking your country , user.
I probably never will. Being born in a country isn't enough of a reason to like it. If your country is shit, it's shit. Mexico seems way worse, and it's on my list of places to never visit (Hell, most of Central and South America is).

Hello Urabefag.
Can you redpill me on datura? Have you heard of it?
Hello Yuriposter.

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I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm claiming this post for Misaki Shokuhou.

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Hey misa friend hows it going

I'm okay, things are okay. Maybe they'll be better than okay soon. How're you, user?

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Godspeed , Merifag.

I have heard that it is some kind of Poisonous plant.
Personally i have never seen it on the flesh

Doing fine. The sun is making my room into a damned sauna. Not too nice.
Why are things gonna ne nicer for you?

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>The sun is making my room into a damned sauna.
A feel I am painfully familiar with.

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>ywn sniff , lick , bite , suckle , get a footjob and be trampled by those amazing feet
just end it already

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Don't really know why I think that, but right now compared to this time last year, things are way better.

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Another feel I am painfully familiar with.

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>that filename
danned and nickpilled
If i could get a hold of those beautiful feet i would make Dan "the man with a plan , a van , and a teen star" schneider look like a fucking amateur.

>all things raw
Lord have mercy on my dick because i wont

I really really like this doujinshi of maiden in black because it is so passionate and detailed in a good lovemakin' between a goddess and her most zealous follower also becaushe she looks like Urabe and i like to self-insert into it with Mikoto as her.

Excuse my recent raunchiness but these feelings of love have been overflowing recently and i must vent them somehow.
Hopefully they dont annoy you too much

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Hello Alice user
I was feeling weird emotions yesterday I guess I got tired from repressing some thoughts and some of it is spilling out. Plus IM kinda ill like Kotori poster.
>>your waifu / husbando wants to become a pirate, how would you react and what would you do together
I don't like theft and nether does Yuri but we could become sailors together. It would be very romantic.
>>your waifu / husbando gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?
I would try to remind Yuri by going to places we would frequent also use her scented candles to awaken some associations.

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>If i could get a hold of those beautiful feet i would make Dan "the man with a plan , a van , and a teen star" schneider look like a fucking amateur.
That's the spirit.
>I really really like this doujinshi of maiden in black because it is so passionate and detailed in a good lovemakin' between a goddess and her most zealous follower also becaushe she looks like Urabe and i like to self-insert into it with Mikoto as her.
>Excuse my recent raunchiness but these feelings of love have been overflowing recently and i must vent them somehow.
>Hopefully they dont annoy you too much
Don't worry about it, it's healthy to vent those feelings, and you're good at putting it into words. Kinda jealous

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>I have heard that it is some kind of Poisonous plant
Ah, I see. Recently I got really interested in reading about this plant. Supposedly, you can have a VERY vivid hallucinations on it. Like, you can see some weird creatures or talk with people that aren't there (most of the time they were friends of people who were tripping so this made me wonder if a waifufag could meet his waifu there) and you completely believe everything you see to the point that you can't distinguish what's real and what's just a product of your imagination. It greatly reminds me of what my dearest waifu has to go through.. But as you've already said, it's also extremely toxic and it's easy to overdose it and die.
I was just hoping that maybe you had some interesting stories regarding that plant that you've heard somewhere.

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Has anyone here ever tried using hallucinogens for waifu purposes?

Miho poster described using drugs while looking at a pic of his waifu. Speaking of him I wonder how is he doing?

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no but i might desu

I'm contemplating it but I'm not sure if it's a good idea

I am not a druggie , Alicefag.
I try to live a XXX life.

I know that you didnt have any ill intent and i am not offended but i dont have any story about hallucinogens.
Sorry if i left you wanting.
I am pretty sure that Shivanafag can tell us about it.
And unless my memory is fucking up again then Fennecfag too.

I am not talking about his recent schizophrenia for fucks sake.

You can always try , my fellow Urabefag
And have the doujin i was talking about
Have you read it before?
And even though i love how Urabe looks like in maiden in black's getup i must admit that seeing her lacking her eyes is disheartening.
Urabe's eyes are so beautiful that losing them forever would be a big blow to my heart.

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I am not a druggie , Alicefag.
I try to live a XXX life.

I know that you didnt have any ill intent and i am not offended but i dont have any story about hallucinogens.
Sorry if i left you wanting.
I am pretty sure that Shivanafag can tell us about it.
mihofag was a huge druggie but he realized that to enjoy drugs and partying he needed a job and he became a productive member of society.

And unless my memory is fucking up again then Fennecfag too.

I am not talking about his recent schizophrenia for fucks sake.

