Wagies of r9k, what do you do for a living?

Wagies of r9k, what do you do for a living?

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I have my own little farm that I live off and make income from.

Sounds comfy as fuck, how did you get it? How many acres?

It is pretty comfy, just me on my own and the animals. 10 acres, I inherited it from my aunt. Family wanted me to just sell it and share the money and be a normie and go to college, but I figured fuck it I'll try farming and here I am.

Am I still a wagie if I have a comfy salary job that I enjoy?

I'm an electronics researcher

>but I figured fuck it I'll try farming and here I am.
Based user i wish you the best

I scape the land, its great no one bothers me and the boss is pretty chill

I drive forklifts for Lowe's

I work in a factory.
We make some kind of industrial product used by other companies (it isn't sold in stores). If I'm being honest, I don't even know what the product actually is and what it's for. I just go to my station everyday, receive the half-complete product, use my machine to modify it how I've been instructed to, and pass it along to the next guy. I don't know what the end product looks like or what it's for, and I don't care. The machine actually requires two people to operate, but we're on opposite side of the machine, and we'd be close enough to talk to each other but we spend most of the shift in silence because the machine is loud and it would require us to speak loudly to hear each other.
I'm paid slightly above minimum wage. I'm on the night shift. I work from 6PM to 6AM, monday night to wednesday night, for 36 hours of work per week. After that, I get a 4 days long weekend.
The job is boring, but simple. It is monotonous enough that I often become lost in thoughts as my body simply does the required motions necessary to operate the machine.

I'm an accountant for 1 Honda and 2 Toyota dealerships.

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Mcwagecuck here. Did 103 hours on my past 2 weeks check.

What a sad, sad life. What do your savings look like?

Found my first job in a local indie pub, I act pretty autist but the staff are nice to me

Work at gas station overnight.
It is okay.
But today my relief is a borrowed female employee. Sad. I have to work with her for an hour. Don't want.

hi fellow operator, I'm a reacher

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im a parking attendant make roasties pay all the time

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I'm a kind of general tasks guy for a electrical company. Most of my job involves picking up material and driving it (company vehicle) either to our shop or to the various sites we're working at. This part is nice, since I'm free to pick my routes and prioritize jobs as I see fit. Also construction guys always want to bullshit, so you're free to hang around on site for a while. Plus I just generally find driving relaxing as long as I'm on a somewhat main route.
My other responsibilities include maintaining a list of our tools and where they are/who they were signed out by. Receiving and organizing material delivered by courier. And maintaining the yard we work out of. Also a bit of our safety program.

Its a fine line between being the dependable guy who does everything, and the guy everyone just dumps shit they don't want to do on.

I load delivery vans for FedEx part time in a big ol' sorting facility
It's a pretty decent gig, go to work super early around 2 or 3AM, get off by around 8 or 9AM.
Average about 25 to 30 hours a week and make $14.75 an hour. It's enough to live on my own and not have to stress over money, can afford rent, food and bills no problem.
Best part is there's no social drama at all, a vast difference from working retail. No customers, no high school tier gossip, just hard work and heavy boxes.

>tfw I am you but shittier
>tfw repair elevators for wage
hopefully one will just squash me one day

Work in a factory that stamps seat belt parts as a tool and die maker. Its a union plant, pay is pretty decent($20-30cdn/hour). Shift work is alright, rotate days/nights/afternoons every 2 weeks.

Its a pretty enjoyable career path, just end up trading your sanity, body and hair for money. :)

If you stay there long enough, you will one day become an old man. And one day, as you mindlessly operate your machine, lost in your thoughts, your aged body will miscalculate, for it will forget it is no longer young. You will be another old man who dies in a painful workplace accident. Another statistic.

Well my goal is to eventually get a tech job. For now this job pays the bill and the schedule gives me plenty of time to improve myself.

Im a conservationist under Americorps.

IT Support Specialist, 80k a year in SF

At the end of the day I hate going out but once I'm at work I just sit and fix computers for ppl who can't even clear their own browsing history or not click on the "sexy singles in your area"


yeehaw excelsior

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God on you for having the ambition to do something worthy with your life. People who make a lifelong career out of using their bodies should just be lined up and shot. (Yes, this includes sports players, cops, firefighters, fast food employees, musicians, and soldiers.)

