How do dads feel that their daughters are getting fucked by other and many different men during her growing up?
Or how do they feel they hear their daughters having sex or find their video sex tape?
How do dads feel that their daughters are getting fucked by other and many different men during her growing up?
I don't know, I'm not a dad.
I didn't ask you, but you are obvious idiot so you must respond.
I have daughters and this is literally my biggest fear.
how old? What is fear about?
>I didn't ask you
Why the fuck are you posting here asking for the opinions of dad's? This is a fucking virgin board
Go to Reddit or something you absolute retard
They're pretty young but it worries me when they start to grow up. I want to do my best and raise them right, but if they ended up like typical modern western roastie sluts, for lack of a better term, that would be my nightmare.
Dad here, it's not a big deal as long as you were the one take her virginity.
Media cucks again.
Never been fucked but when my dad found out I snuck and send nudes to guys he was understandably very disappointed and I felt a rift in our relationship. Its mostly mended now though
>doesn't know how to use an apostrophe/probably will make excuses for it
>doesn't know non-virgins browse this board/probably will make excuses for it
There's nothing tragic about that story, though. It's justice.
His point still stands. You having to point out grammarcal errors proves that you don't have any true retorte
No it's not. He'll always be disappointed in you for becoming a tranny and never really accept you as his "daughter" or whatever you're trying to be.
>You having to point out grammarcal errors proves that you don't have any true retorte
It's spelled "retort".
>His point still stands
I responded to his main point too. Guess you can neither spell nor read.
My dad was basically accepted it was out of his control and took the blue pill. I think that he made the right choice all things considered
Did I ask you to come to my thread and explain me what is this board or site used for?
>i did something wrong
>he doesnt forgive
>im killing myself
Poor dude doesnt deserve this.
>how do dads feel that their daughters are functioning human beings
probably normal.
I don't know why you're so confused, retard.
I responded to this post () in which a claim was made about the nature of this board's participants with a denial of that claim, stating it's used by non-virgins too; therefore, it's relevant.
Anything else, retard?
Why didn't you start conversation about layout of this board or font type used? Well because thats not subject?
How can you be so dense, you think you are so important that you have to state some random facts about board irrelevant to subject.
Alright, another normie trying to make this a normie spot, get cervical cancer and die
The only reason a dad would be browsing here is if his children were ripped from him, he's a pedophile, and/or he got a hooker pregnant.
And, yeah, I have a fucking excuse for the first one, autocorrect.
you have cervical cancer? why though lol? quit blaming normies.
Im not a tranny im actually a girl, xx chromosomes and all.
How does my dad feel that I'm getting gay fucked?
Usually by the time the girl is 12, the mother already divorced the father and he is only an ATM at that point anyway. You can't do much every other weekend and some holidays.
This. r9k is mostly full of black guys.
He's deeply ashamed of you. Surely you're already aware of this though.
More ashamed than when I was NEET?
Women can be NEETs and get away with it. All you have to do is find a good man to marry and all is good. If a man is NEET, then he can't really do much other than finding a good job, which isn't easy with a huge hole in your resume.
Jesus Christ Abdul learn some English grammar
As for your question, a father isn't ashamed of his daughter for being NEET as long as she's happy or at least seems happy.
I'd rather support a NEET daughter who was traditional than have a wagie for a daughter who was a roastie.
I'd also rather have a housewife as a daughter than a high salaried lawyer or corporate shill.
If you're a father, you don't want to know what your daughter is up to off at college. xD
Sending your daughter to college as a freshman is a big mistake.
I didnt get into any trouble in college because I lived at home and commuted to school every day
not a dad but if i was id do everything in my power to stop my daughters from being sluts
Would anyone enjoy thinking or watching their daughters having sex with muscular guy?
I would like to have dad friend with daughter and that we share to eachother :)
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY spending at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
l mean... just think about it logically.
That's what I meant. CC and then going to a 4yr as a Jr is better. I think girls are happier when they stay at home the first two years.
Just fuck your daughter while she is at the prime age of like 15 or 16 and make her your sex slave. What are you a fucking fag?
My gfs dad can barely look me in the eyes. I know he can hear us fucking in the living room when he sleeps.
I also stealth creampied my gf on the couch while her mom was doing dishes 15 ft away. She waddled past her with cum dripping down her leg to the bathroom.
But this is nothing new OP. I imagine they feel much the same way as all fathers have throughout history.
Dont take parenting advice from r9k. Youll just end up paranoid helicopter parenting your kids into shutin losers
I'm not a dad that I'm not aware of, but I've had that much sex that there's a chance I might be.
You useless fucking worthless virgin cunt.
I'll fuck your little sister and baby gerbil.
No I go to an actual private university, it's just close enough that I don't have to live on campus. If she can get into a good school I wouldn't suggest nerfing her and forcing her to go to a cc
No normal father probably straight up likes it obviously, but a normal father would accept it. I mean I'll likely never have a daughter or children anyway but I can't imagine having a daughter who liked some kind of sleazebag that I fucking hated and having to know that she's getting railed by him all the time and probably loves it. The end point is you would really have to approve of the guy, but I've never liked many people at all in my life. I can count the amount short of both hands.
I lucked out and got into a top 5 school that was 8 miles away from home. While the other kids were freaking out freshman year I got to go home to a comfy bed and home cooked meals. Waiting until 20 to move out was a good call for me.
The modern college dorm experience is overrated.
I still went to the parties and social events, but didn't have to put up with the dorm life.
The dorm life is the shittiest thing you can possibly imagine unless you are under special circumstances or just go home all the time.
The luckiest part about my experience is not only did I go to college with my best friend and we were roomates in the dorm together, but he got an older girlfriend right away who had a house and he just stayed there most of the time. So I had a whole dorm to myself the whole freshman year.
are these even the same poster?
different file names. probably not.
source? google does not find anything