You can always try , my fellow Urabefag
And have the doujin i was talking about
Have you read it before?
And even though i love how Urabe looks like in maiden in black's getup i must admit that seeing her lacking her eyes is disheartening.
Urabe's eyes are so beautiful that losing them forever would be a big blow to my heart.

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I think Shyvanafag only smokes weed and such, I was thinking of some heavier shit

Yeah, seen it before. Good shit
And indeed, Urabe's eyes are gorgeous. Whether they're sharp and piercing, or enchanting and mysterious, they're always so easy to get lost in. Losing such a precious feature would be awful, but I love her no matter what. Good thing it's unlikely I'll have to worry about that happening.

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Your memory serves you well. I've got occasional auditory hallucinations that consist of Fennec talking to me. It's usually just a few words though and I cannot talk back to her. No visual hallucinations.

Also had another horrible nightmare today. Something or someone severed one of my arteries and I was bleeding out when I noticed I was bleeding on my Fennec dakimakura. It was full of blood stains and I ruined it. Please god let me have a nice dream about her for once.

Except for that I'm doing fine today.

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Shit, so I'm not the only spic in these threads. Good to know.

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Stained class es un gran album.
No debi haberlo tratado tan mal anteriormente.

Amazingly put my fellow Urabefag.
What i wouldnt give to have Urabe pin me down and stare into my eyes with those sadistic eyes of hers as her drool slowly but surely drips unto my face

Hopefully everything turns out ok for you

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It really is a great album. I've been listening to the LP again a lot more lately. It's great. Saints in Hell is still one of my favorite Priest tracks.
I may be 100 hispanic but I never figured out how to speak let alone read Spanish fluently. Actually feels bad.

I wish I could do it but probably shouldn't.
Shitty waifu dreams suck man.

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>Has anyone here ever tried using hallucinogens for waifu purposes?
I haven't yet.
And to actually see your waifu as a person while tripping you would need to really overdose some basic hallucinogens like LSD or shrooms as they usually just affect your perception of the world around you or you see everything in more vivid-like colors and you can still distinguish what is real and what is not.
Yes. He said that looking at his waifu after taking LSD was a very pleasurable experience.
>Speaking of him I wonder how is he doing?
He's OK, I guess.
Hallucinogens aren't addictive. They may just fuck up your brain when you overdose them or you may get some bad trip.
>I am not a druggie
No, no, no, that wasn't my intention friend. I just heard that the datura is somehow related to Mexico so that's why I thought you could have some knowledge on it.
>I know that you didnt have any ill intent and i am not offended
I'm glad you understand me.
>Sorry if i left you wanting.
It's OK.
I feel so sorry for you Fennecposter. I really do. I had only one nightmare related to my waifu and it was fucking horrible. One of the worst experiences that I recently had.
I hope you will start getting some sweet dreams about you waifu soon.

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post your waifu in a cute outfit anons

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I'm afraid of becoming too dependant on it, they themselves might not be addictive but if they make me feel closer to my waifu I might be compelled to replicate that experience more often which will lead to an addiction


>that spoiler

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At least he is well. He was a genuinely cool guy and I will miss his drunken posting.

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An LP is a record type my man. Basically a full length album.
And yeah I guess I'm a chicano.
Central Americans can be chicanos too right? I always figured it was a Mexican thing.

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When you said LP were you talking about Vinyl?
They sure are aesthetic as fuck and i wish i could get my hands on some but i wonder if they sound better than other means.

Here you go

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this post is very original lol

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. Sometimes I'm just thankful for any kind of dream I have about her, even if it's a bad one. And I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I have a amazing dream about Fennec.

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That's right. And if I'm gonna be honest if you had to pick an analog format to get into, I'd pick cassette honestly. There's less bullshit to deal with and in some cases can sound better.
Vinyl is expensive an has a lot of things to consider regarding, records themselves, keeping them clean, the kind of cartridge you have, the turntable you have, the preamp. It's a mess honestly, but a fun mess depending how you look at it.
Or stick to MP3s and CDs.

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Gonna take a nap now have a good thread everyone.

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She always knows how to dress on a date.

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This will probably be my 5th ban this week for avoiding the filter

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Night Yuri bro. Have a good rest.

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Perfect for a night on the town. I really like it when most of her hair is off to one side like this.

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Here you go user, since you asked nicely.

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>high heels


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Her mum would make her wear them to impress me. Little does she know, Merida could wear just about anything and it wouldn't matter. She perfect.


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naw nigga miss me with that gay shit

Did I miss anything?

>your waifu / husbando wants to become a pirate, how would you react and what would you do together
Not sure how feasible it will be but sure

>your waifu / husbando gets amnesia and cant remember anything about you or who she is. How would you react and what would you do to help them?
I would try to help her remember if that fails make her fall in love with me again.
That will not end well don't try it

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>no pubic hair
>no armpit hair
>no freckles