Haha no but I would probably get along with your friend.

Cash applications for a healthcare company. I complete our month to day balancing, void out any payments that were processed but where we didn't get credit from the bank, and make sure the payments are distributed to the correct site.

It's a pretty comfy gig for the most part. I work 7-3 M-F and I have my own little cubical, most days I might only speak to one or two people outside of Skype. My last job was in one of those open office environments with rows upon rows of desks and it was pure hell.

Militarybot. Stationed overseas. Work 12-hour shifts with a 2-2, 2-3-, 3-2 rotating schedule. Largely can't complain. On the plus side: We don't go to the field or get subjected to accountability formations, CQ, or motor pool like elsewhere. Also, it's given me enough time to go to the gym, lift, run, sightsee, and study. Couldn't give a rat's ass about some of the personalities in the barracks -- including a lying rat fuck in another shop and, at my shop, a soldier with whom I attended AIT whom I've had to resist the urge to slug for being a two-faced, backbiting shithead -- but my NCOs are pretty chill, even if occasionally slave-driving dudes.

>Its a fine line between being the dependable guy who does everything, and the guy everyone just dumps shit they don't want to do on

The feels.

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sub mailman
shit sucks desu

I'm a linux sysadmin, I don't actually "do" anything anymore though my job's all scripts, literally shit myself with joy when someone calls needing a password reset.
>play pic related all day tho

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bartender but i hate the place i'm at so i'm gonna go apply somewhere else with my friends

Don't listen to them they're not looking out for your best interest. Keep the farm and if u do sell don't give them any money

I'm a COO at a small business with about $5 million in annual revenues. The owner and CEO is filthy rich in his early 30s and off traveling the world. That makes me the number 1 person at the company and it's somehow the fucking worst. Everybody I manage is an incompetent dumbass; half my job is cleaning up somebody else's mess. They never learn or improve and it's impossible to replace people because the industry we're in is extremely niche. And they all give me lip because they hate being told off by someone much younger than they are. One day I'm gonna quit and watch all these sorry fucks lose their cushy jobs in the space of a month because nobody knows what the hell to do without me around.

Well because I refused to sell it they basically cut me off. So not like I need to worry about pressure from them anymore. They're pissed I didn't continue along the normie path like the rest of them, and share the inheritance. But I'd rather have a farm in the family than just some money that will get blown on a college degree and other stuff.

Well I got the farm but I'm on my own for family now, until I can make myself a new one.

Family court admin staff. Essentially I just shuffle papers, listen to people's problems and then tell them I can't help them.

I'm a lawyer, thinking about starting my own firm in the years to come

Work on a business atm

Can't complain

Shit guy i used to do a similar gig but at UPS. Super comfy and decent pay, people i worked qith were chill. Best job i ever had. Only reason i quit is cause my doctor said my knees couldn't take much more or i would still be there.

interpretation callcenter

>this includes cops and firemen

Umm not really, at least it's better than my past life of being a hikki neet. I've even met a couple of grils. Right now only like $500 since I've only been there for a couple of months.

im a bartender. with how many social problems i have, its amazing i have this job. i hate it.

I do very basic Java

Even if pay is nice is a 3rd world country so pay is not nice then.

I'm a full time cocaine dealer.

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Work as a PSW in a group home
- pretty fun
- Get to go out to movies, dinner, events with clients.
- Chill job depending on home you work at.
-Get to stay social even though I just stay at home when not at work.
- Always interesting, last week we had a girl hording coffee beans and olives under her mattress. Also called 911 emergency unit, shit was bananas.
- Decent pay, again this depends which agency. I currently make 55k
- Always in demand for work, get to work with 90% female, some of them are smoking hot.
- Sometimes you have to clean up gross shit(bodily fluids)
- may get the shit beat out of you if your not careful
- Can be stressful if your dealing with high behaviors.
-50% of the woman you work with are cunts, and will throw you under the bus for no reason.

software architect

PSW = Poop-Spackled Walls? Psychedelic SpeedWagon? Probably Security for Women?

Personal Support Worker, first guess was pretty close to my job duties lmao

i am a programmer and i hate it
but i don't think it's possible for me to have a job i enjoy. i just don't enjoy doing anything that someone would pay me for
the thought of actually going to work at a job and enjoying it is just so alien to me, i think it's a cope
the only thing i have to look forward to is retirement

I actually am paid to spend time with a man with autism and help him make friends and go out and do stuff although I'm switching jobs soon

Based and redpilled. How do you manage running the farm by yourself?

I'm a web developer for a successful company. I make about as much as a drilling engineer in Odessa, Texas, except that I live in Boston.

What do you farm my man?

I have a back office job in a call center. It's boring and the pay is shit, but I have plenty of freedom and when there isn't much to do I can read about urban planning.

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I work as a pizza guy for papa johns
i drive around and deliver to shitty boomers and niggers all day, 70 hours a week
i live with my parents, so im planning on using all my savings money at the end of the year to drive. ill drive as far as i can, stopping occasionally to sleep. and when i finally run out of gas or will to continue ill waste myself. i doubt my life will get much better than that.

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What I grow doesn't take a lot of effort, and I have my horse to help me. Should I ever need help, I can always ask from my neighbors. As well as being a nice little life to myself, I've found that being part of a community is very rewarding and everyone helps out and looks out for one another, so asking for some kids to come and help isn't a problem.

Though like I said I'm getting pretty good and used to it all that I can manage on my own mostly, with my horse.

Lavender. I would rather be able to subsist and grow my own food and be self-sufficient, but for now I'm going with a cash crop for income to live on. Eventually when I save enough or manage to find a guy to marry, an extra set of hands will be good to experiment and get used to living off the land.

>find a guy to marry
Did you get the gay from well water?

I am a lab assistant at my university. I teach a couple of organic chemistry labs and I handle a lot of the prep work to run the labs. I love my job and couldn't imagine working some other bullshit college job

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Not gay but you can never tell with well water.

I breed and train gamefowl to fight. My life revolves around chickens.

>wants to marry a guy
>not gay
I don't understand. Are you one of those Jow Forums types that think it isn't gay if the balls don't touch?

That's interesting. Where do you live?

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>Where do you live?
I live in the Philippines. My family has been training chickens for cockfighting for generations and I'm the last one left.

It's either this or I'll NEET it up.

No I'm straight, want a man not another woman. Don't know what you're talking about Jow Forums guys like that.

I'm a consultant desu

>want a man not another woman
If you already have a gf and now want a man, then you're bi, not straight. Dumb faggot.

lol what are you talking about? Are you a schizo or something? Your posts are wonked.

>Forlift driver at a warehouse

I plan on starting a business with my siblings and try to live off that until I kill myself, I don't plan on living for much longer, just until both of my parents pass away and I travel to some places I want to visit.

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network engineering and sysadmin shit for 3 years now
i earn ~2$/hr

I'm a local grocery store clerk.
Technically speaking it's a "coast to coast franchise" but it's so poorly mismanaged most of you wouldn't believe the stories I could tell you from it.
This is my third year here and I'm an all purpose clerk. I'm qualified to help run departments but the real reason I'm here is I'm basically the store problem solver.
Deli didn't make a catering order? I know the recipe and slap it together.
Meat Department closer called in? I can take apart the machines and close the joint.
Need some weird trivia about the store? I know it.
I feel like an RPG character who's maxed all of their levels. I'll really miss this place when I graduate college.

Cool. How long do they live? How often do they fight?

I'm a waiter at an upscale casual dining restaurant

Come ~JOIN~ the official 4ch live chat user

professional neet. i do it for free.

god I wish that were me
congrats I hope you are living super comfy user, you're living the dream

what's your email

I drive an order picker. I'd like to join.

Social worker. I work for child protective services.

IT at a E-Commerce firm.
I connect marketplaces like Amazon, Wayfair and eBay to our webshops.
I make sure all electronic processes are as automated as possible.
If I find a gap in our process list, I document and make adjustments as needed.